Duan Yi looked very flustered. Holding his sword, he looked around like a great enemy.

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, he didn't seem to react. Yi was talking to himself, "the black evil army is extremely powerful. Even if a small part of the army comes, the earth can't fight. What are you talking about..."

Lin Xiao looked at Duan Yi and said with a embarrassed smile, "general Duan, look over there!"

Duan Yi regained consciousness and looked along Lin Xiao's finger. He saw the Phoenix warship and the strong cloud in the air, quietly motionless.

Around them are some faint halos, like oil paintings fixed in the air.

"Eh?" Duan Yi took his sword, looked into the distance and muttered, "that's the Phoenix warship? It seems... How did he enter the state of time and space imprisonment? It's strange. With Ye's lost character, he shouldn't be so conservative. Is there anything else on the earth that could threaten his existence?"

The soldiers gathered around Lin Xiao and looked at Duan Yi in surprise.

Someone asked in a low voice, "general Lin, this is also an expert from outside the earth? How did you know him?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded. "His name is Duan Yi. He is a general against the black Shaxing people. He comes from the front hall of the king!"

"Why do you look stupid?"

Lin Xiao was embarrassed. He also found that Duan Yi looked really cute. It seemed that his head was damaged in the huge impact.


Suddenly, Duan Yi roared and went on alert again.

The people were startled and began to defend one after another.

"Is he ill?"

"Scare me!"

"What the hell?"

Duan Yicheng is in a prone attack state, and the long sword points straight ahead.

"Ye lost must be playing tricks. Now my fleet is destroyed. If you want to deal with him, you have to think long-term!"

Lin Xiao can't laugh or cry, but time is pressing. He can only make a long story short, "general Duan, to tell you the truth, ye lost has been killed by me. All the black evil army have shrunk to the Phoenix warship and will never appear! So... You can rest assured!"

"Ah?" Duan Yi was stunned and looked at Lin Xiao strangely. "You cut off the leaves and lost? Which galaxy are you from? The Sagittarius Galaxy? Or the Duolun Galaxy? How did you get here? The spaceship in the sky is yours?"

A series of soul questions made Lin Xiao speechless.

"Well, general Duan, I'll tell you the details later. There's something more important now." Lin Xiao went to Duan Yi and pointed to the nine columns of light in the other direction. "Ye lost built a portal before he died. If you let it open, the earth may encounter unprecedented disasters. Do you have a way to close it?"

"Portal?" Duan Yi's pupil narrowed slightly and immediately looked at the target location. "Ye lost this bastard is really ambitious! He dares to open the portal on a lower planet. He is openly challenging the imperial authority!"

"And look at the number of light columns, it's just a close-up Galaxy portal. There's only one space trade center on the planet with a portal near the earth, where..."

"I see!"

"Ye lost, this is to use the earth as a springboard!"

Since Duan Yi landed, he has been in a state of talking to himself, and Lin Xiao can't talk.

"Well, what... General Duan?"

Duan Yi picked up his sword and said in a deep voice, "this portal is open. It's not bad for the earth. Maybe it's still a chance."

"Ah?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "If you open the portal, won't you let extraterrestrial civilizations invade?"

"No!" Duan Yi smiled confidently, "in front of us, this portal can only carry out a small part of single transmission, and the life transmitted at one time can not exceed ten. Moreover, what this portal is connected to is a large trading center, where there are strict regulations that no invasion is allowed, otherwise it will be punished by the Empire!"

"Empire?" Lin Xiao was surprised. "What general Duan said about the empire is the front hall of the king?"

"Of course!" Duan Yi smiled proudly, "the only empire in the universe is our king's front hall. Eh? How can you know so much about the king's front hall? It's reasonable that people on earth should not know things outside."

Lin Xiao didn't know Duan Yi very well. Naturally, he couldn't reveal himself, so he temporarily concealed his identity and said vaguely, "I also heard from the black evil army."

"I see!" Duan Yi nodded silently and looked at the light column of the portal. Suddenly, he turned back and stared at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was startled and hurriedly stepped back.

"What did you say just now?" Duan Yi asked word by word, "the black evil army was defeated, and ye lost was killed by you?"

"Uh... Yes." Lin Xiao blinked, thinking that the guy's Reflection Arc was too long. It took so long to react.

"Impossible!" Duan Yi cried, "although the vanguard army of the black evil army is not a big force, there are also supreme experts. As the lowest planet, how can there be supreme experts?"

The soldiers around turned their eyes when they heard the speech.

Someone shouted unconvinced, "what is the lowest star? General Lin is the Supreme Master, and he killed Ye lost himself!"

"Yes! General Lin is a great hero of our earth by personally killing Ye lost and defeating the black evil army!"


Duan Yi took a breath of air conditioning and looked at Lin Xiao carefully. "Did you really do it?"

"Can't do without everyone's efforts!" Lin Xiao laughed.

"It's incredible that the earth should have such a peerless genius. In this way, the earth will be promoted to a first-order planet!"

Lin Xiao was confused again. "General Duan, what first-order planet?"

"Oh! These things will be discussed later. I have to determine the trend of the black evil army first. Can you... Take me up?" Duan Yi pointed to the Phoenix warship.


Lin Xiao personally piloted a helicopter and carried Duan Yifei high into the air.

The roar of the engine did not affect their conversation.

"General Duan, how did you land like this? I heard Ye lost say that the Legion in the front hall of the king is blocked in the crack of time and space, and it will take at least three years to get out of trouble. How..."

"Ah! It's hard to say!" Duan Yi said with a wry smile, "we have been struggling in the crack of time and space, although we keep sending back messages to the headquarters. Unfortunately, time and space are blocked and we can't send any news."

"However, just a few days ago, we suddenly met the follow-up force of the black evil army, and a big war broke out! Our army was too different from its strength, and the whole army was destroyed after a short contact."

"When I was in danger, I had to detonate the warship, blow up a space-time channel and barely escape!"

Lin Xiao looked slightly changed. "So, the reinforcements of the black evil army are coming?"

"Hey!" Duan Yi suddenly showed a cruel smile, "happiness and disaster depend on each other! I detonated the warship and blew out the channel. Although the loss was heavy, it also destroyed the space-time sequence around the earth. Within decades, I can't make any space-time shuttle transition."

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned.

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