Lin Xiao shook his head blankly, "I don't know!"

"Let me tell you," Duan Yi seemed to sigh, "such an energy block can support the flight energy supply of A-class energy spacecraft all day. If you change yuan Dan, you can change at least 100 at the official exchange rate!"

"Ah?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Can such a small piece of energy be exchanged for a hundred yuan pills?"

"This is only the official exchange rate. If it is exchanged on the black market or privately with others, the exchange rate will be higher!"

Lin Xiao was shocked.

There are more than 30 boxes in front of me. If it's all energy blocks, how many yuan Dan do you have to change.

What Lin Xiao needs most now is yuan Dan. If he has enough yuan Dan, the strength of him and his brothers will advance by leaps and bounds.

Pop pop

Lin Xiao opened the boxes one by one. Sure enough, they were full of energy blocks.

At least 80 pieces can be put in a box. You can exchange at least 8000 yuan of Dan. There are 30 boxes

It's exciting to think about it.

"That what, general Duan," Lin Xiao excitedly pulled Duan Yi aside, "you translate it and say I want to replace all the energy blocks with Yuan Dan, OK?"

Duan Yi cried and laughed, "how can you change gifts like this? Gifts are for better cooperation in the future. What if you make the Martian people angry and think you have no sincerity, and close the portal at that time?"

Lin Xiao said with a dry smile, "not really? Go and try!"

"I'm not going!" Duan Yi glared at him. "It's good if people can send gifts. You can pick three and pick four. If you want to change yuan Dan, there's actually another way."

"How?" Lin Xiao asked quickly.

"Go directly to Titan to exchange. Titan is originally a place for trading. There are countless businessmen. You have what you want. If you have energy, you're afraid you can't exchange yuan Dan?"

Lin Xiao pondered, "yes, but I don't know anything about trading stars. I'll have to ask general Duan for some advice then!"

"It's OK to help you," Duan Yi said in a deep voice. "Help me find the whereabouts of the Holy Son in the front hall of the king and let me do anything."

"Really?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

"Of course! Duan Yi has a lot to say," Duan Yi said solemnly. "As long as you help me find the whereabouts of the son, Duan Yi will go through fire and water."

Lin Xiao smiled. "In fact, I don't have any big deal. As long as general Duan can help me deal with the trading star, now I urgently need to exchange a batch of Yuan pills. Should you have a way?"

Seeing that Lin Xiao was so confident, Duan Yi was stunned. "Does general Lin know the whereabouts of the son?"

"Of course!"

"Where is it?" Duan Yi was excited, "where is the son?"

"Well," said Lin Xiao with a dry smile, not hiding his identity, "far away, near in front of him."

"Ah?" Duan Yi was stunned. He hit Lin Xiao and looked back and forth for three times. He couldn't believe it and shouted, "are you the son of God?"

"Why, isn't it?" Lin Xiao was a little embarrassed.

"No..." Duan Yi rubbed his eyes. "Are you really the son of God in the front hall of the king?"

"At least, Ye's loss is so certain," Lin Xiao said. "I don't know whether it's true or false. Moreover, the reason why Qiangyun thinks I'm the captain probably has something to do with this."

Duan Yi patted his head, "yes! Qiangyun was the driver of Qiangyun star in those years, and it was also one of the spaceships on the king's journey to the universe. It once left its own blood gene sequence. Only its own blood can open the authority. In this way..."

Duan Yi was frightened and shivered all over. He immediately knelt down and fell deeply on his head. "I've seen the son of God."

"General Duan, what is this?" Lin Xiao hurriedly helped Duan Yi up. "There are Titan people all around and envoys of the fire spirit family. They see that the problem is not good."

"Yes," Duan Yi said excitedly, "the identity of the son of God is extremely noble and must not be disclosed. If it is known by canglan people, it will be a big deal!"

"Now..." Duan Yi took a deep breath and volunteered, "I'll mediate about exchanging yuan pills."

"Good!" Lin Xiao turned to face huodongdong, "friend, thank you for your gift. Why don't you go back with me? How about I give you a banquet?"

There was a look of contempt in huodongdong's eyes, but the surface was very respectful, "Sir, there are still many things I need to negotiate over there, so I won't stay much."

"Well, all right." Lin Xiao looked thoughtfully at the fire. "If I want to do business with trading star, can I contact you directly?"

"Here you are," Huodong handed over a special round metal card.

Lin Xiao then glanced over and found that there was a pattern similar to a QR code on the card, but he would change his network at any time.

"This is your trading card. Each unit stored in it can be exchanged for one piece of energy and one hundred yuan Dan."

Lin Xiao was stunned. "Isn't this a bank card?"

"Bank card?" The fire blinked like a light bulb, "what's that?"

"Well, it's a currency carrier on our planet." Lin Xiao said casually.

"Oh! There is no balance in this transaction card. If you need it, adults can exchange these energy blocks in hand for balance and deposit them!"

Huodong said with a low eyebrow.

"OK, anyway, I have no place to put these things. Just save them."

"Good Lord, you need to charge 5% of the transaction fee!" Huodong said solemnly.

"..." Lin Xiao glanced at Duan Yi in silence.

Duan Yi whispered, "this huodongdong is just a person with the same identity as an envoy, and these gifts are officially stipulated. He only earns some benefits in the middle. However, it's convenient to have a good relationship with him in the future!"

Lin Xiao suddenly, not stingy, waved his hand and said, "OK! Save it for me!"

As soon as huodongdong's eyes lit up, he waved without hesitation and ordered, "go through the formalities for adults quickly!"


A group of Huojing men lifted the box again and rushed back to the portal without looking back.

Huo Dongdong respectfully took the card in Lin Xiao's hand. After swiping the card with a special instrument, he only heard a Ding, and a string of numbers appeared on the surface of the card.

Energy block: 2670.

"Put it away, my Lord!"

Lin Xiao took the card and couldn't help asking, "can this card be withdrawn at the trading star?"

"Of course," Huo Dongdong's expression became more respectful. "Titan has a special trading organization, which is very convenient to exchange energy blocks or yuan Dan."

"Thank you!"

Huodong left with a jump.

Lin Xiao took the card and sighed, "I thought it would be a disaster after the portal was opened. Now it seems that it's not bad!"

More than 2000 energy blocks can be exchanged for more than 200000 yuan Dan, which is enough for him to practice with his brothers to a very high level.

"Son!" Duan Yi bowed and stood, "the Legion I led has been destroyed in the vortex of time and space. Now it is urgent to contact the Imperial military headquarters to send someone to pick you up. Titan is the last chance, I think..."

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