"That means that no warship or spaceship can jump around the earth by jumping. The earth doesn't have to worry about being invaded for the time being. So now there is only one way to reach the earth!"

"What?" Lin Xiao's heart jumped slightly.


Lin Xiao looked at the nine pillars of light and said, "so if you destroy the portal, the earth will be free from the danger of invasion for decades?"


"General Duan, how can this portal be destroyed?"

"Boy!" Duan Yi glanced at Lin Xiao. "Are you stupid? Even if you destroy the portal, you can avoid being invaded, but decades later?"

"Decades later, the space-time sequence returns to normal, and the results are still tragic!"

Lin Xiao frowned, "but..."

"This portal is connected to the trading planet, which is a great opportunity for the earth. You should understand that only a planet that makes the earth rise to a considerable level can really resist aggression!"

Before Lin Xiao inquired, Duan Yi gushed.

"Now the earth can apply to become a first-order planet because of your existence, which is the beginning of development! When it rises to a third-order planet, it will have the strength to fight against the black evil army and other invading forces!"

"I know what you want to ask." Duan Yi shook his head, "The requirements for first-order planets are very low. You only need one local supreme master to be born to apply. Second-order planets naturally need master level masters to sit in the array, and a thousand supreme masters to register! And so on. Third-order planets need one star master and a thousand masters. Fourth-order planets need one domain master and a thousand star masters. As for fifth-order planets, you need a great emperor level master Hand in hand, there are only a few fifth order planets in the whole universe. "

Lin Xiao basically understood and asked thoughtfully, "is the fifth order planet the highest level planet? It's hard to imagine what kind of scene will be on this planet!"

"According to the imperial law, the sixth order planet is the highest level planet. The requirements are more stringent. Just listen to it. I don't know the specific requirements!"

"Of course, the level of planetary civilization is not a piece of paper. There is a big gap in the benefits that can be obtained at each level! Moreover, there are many details in it, which can't be said for days and nights."

"For example, the first-order planet only allows the existence of first-order scientific and technological weapons, the number of troops is limited, and there are not many gifts from the Empire. However, the second-order planet can apply for military garrison with the Empire, at least to protect the invasion of interstellar pirates. In short, if a planet wants to stand in the universe from invasion and bullying, it must strive to improve its rank, so as to have the strength to protect itself and get the emperor The United Nations asylum! "

"In addition to the Empire, there are many dark forces and star bandits in this universe. They won't act according to the rules!"

Duan Yi glanced at Lin Xiao. "I told you so much. Do you remember?"

"OK!" Lin Xiao has been meditating.

"Let me tell you one more thing," Duan Yi, sitting in the helicopter, was a little frustrated because of the armor. He said while unloading the armor. "The trading star has rare resources from all over the universe. If the earth can make good use of it, it may rise to the appropriate level in a short time, so as to resist the invasion!"

"For some reason, the empire can't send real experts to protect the earth, so it depends on the earth itself in the future."

When Duan Yi took off his armor, Lin Xiao found that his real face was incredibly handsome.

Even Lin Xiao, a man, was stunned.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Duan Yi looked at Lin Xiao suspiciously.

"Cough! Nothing," Lin Xiao said with a smile. "I'm just surprised. Do all races outside the universe look like humans?"

"Hum!" Duan Yi seems to be a little proud, "human beings are the largest tribe in the whole universe. The royal family in the front hall of the king is human beings, so human beings have an incomparably large number in the universe."

"Wang QianDian..." Lin Xiao pondered for a few seconds, "what kind of force is it?"

Duan Yi tidied up the inner armor, wiped off the blood and dirt, and looked at Lin Xiao. "By the way, general Lin, how do you defeat the black evil army? It's not very scientific that inferior planetary forces can face up to third-order planetary forces."

"Also, where did the warship opposite the Phoenix warship come from in the sky?"

Lin Xiao didn't hide, "I only know that the warship is called Qiangyun. It's just a fluke. Without it, we wouldn't defeat the Black Ghost army!"

"Strong cloud?" Duan Yi stared at the boss, "once the ship of the strong Cloud Star, the overlord class cosmic warship? I'm good, you're developed."

"The strong Cloud Star master is now the fifth great emperor in the universe. If he knows that you have found his strong cloud, he will be rewarded a lot!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was very surprised, "Qiang Yun star Lord has become the great emperor?"

"Yes! This is the secret inside the front hall of the king. I learned it before I left. It is said that the king himself opened the space-time power array to protect the promotion of Qiang Yun star master."

"Hey! We have another great emperor in the front hall of the king, and the imperial power is more stable!"

"One more thing," Duan Yi was surprised, which made Lin Xiao cry and laugh.

"General Duan, please say!"

"Do you know the target of the black evil army and the news of the son of God who is wandering outside the king's front hall?"

"Ah? Well," said Lin Xiao, "they haven't caught it yet!"


Duan Yi slapped on the door frame and half the doors of the helicopter flew.

Lin Xiao's eyes jumped violently.


Lin Xiao was angry and laughing. Sooner or later, he was scared out of his mind by Duan Yi.

"In this way, I still have a chance to complete the task!" Duan Yi became obviously excited.

By this time, the helicopter had approached the Phoenix warship.

Duan Yi quickly got up and stood at the cabin door, motioning Lin Xiao to hover the helicopter.

"Leaves lost!" Duan Yi yelled at the Phoenix warship, "I didn't expect you to have today, hahaha..."

"It's a shame to have stumbled on the lowest planet such as the earth and waste my justice to regard you as an opponent!"

"Bastards of the black evil army! Grandpa Duanyi is here. Do you have any breathing? Come out and let me see!"

"A group of shrinking turtles were beaten to be autistic by people on earth. I'm really ashamed of you!"

Duan Yi probably had accumulated his resentment for a long time and let it all out.

After scolding for a long time, there was no movement on the Phoenix warship.

When Duan Yi was tired of scolding, the military division sin stepped out of the Phoenix warship step by step and looked at him condescending.

"Duan Yi! What about the reinforcements of our black evil army?"

"Sin?" Duan Yi's eyes brightened. "Is there someone who can breathe at last? Your reinforcements? Ha ha..."

"What are you laughing at?"

Duan Yi asked jokingly, "do you want to know?"

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