I don't know how long it took, the atmosphere at the scene condensed, and the time seemed to freeze.

Just then, there was a sudden movement at the portal.


First, a figure flashed out of it.


I saw a little man more than a foot tall, jumping, shouting and shouting, but the language was astringent, completely different from any language on earth.

"What, what?" Lin Xiao looked at Dingqing and saw the appearance of the figure.

It was a humanoid creature similar to the goblins in Western legends. It was dark green with two big red ears. It looked very cute, but its eyes were fierce.


Duan Yi was stunned. "Fire essence family?"

"General Duan, this is..."

"Huojing clan is a famous businessman in the Empire. Their business has been done everywhere in the universe."

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully and asked, "do you understand their language?"

"No hurry!" Duan Yi stepped forward, twisted the translator on his wrist and said loudly, "are you a fire spirit from Titan?"

Huojing was stunned, then jumped up and down and shouted some words that we didn't understand, but Duanyi had a translator, but he listened really.

"What, what?" Duan Yi was surprised, "canglan is on Titan?"

Lin Xiaoyue was stunned. "What is canglan department?"

Duan Yi raised his hand to stop Lin Xiao from asking questions. He walked quickly to the Huojing people and asked in a deep voice, "what you said is true?"

The fire essence clan nodded quickly, "canglan department controls most of the mineral veins. Now it is putting pressure on the main leader of Titan to let us fire essence clan give up Titan... Who are you?"

Duan Yi quickly took out his badge. "I'm from the imperial army. You don't have to worry. Canglan department is so bold that even the Imperial Trading stars dare to touch them. The imperial Legion will not let them go."

The Huojing people shook their head and sighed, "canglan department and several other large departments have recently launched a big action. It is said that the heaven and earth court is behind them. The imperial Legion is out of reach and can't control such a small place as Titan."

"What about the Imperial Army on Titan?" Duan Yi asked coldly.

"Ah! The two Imperial Guard legions are all controlled in the bunker."

Duan Yi frowned. "It's reasonable to say that a second-order trading star like Titan is guarded by at least two dominant imperial legions. How can it be controlled so easily?"

"Canglan Department dispatched more than a dozen dominating legions, with millions of people, and dozens of dominating experts. The imperial Legion is not an opponent at all!"

"Then why don't you report to the Empire?"

"It's impossible to communicate with the outside world at all," said the Huojing people with a look of chagrin. "Canglan department was prepared long ago. It blocked time and space before the attack. Now Titan is in turmoil, and businessmen and mercenaries are walking on thin ice!"

"I see!" It can be seen that Duan Yi is worried and angry.

Some people dare to challenge the majesty of the Empire, which is definitely the biggest insult to Duan Yi, an imperial soldier.

The eyes of the fire spirit people flashed a look of surprise. He glanced around and probably found that all the people standing around were imperial people. He seemed relieved, but he still asked nervously, "is this planet the colonial star of the Empire?"

Duan Yi thought for a moment and nodded, "that's right!"

"Although the canglan threat is coming, now that you have established the portal, the formalities still need to be handled. Are you the master of this planet?"

Duan Yi was stunned, looked back at Lin Xiao, pointed to him and said to the fire Jing people, "he is!"

The Huojing clansman tilted his head, looked at Lin Xiao, resolutely bypassed Duan Yi, came up to him, took out a translucent light board and said respectfully, "Sir, this is the document and your star's consent to trade!"

Duan Yi came to help Lin Xiao translate.

"Consent?" Confused, Lin Xiao subconsciously took over the light board and looked at the dense treaty funds. "What's the use of this?"

"Only by signing the agreement can your people enter Titan for trade and exchanges, otherwise it will be regarded as an act of aggression!"

Originally, he thought there would be some fierce conflicts, but he didn't expect this. Lin Xiao quickly browsed the documents and felt that he was qualified to sign the consent for the earth.

After signing, the fire essence people put away the light board, and then something strange appeared in the portal again.


I saw a dense black shadow rush out of the transmission door, all of them are fire Jing people.

The Huojing people lined up, holding large and small boxes in their hands. The volume of the boxes was bigger than their bodies, and they didn't know what precious things were in them.

"According to the rules, this is a gift for adults from our xinghuojing clan! In addition, my name is huodongdong!" Huo Dongdong, a member of Huojing clan, bowed politely.

"Fire, fire East..." Lin Xiao looked strange. The name was really festive.

"Yes, my Lord." With a wave of huodongdong's small hand, a large number of people and horses immediately put those boxes neatly next to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao glanced at Duan Yi. The latter nodded slightly and said with a smile, "there is indeed this rule. The trading star signs trade with other planets and will send some gifts to the Lord of one star. Take it."

Lin Xiao didn't think much. Since the other party showed goodwill, of course he had to thank him, "I'd better obey my orders if I'm respectful."

Lin Xiaochao winked at Dong Jianwu and sent a team of soldiers to receive gifts.

Tung Chee Wu is also very curious. He wants to see what gifts from other stars will be.

When I opened the first box, a strong light flashed into my eyes.

When Tung Chee Wu saw what was inside, he couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning.

"Hiss... This is..."

Huodongdong smiled politely, didn't speak, and had a little pride on his sharp face.

Although he gave gifts, he still didn't care about such a low planet. Everything was just work and task.

"Hillbilly!" Huodong threw his mouth at his men.

Lin Xiao looked puzzled and hurried to the box, "what's the matter, old Dong."

"General, what do you think this is?" Dong Jianwu was very excited and pointed to the glowing things in the box, "energy block!"

"Huh?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "A box full of energy blocks looks very pure, more than one grade higher than the quality of the energy source made of puppet gold!"

Duan Yi quickly walked over and his eyes brightened. "The Huojing family is really rich and generous, and the gifts are so valuable."

"General Duan, are these energy blocks very precious?"

Duan Yi looked at Lin Xiao strangely, "little brother, it seems that you don't know much about hard currency in the universe..."

Then Duan Yi picked up the palm sized energy block and weighed it in his hand, "do you know how much this small energy block is worth?"

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