
Everyone on earth can feel an indescribable force. Ripples sweep through the body like water waves, and then dissipate invisibly.

At the same time, the sky suddenly became chaotic.


The huge earthquake surprised Lin Xiao and others, and they all spread their bodies to the viewing platform of Qiangyun.

The sky was gray, followed by five and six color halos, which danced like colored ropes.

"What is that?" Lin Xiao asked in surprise.

On the contrary, Duan Yi, with a heavy face, seems to think of a terrible thing.

"This is a spatial projection..." Duan Yi said in a deep voice, "it is a spatial fluctuation influenced by human beings."

"Human influence?" Lin Xiao was extremely shocked. "Who can have such a strong strength?"

"Emperor!" Duan Yi took a deep breath, "the emperor of the universe! Can create such an illusion!"

Lin Xiao felt a thump in his heart.

"You mean..."

When Lin Xiao was about to ask something, he saw a huge human shadow in the air.

Xu Ying wears purple gold watch on his head and steps on the wanhuo wheel. His image is very realistic and his expression is not angry.


Everyone almost felt the strong pressure from each other and began to tremble involuntarily.

Duan Yi was surprised and lost his voice, "emperor of heaven and earth!?"

"The emperor of heaven and earth?" Lin Xiao's pupils narrowed fiercely. He also felt the unimaginable vastness of power. He almost couldn't resist and fell to his knees.


In the space, an angry hum sounded.

Plop, plop

Except Lin Xiao, everyone, including Duan Yi, could not help kneeling to the ground.


Everyone on the earth knelt down and looked in horror at the unimaginable huge virtual shadow in the air, with fear in their eyes.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be in a dream, and the strange surroundings made people unable to figure out.

"Are you the blood of the virtual king?" The emperor of heaven and earth looked down at the earth, and his deep eyes fell on Lin Xiao.

At the moment, Lin Xiao seemed to be overwhelmed by a mountain, and his skeleton meridians creaked.


Lin Xiao clenched his fists, ran frantically with his blood, biting his steel teeth, and fought desperately with the vast power.

"Sure enough, there are some ways."

The eyes of the emperor of heaven and earth passed through the endless void and fell on Lin Xiao like a bone scraping knife, which made him miserable.

"You are the first one who can withstand my space pressure with the supreme state!"

Lin Xiao slowly raised his head and looked at the virtual shadow with difficulty. "Emperor of heaven and earth? You and I have no grievances. Why can't you live with me and the whole earth?"

"Ha ha," said the emperor of heaven and earth, with a solemn and quiet FA Xiang, "I'm just curious that just a planet that is not up to the level and a group of aborigines can make the pioneer fleet of the black evil army collapse. Now it seems that it's really so interesting."


The pressure became stronger and stronger, and Lin Xiao supported it.

His sweat flowed down like rain and soaked the ground.

His veins were exposed on the surface of his body, and his blood vessels were like winding and twisted earthworms, crawling under his skin.

"Son of God, a hero doesn't suffer immediate losses. You'll die like this!" Duan Yi roared in a low voice.

Lin Xiao's eyes were firm and his expression was ferocious. He just didn't want to give in to the emperor of heaven and earth. Even if he died, he would fight to the end.

Poof poof!

Many soldiers on the ground have been unable to resist this threat, and their bodies have turned into blood mist and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Heaven and earth! If you have seed, you will kill me!" Lin Xiao stretched out his finger and pointed to the air, "if you don't kill me today, I will kill the heaven and earth star one day and take your head!"

"Is it up to you?" The emperor of heaven and earth was not angry at all, but had some appreciation. "A mole ant, no matter how gifted, can't shake the power of the dragon."

"Ah!" Lin Xiao roared wildly.

The surface of his skin has been soaked with blood, and the whole person has almost turned into a blood man.


Suddenly, the space trembled, and the shadow of the emperor of heaven and earth quickly became blurred.

"Boy, I'll wait for you!"

In a short moment, the virtual shadow disappeared and the sky became clear again.


Lin Xiao finally couldn't hold on. He fell straight to the ground. His ears, nose and mouth were full of bright red blood.

Duan Yi gasped a few mouthfuls, climbed hard to Lin Xiao's side and shouted anxiously, "son, how are you? Are you okay?"

"Cough..." Lin Xiao coughed violently and shook his head hoarsely. "It's all right!"

Duan Yi helped Lin Xiao up and looked in horror at the calm sky. "Unexpectedly, the emperor of heaven and earth chased the earth."

"How terrible!" Lin Xiao felt the deepest. His mental power was completely suppressed and he couldn't breathe.

If it hadn't been for Lin Xiao's extremely tenacious willpower, I'm afraid he would have been crushed to pieces just now.

"Son of God, don't be too nervous. It was just an empty shadow of the emperor of heaven and earth. His real body can't come here."

"Hmm? Why?" Lin Xiao gasped a little.

"The projection of the void takes a lot of mental energy, and the emperor of heaven and earth was obviously obstructed by other emperors just now, and it is estimated that he has been injured. In addition, the universe is extremely vast. If he wants to come to the earth, he probably needs to cross many star regions, and he won't arrive in a few years. Besides, he doesn't dare to deal with you openly, and he will be punished by the king!"

"I see!" Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. "Is the great emperor so strong? It's terrible that he can project virtual shadows hundreds of millions of stars away!"

Duan Yi's face showed a strange color. "I think the son is terrible. It's incredible that he can resist the will of the great emperor."

Lin Xiao himself could not feel the horror in Duan Yi's heart, because he did not understand how terrible the willpower of the great emperor was.

The supreme warrior who can resist the majesty of the great emperor is rare even in the whole universe.

"Don't laugh at me," Lin Xiao said to himself. "Just now, I almost lost my spirit and form! A few seconds later, I'm dead!"

"That's quite amazing." Duan Yi sincerely exclaimed, "I have never seen such a talent as the son of heaven."

"OK! Don't flatter. Let's go and see the casualties. There must have been a lot of casualties just now." Lin Xiao's expression was a little gloomy. He was killed for no reason, but he didn't even have the ability to resist. That feeling was very oppressive.

After investigation, the casualties were huge.

Thousands of ground troops died, and even some good fighters died because their willpower was too weak.

This does not include the deaths of ordinary people around the world. It must be more tragic.

Just when Lin Xiao was in deep pain, a tsunami like roar came from a distance, which shocked people's soul.



Xiao Ling floated out and cried in horror, "it's biochemical animals! They're out!"

Duan Yi was stunned. "Biochemical animals? How can there be biochemical animals on the earth?"

Lin Xiao is also a little nervous. He has been sending people to inquire about Gao Haijian and others.

Lin Xiao even asked Tung Chee Wu to send troops to heaven and earth city to support Gao Haijian, because he was afraid of the so-called biochemical animals.

Xiao Ling said anxiously, "Captain, biochemical animals are very sensitive to spatial fluctuations. They must sense the spatial fluctuations just now. Nine times out of ten they will kill here!"

Duan Yi's expression also became more serious than ever, "no! Holy Son, quickly order the whole army to defend! Biochemical beasts are more terrible than puppet supreme."

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