Huge fireballs spread all over the world, like the sun in the sky, with the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

Everyone closed their eyes at the same time.

Look at the location where the fireball landed. It's not far from the western regions. With such a big impact, the earth will be hit hard immediately.

"It's over!"

Next, there will be a natural collapse, a mountain collapse, a tsunami, and then the water will flow back and the ground will collapse.

The extinction of dinosaurs was such a disaster.

Today, the big fireball hitting the earth has greater mass and faster speed, and the results can be imagined.

Just as the big fireball was about to hit the ground, everyone was really desperate.

But the next moment.

The change happened again.

The broken warship seemed to wake up like a giant beast. I didn't know what had happened inside. It stubbornly stopped its momentum, turned hundreds of circles in mid air, and then staggered and fell down against the ground.

Boom! Boom!

Dozens of kilometers of huge trenches were scraped out of the ground.

Although the destructive force was strong, there was no violent impact.

The ground was quiet for a moment, and then the people on the strong cloud cheered.

"No impact!"

"Lucky to escape."

"But what is that fireball?"

"Hey! The fireball smashed the rocket. Without the magnetic barrier, we will be equally unlucky when the portal opens!"

A cloud hung over everyone's head.

The joy that just floated in my heart melted quickly as I was awakened by a word.

"General Lin!?"

Everyone found Lin Xiao walking quickly towards a helicopter.

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "that fireball is a broken cosmic warship!"

A short sentence provides the most massive amount of information.

This is a space warship from outside the earth, which means that it is likely that the reinforcements of the black evil army have arrived.

It's just unexpected why such a big space warship was so broken that it almost crashed into the earth.


The helicopter set sail.

Lin Xiao took the lead. Dozens of other helicopters followed and flew away towards the accident site.

The location of the accident is more than 100 kilometers away from the boundary of the western regions. It will arrive soon.

Seeing that the ground was in a mess, everyone was a little flustered.

In particular, the huge fire trench was as terrible as hell.

Huge warships, like burned cities, lay dormant at the end of the trench.

"General Lin, do you really want to go down? What if there is danger?"

After the helicopter stopped, Lin Xiao cautiously came to the fire pit and stared at the looming wreckage of the warship in the fire, his eyes flashing doubts.

It seems that there is no living life in the ship, but why did such a strange scene suddenly appear just now?

"Wait and see, let the soldiers do a good job in defense!" Lin Xiao ordered.

A large number of soldiers distributed around immediately launched a defensive formation and carefully stared at the burning warship.

Only the hunting sound of the warship burning in the fire was left at the scene.

After a while, the fire abated slightly and the wreckage of the warship loomed.

"General, look, someone is moving!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Everyone quickly picked up their weapons and stared at a group of slowly moving objects in the fire with a wary face.

Lin Xiao quickly drew out the seven star sword and was ready.

If this warship is really the reinforcements of the black evil army, the survivors who can come out must be the strong ones who don't come out. He has no confidence at all.


The flames were burning more and more on each other, and the huge figure slowly came out of the ship, and his body seemed to be a little stiff.

"Everybody be on alert!" Lin Xiao roared.


Countless warriors and soldiers are ready.


The huge figure took a difficult step and trampled heavily on the dilapidated deck.

Just a bang.

A big hole was made in the burning deck.

The crowd was startled.

How much strength does it take to step through such a thick deck?

Boom, boom!

The figure grew faster and faster. At the end, it almost jumped and ran out of the fire.

"Alert!" Lin Xiao was extremely cautious.


The figure finally completely rushed out of the flame, then rose into the sky and hit Lin Xiao and others straight.

"Get out of the way!"


Before Lin Xiao's voice fell and the crowd dispersed, the flame and shadow hit the center of the site.

At this time, everyone finally saw each other's body contour.


The huge strong wind blew out the flame on the figure and revealed his true face.

The figure was two meters tall, wearing a pair of worn-out silver armor, and a pale face was faintly exposed in half of the damaged mask.

"Kill!" The silver armor's eyes suddenly turned red. He staggered, took off the long sword behind him, and fiercely chopped at the crowd.


The great power almost took the power of destroying heaven and earth, which surprised people.

However, Lin Xiao saw that although the person in front of him seemed fierce, his strength was not very strong. At best, he was only the second section of supreme.

For Lin Xiao now, the master of the supreme second paragraph is not enough to pose a threat.


Lin Xiao used his sword with one hand, stepped into the battle circle and stabbed the other party in the chest.

There is a scar on the opponent's chest armor, which is the flaw.


The silver armour soldier was stunned for a moment. It seemed that he didn't expect such a level of master to appear here. He quickly turned over and avoided. The long sword was across his chest, "stop!"

"Huh?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "can you speak Chinese language?"

"Chinese language?" The silver armor soldier's eyes moved slightly, "how can you speak the Mandarin of the king's front hall?"

"Wang QianDian?" Lin Xiao was stunned and motioned the soldiers to step back and stop fighting, "are you from the king's front hall?"

The silver armor soldier took a breath and obviously saw that his face turned pale. It seemed that he was seriously injured. After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "you know the front hall of the king? Who are you?"

Lin Xiao took his sword and looked up and down at the silver armor soldiers. Suddenly he remembered what ye lost had said and asked subconsciously, "you are the commander of the earth Corps in the front hall of the king, Duan Yi, general Duan?"

"What?" Duan Yi was stunned and lost his voice. "How do you know it's me?"

"Lin Xiao!" Lin Xiao suddenly had a kind feeling and hurriedly said, "how did elder Duan become like this?"

"Lin Xiao!?" Duan Yi seemed to aftertaste the name, but he had no clue. He frowned and asked, "this is the earth?"

"Exactly!" Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. Since he was not the enemy, everyone was happy.


Duan Yi became vigilant again and said sternly, "since it's the earth, you must know the black evil army? They must have occupied the earth. I'm afraid the person I'm looking for..."

Lin Xiao looked embarrassed and said with a smile, "we do know the Black Ghost army!"

"Don't be afraid!" Duan Yi immediately became righteous and his eyes were bright. "I will protect you! Although my fleet is destroyed, it is more than enough to deal with the loss of Ye of the black evil army. Tell me where his warship is and I will kill him myself!"

Lin Xiao felt that the elder Duan was very cute and couldn't help coughing, "well, elder Duan, there's something I want to tell you, the black evil army... Has been defeated by us!"

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