The howling of Gao Haijian made everyone palpitate. All eyes gathered and fell on him one after another.

Gao Haijian, who was struggling, looked at the giant ape. In the giant ape's gloomy eyes, there was not only anger, but also deep ridicule.

It seems to say that small humans are rubbish in my eyes.

"Shit!" Gao Haijian's brain burst out, struggling to get rid of the grasp of the giant ape.

Gao Haijian's situation is very dangerous, and the situation of his brothers is not optimistic. They were broken one by one by biological beasts in twos and threes and scattered among the herd.


The giant ape roared up to the sky, proudly raised the high sea sword over his head, and ran proudly, as if announcing his strength to all people and animals.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind the herd.

The rear of the herd suddenly became chaotic.

A startling blade seemed to rise out of thin air and cut heavily on the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After three loud noises in a row, the rear of the herd was completely disordered.

A large number of wild animals were cut into pieces by several startling knives, and the blood and flesh rolled away with the air waves, directly pushing a way to live.

Everyone was stunned.

That momentum is too strong and arrogant, as if it is irresistible in the face of Tianwei, and even makes people have the impulse to bend their knees and kneel down.

Who has such a powerful yuan force to cause such a great momentum.

The giant ape was stunned, and his palm was unconsciously loosened, so that Gao Haijian successfully got out of trouble.


Gao Haijian stood high and looked far away. At the moment of falling, Xia saw the coming man clearly. He couldn't help crying with joy, "it's the boss!"

Lin Xiao finally came!

Lin Xiao stepped into the battlefield step by step, carrying the huge door plate knife he had given to lie Yangzi.

When several biochemical beasts saw someone coming for help, they immediately screamed and frantically rushed out.

A few meters high cat demon, a python thick and thin bucket, and several tigers and leopards. Each biochemical beast is enough to tear any great master.

Five or six of them joined forces to kill Lin Xiao.

Their appearance was very ferocious and their movements were extremely sharp. Obviously, they were instructed by the great ape to tear Lin Xiao up completely.




Everyone was surprised.

Even though he knew Lin Xiao was powerful, he might not be able to cope with the sudden killing of biochemical animals.

"Boss! Be careful!" Gao Haijian rushed to prepare for support, and even forgot the threat of the giant ape behind him.

However, the next moment, everyone's eyes became dull.

And Gao Haijian also stopped his body and stared at the boss.


Lin Xiao's huge knife was moved from bottom to top. A strong Yuan Li competition rose rapidly, which was more frightening than lightning and thunder.

The first cat demon was immediately cut in half and blood splashed everywhere.

The following biochemical beasts only had time to howl and split their heads.


Lin Xiao cut it out with a knife, and then his body flashed. Through the blood rain, he swept past like an immortal demon.


Lin Xiao didn't stop at all. After killing six biochemical animals with one knife, he aimed at the giant ape.

The spectators were stunned at this scene, and then they roared with earth shaking excitement.

"The boss is powerful!"

"Hahaha, kill all these animals!"

Six biochemical beasts were killed, bringing boundless pressure and shock to the herd.

Dongfang Yanghui immediately summoned his brothers to break through the siege and soon gathered again.

"Form a hundred troops!" Dongfang Yanghui roared.

The three small arrays gathered again and killed Lin Xiao at the same time.

"Boss!" Gao Haijian ushered in and shouted excitedly, "you're finally here!"

Lin Xiao nodded slightly at him and said in a deep voice, "guard the periphery, reinforcements will arrive soon, and none of the biochemical animals can run!"

"I see!"


As soon as Lin Xiao's voice fell, the formation of armed helicopters in the sky came like a swarm, dense and boundless.

At the same time, a large number of chariots and circular motorcycles joined the battlefield, turned into a torrent of steel armor, and instantly dispersed the herd.

The soldiers burst into cheers.

"General Lin is invincible!"


"Kill all these animals!"

"Kill back!"


The originally fatal situation was finally solved when the reinforcements arrived.

The human legion, with great momentum, immediately organized together to launch a fierce counterattack.

The herd is completely out of order!

The remaining 20 or so biochemical beasts are also a little flustered, but they are much smarter than ordinary beasts. They know that the situation is unfavorable, and only when they unite can they have vitality.

So more than 20 biochemical beasts broke through the blockade one after another, gathered together, and formed a circle with their heads facing outward and their hips facing inward.

If it is against infantry, this formation does have strong lethality.

But animals are animals and cannot really think like humans.

In the face of the bombardment of a large number of armed helicopters and combat vehicles, piles of biochemical animals have become the biggest targets and targets.

Boom, boom!

Tung Chee Wu personally served as the battlefield commander. At his command, ten thousand guns were fired at once.

"Aim at the biochemical animal center and hit me hard!"

Dada dada





The artillery fire raged, the shock wave continued, and the herd was torn apart.

In particular, the biochemical herds specially targeted have been hit hard.

Although the attack ability of the biochemical beast is stronger than that of the puppet supreme, it is flesh and blood after all, not indestructible.

Moreover, the wisdom of the biochemical beast is far lower than that of the puppet supreme. In the face of indiscriminate carpet bombing, it has no ability to resist at all.

"Roar!" The giant ape's eyes are red.

However, the great ape, who was still powerful two minutes ago, is now a little timid.


In the face of a small human, the great ape was afraid.

Kill six biochemical beasts with one knife. Even the great apes can't do this.

These biochemical beasts can at least compete with the supreme warrior for a period of time, and six were killed at the same time, which can only explain one problem.

That is, Lin Xiao's strength is far beyond the upper limit of these biochemical beasts.

Lin Xiao stopped in front of the giant ape, looked up at it, and his eyes were full of war.


Gao Haijian and others soon gathered.

The expression of the great ape became very dignified, and a wrinkled animal face was almost squeezed into overnight dough.

"Are you all right?" Lin Xiao, carrying a huge knife, looked around and found that everyone was injured. He immediately took out a bag of medicine and threw it over.

"With the boss's medicine, everything is gone!" Lang Yan took the medicine bag and distributed Jin Chuang medicine and some medicine for internal injury.

"Well, you stand back!" Lin Xiao waved slowly.

Everyone stepped back, his eyes flashing with excitement.

They can't wait to see the happy scene of the arrogant ape being cut off by Lin Xiao.


The giant knife trembled slightly. It was a resonance formed by a large amount of vitality injected by Lin Xiao.

Although this giant knife doesn't have the increasing effect like the magnetic knife, it's more than heavy. It's very suitable for chopping and heavy hitting.

Heavy weapons are the first choice to deal with the rough skinned and fleshy biological beast, the great ape.


The great ape panicked and couldn't wait any longer. He held up his mace and smashed it fiercely.

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