"What do you want to say? Just speak."

Duan Yi said with a wry smile, "now the only hope is Titan. But now Titan is controlled by canglan, it will be very difficult to ask for reinforcements!"

Lin Xiao couldn't help asking, "what's the origin of this canglan department? Even the imperial Legion dare to provoke?"

"There are many forces in the universe, especially those under several great emperors."

"The emperor of heaven and earth is the most powerful and the most unconvinced of the king. Canglan department is a branch of the emperor of heaven and earth. But in the light, canglan department is a cosmic star bandit organization, doing some dirty activities of home robbing. No matter what they do, they will not be involved in the heaven and earth court. Therefore, the Empire has no evidence and can't do anything about the heaven and earth court."

"Over the years, canglan Department has become more and more arrogant. I didn't expect to let go of this remote star region." Duan Yi sighed deeply, "if you want to break through the canglan blockade and contact the Imperial military headquarters, I'm afraid you have to pay a lot of price and effort."

"General Duan, you must have a plan?"

"Yes!" Duan Yi said in a low voice, "although canglan is a star thief, they will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and the purpose of controlling and trading the planet is just for wealth. As long as we act on Titan step by step and find opportunities to get in, we may escape and ask for help."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, "mixed into the star thief?"

"I have this plan," Duan Yi said in a deep voice. "As long as we find a way to get canglan's trust, we can succeed."

"Are you sure?"

"Hey!" Duan Yi smiled bitterly, "before I do something, I dare not say I'm sure. I can only try my best!"

"Good!" Lin Xiao's eyes were slightly frozen. "It's a matter for general Duan."

At this time, the businessmen around all followed suit, blinking one by one and looking nervously at Lin Xiao.

At the beginning, with Ye lost's acquiescence, they established a large number of shops and buildings within a hundred kilometers around the virgin peak, which is the business opportunity that may come after the portal is opened.

I didn't expect they really hit the jackpot.

Now Titan is completely connected with the earth, and the transaction and cooperation will be carried out in an all-round way. Perhaps this is a great opportunity for them.

"Mr. Lin!" One of the representatives walked out carefully.

This is an old man with high prestige. The rest follow his lead.

"You are..." Lin Xiao turned and looked at him.

The other party immediately bowed to the ground without any intention of relying on the old and selling the old.

Of course, in today's status of Lin Xiao, the other party doesn't have the courage to rely on the old and sell the old.

"I, Zhong wusheng, have been doing business abroad. Mr. Lin must have never heard of my name, but should have heard of Feixun group?"

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. He was the leader of Feixun group in the world communication industry.

It is said that Feixun group is no worse than the three families in Kyoto, and even slightly better in wealth.

"It's Zhong Lao," Lin Xiao smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"That's right," Zhong wusheng hurried forward, pointed to hundreds of businessmen behind him and said sincerely, "we hope Mr. Lin can allow us to become the first businessmen to trade with Titan. You can rest assured that 80% of the business income and profit will be given to you."

Without Lin Xiao, they had no possibility of doing business with Titan.

Don't say 80%, even if Lin Xiao wants 90%, they can only agree.

Lin Xiao thought, 90% is really a very tempting number.

If he is in business, Lin Xiao can send his own people to do it, so his income will be higher.

But with so many businesses on earth, Lin Xiao can't block them all.

"Well," said Lin Xiao thoughtfully, "I don't want 90%, only 30%. But I have one condition!"

Zhong wusheng was stunned, "thirty percent?"

The others looked at Lin Xiao strangely.

They are all businessmen. Businessmen are profit-oriented. It is their nature to pursue profits.

With their ideas, maybe Lin Xiao will open his mouth to the lion, and even they are ready to be squeezed.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao took the initiative to reduce his share.

"Mr. Lin, you mean..." with Zhong wusheng's resourcefulness, Lin Xiao can't feel his mind at the moment.

This time is not a simple business, but related to the trade between the two planets.

The wealth you can earn can not be measured by common sense.

Perhaps even today's monetary system on earth will be broken.

Lin Xiao's request to give up such a huge wealth must not be simple.

"Take it easy." Lin Xiao smiled, amplified his voice and said to everyone, "my condition is that you can do business, but you can't go your own way and tie each other lightly, but you should unite. It's best to establish a business alliance and twist it into a rope."

"If I can, I can provide you with the greatest convenience and protection."

Zhong wusheng's eyes are bright, "establishing a business alliance?"

"Business alliance?"

"The world economic community?"

"Are the advanced ideas put forward by leaders of various countries finally coming true?"

Lin Xiao's high voice penetrated the audience. "We are now a common destiny. Any internal contradiction may collapse the hard won unity. And the opening of the portal is also a great opportunity. I mean, you should know that only by uniting together can we resist more powerful enemies in the future!"

"The invasion of the black evil army makes us realize that there are more terrible civilizations outside the earth!"

"Although the black evil army has been defeated by us for the time being, the stronger enemy has been eyeing!"

"So we must not slack off, we must strengthen ourselves in a limited time."

Lin Xiao's voice seemed to have a kind of magic, which made everyone's mood become incomparably surging.

Businessmen who originally just wanted to make greater profits based on business now have a sense of mission to build the earth and resist foreign aggression.

"Mr. Hong, can you meet my requirements?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

Zhong wusheng blushed and was very excited. He said sincerely, "Lord Lin, your mind is broader than the sea. In his lifetime, I will do my best to make the greatest contribution to the prosperity of the earth!"

"Good!" Lin Xiao was very satisfied. "Now that it's better to hit the sun than choose a day, you can sit down and have a meeting today to talk about the business alliance clearly."

"OK!" Zhong wusheng endured his excitement and resolutely winked at several assistants nearby.

Businessmen from all over the world are also busy at this moment.

Although there will be some opportunists among them, they dare not openly oppose the alliance with the support of Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao, with Duan Yi, returned to the strong cloud.

About entering Titan, Lin Xiao wants to study a practical plan with Duan Yi.

Just as everyone was immersed in the joy of rebirth, the sky suddenly changed.

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