The military division sin was silent for a long time, but he still couldn't help humming to Duan YILENG, "why did you reach the earth first?"

"Ha ha..." Duan Yi laughed loudly. "All the reinforcements of the black evil army have been buried in the vortex of time and space, and several masters at the dominant level have turned into ashes! Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Fart!" The master's sin was first stunned, and then his face turned blue, "with your righteousness, can you break the halberd and sink the sand of the pioneer army of the black evil army?"

"Believe it or not!" Duan Yi had no pressure at all. "In short, they will never come! Just be ready to shrink on the Phoenix warship all your life."


The soldier looked up at the sky.

Outside the atmosphere, the affected spatial fluctuations and ripples are becoming more and more intense, and the sky is gradually getting dark.

Probably he knew something about spatial fluctuations, so Duan Yihe quickly looked up and looked deep into the air.

Dark clouds and thunder.

A wave that doesn't belong to the world is rapidly falling down, making everyone have a very wonderful feeling.

"Time and space are indeed chaotic. In this way, the reinforcements of the black evil army really can't reach." The original indifferent expression of military division crime suddenly became nervous and flustered.

The reason why he was willing to retract the Phoenix warship was that he was waiting for reinforcements to arrive, so as to completely defeat Lin Xiao.

Unexpectedly, the news was that time and space were chaotic, unable to shuttle and jump, and even the reinforcements were destroyed.

Without reinforcements, with today's combat effectiveness of military division crime, even if you work hard, you can't win the earth. In the end, you have to die.

"Sin! Your face is ugly." Duan Yi's face was red and his handsome face was full of unspeakable excitement. "It seems that ye lost is really dead. He was killed by a hairy boy, ha ha..."

"Hum!" The soldier's eyes were gloomy. "Hairy boy? It seems that you don't know the real identity of this hairy boy..."

"What real identity?" Duan Yi was stunned and raised his eyebrows. "What else do you want to play? Do you want to provoke my relationship with this little brother? I tell you, as long as you are enemies of the black evil army, you are all my friends!"

"Whatever you want." The military division sneered, "I won't accompany you!"


With a wave of his hand, the military division took his subordinates back to the Phoenix warship.

Duan Yi was excited. "Unexpectedly, these grandchildren of the black evil army really counselled. Boy, you really have two skills!"

Lin Xiao smiled, "just a fluke!"

"Unfortunately," Duan Yi sighed and faced the void with both hands, "there is no news of the son, which makes me how to do business in the future!"

Lin Xiao touched his nose and asked, "by the way, general Duan, don't you really care about the portal? I'm still uneasy! In case some difficult guys come out opposite, the earth can't resist!"

"Don't you believe me?" Duan Yi raised his eyebrows. "During the days when I was trapped in the space-time vortex, I had a very comprehensive understanding of the surrounding galaxies. Now this portal will only connect the nearest Titan."

"This Titan is a trading planet, protected by the Empire. Most of the people who come and go are businessmen and mercenaries. They don't dare to mess around."

"But after all, the earth is an extra planet. Will they really abide by the rules?"

Duan Yi waved his big hand and said proudly, "if I'm not here, maybe some people may be ready to move, but now..."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened. "Does general Duan have any special identity?"

"Cough..." Duan Yi took out a small badge, "see? This is the mark of the Imperial General. It is common in the whole universe. As long as it is under the jurisdiction of the Empire, it will give me some thin noodles. Now do you understand?"

"If so..." Lin Xiao looked at the increasingly bright light column, "that may be a real opportunity for us!"

"Children, don't worry," Duan Yi took back his badge. "I won't lie to you!"


At this time, the nine light pillars become strong again, and there is a trend of becoming thicker and thicker, and the portal also emits a brighter light.

"General Lin, the portal seems to be opening!" Dong Jianwu's startling voice came from the invisible headset.

Now there is no way to prevent the portal from opening, and Lin Xiao can only pray that Duan Yi's words are true.

"General Duan, come with me!"

The helicopter soon landed under the virgin peak.

Under the almost flattened virgin peak, the ripples from the portal are becoming stronger and stronger.

The invisible strong wind roared and blew the people upside down.

"It's about to open." Duan Yi's pupil shrinks slightly. "I know there's a short-range portal open over there. I'm sure I'll send someone to check it. General Lin still retreats the troops temporarily. Don't show hostility! In order to avoid misunderstanding!"

Lin Xiao nodded and ordered Dong Jianwu to evacuate the regiment, leaving only some warriors with comparable strength.

Everyone was nervous and excited.

Since the invasion of the black evil army, everyone knows that there are many unimaginable races and lives in the universe.

The earth is just the most insignificant planet, which is as bad as clouds and mud compared with others.

Now, the opening of this portal may usher in an unimaginable era.

"General Lin, all the soldiers have been hidden. But I command them to be ready for battle. If there are any traces of invasion, they can support at the first time!"

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "let's take it easy. There should be no problem. Let's watch the change!"

The nine light columns became brighter and brighter. In just a few seconds, they suddenly radiated energy fluctuations and dissipated between heaven and earth with a bang.

At the same time, the huge metal contour column of the portal also emitted dazzling light, and slowly showed a water grain mirror with a beast like roar.


The static surface ripples slightly, and the portal becomes calm.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the portal with countless eyes.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement at the portal.

"General Duan, why didn't the portal respond?" Lin Xiao asked in a low voice.

Duan Yi frowned slightly. "No, when the portal is connected to the opposite node, the other party immediately agreed to the transmission request. You should have sent someone to wait. Once it is opened, you will send someone to check it at the first time."

"Then why is there no response now?" Lin Xiao was even more confused. He didn't know anything about the trading planet, let alone what rules there would be.

Now it seems that there is a problem opposite the portal.

Otherwise, a new transmission node will be activated, and the other party must come to confirm the situation at the first time.

The army hid in the dark and vaguely felt that the situation was not quite right, but the portal was still quiet, and the people waiting were flustered.

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