The great ape moved.

The giant ape, besieged by many experts without moving a step, was forced back two steps by a single horse's high sea sword.


Although it is only two steps, the feeling of the great ape is very different. It was obviously a little surprised. Looking at the humble villain on the ground, it seemed surprised at his strength.


At the same time, the unbeaten who was trampled at the foot of the giant ape quickly flew out, and he was in a mess, but the victory was no big deal.

The crowd gathered again and looked at Gao Haijian from a distance to fight against the momentum of the giant ape.

"Roar!" The great ape was silent for a few seconds and suddenly roared.

It's angry!

Anger was like a tsunami, and the mace hit the ground with endless power.



Dongfang Yanghui's heart beat faster and shouted desperately, "withdraw!"


The crowd retreated quickly and rushed in different directions.

The coverage area of the mace is too vast, covering tens of meters. Such a powerful force, if you don't pay attention to being touched, you will be smashed into meat mud.


In a short moment, the mace hit the ground hard, and suddenly the rocks splashed and the earth shook.

The crowd was staggering, and even a Fei and several other people who lacked strength were directly shaken in the air by the force of the anti earthquake, which was very dangerous.


The great ape swung again and the mace swept out.

The strong wind directly rolled up ah Fei and others and threw them into the air.

"Ah Fei!" Gao Haijian was surprised. Ignoring his own safety, he rushed directly to the foot of the giant ape. While he was crazy, he climbed up his shoulder along his hair and stabbed his sword into his eyes.


The giant ape was very sensitive. His head avoided the stab and opened his big mouth to bite Gao Haijian fiercely.


Gao Haijian jumped a few times, crossed his head and stabbed at the weak position under the eardrum again.


The sword was stuck when the tip pierced half a foot.

But the great ape roared with pain.


The crazy giant ape temporarily gave up dealing with ah Fei and others who had nowhere to borrow in mid air, so that they could escape.

But Gao Haijian couldn't get away. He was completely locked by the consciousness of the giant ape. He wanted to jump off the ape, but he was forced to jump up and down by two ape claws.

Boom, boom!

The giant ape scratched left and right, but he couldn't touch Gao Haijian. He roared angrily.

"Sea sword is in danger!" Dongfang Yanghui hurriedly said, "line up again and focus on the left foot of the great ape!"

Although the unbeaten was badly hurt just now, it was not ineffective. Its attacks were all concentrated on the left leg of the great ape.

It's just that the giant ape is huge. Although the left leg is full of blood and bones, it has little effect.

However, the cave of thousands of miles collapsed in an ant. Dongfang Yanghui keenly seized the front-line fighter, led the team and rushed to kill it recklessly.

Wow, wow!

The giant ape was fighting with Gao Haijian, and he almost lost his attention to the ground. He didn't feel good until Dongfang Yanghui and others came near.

Bang bang!

The enhanced version of the desert eagle in Tangshan has played a great advantage at close range. Special blasting bullets continue to hit the wound on the left leg of the great ape.


Don't spray blood like money.

Ling Yu controls countless small fly like UAVs, suicide attacks the great ape, and launches explosions one after another, making the wound on the great ape's left leg more serious.

Yang Jun, who is the most powerful, holds a standard long gun from the black evil army. Each shot can deeply pierce the wound and hurt the giant ape.

Other puppet supreme and team members used their own means to aggravate the injury of the great ape as much as possible.

For a time, fierce fighting broke out around the giant ape, and all kinds of weapons and artillery fire were fired collectively.


The giant ape's face is ferocious. Although the people's injury to it is not fatal, the injury to his left leg is becoming more and more serious and has begun to affect his action.

In addition, Gaohai sword's body method is extremely flexible. It can always avoid the giant ape's giant palm. It can also stab it with a few swords on time, making it more and more crazy.


The giant ape stepped out, the people fell apart, and the team was forcibly dispersed in an instant. Ah Fei and others were seriously injured.

The great ape, who has been playing with everyone, finally got angry.

Being hurt by a group of mole ants in their own eyes is not only a provocation to their ability, but also an insult to their identity at the top of the food chain.

The great ape will never allow such a thing to happen.

It has been silent underground for thousands of years. Once it awakens, it should kill all directions. How can it be hurt by a group of mole ants.


The great ape roared like a human language, his body suddenly gave a meal, and then turned with the momentum of a strong wind sweeping away the leaves.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The great ape's body is directly transformed into a big windmill, which rotates very fast, and the mace has become the sharpest weapon, controlling most of the field.


Gao Haijian stood on the head of the giant ape and watched the brothers fly out like fallen leaves in the wind. His eyes were red.

Bang bang!

Although the puppet supreme reluctantly resisted, they were also shot out one after another after a few seconds.

The strong wind made Dongfang Yanghui and others impacted into the herd and immediately became the target of public criticism.


All the wild animals showed ferocious faces and slowly surrounded them.

Dozens of powerful biochemical animals gathered in twos and threes, showing their cat and mouse eyes one after another.

"Shit!" Langyan's face was pale. He held the dagger tightly in his hand and stared at the sword tiger beast slowly coming towards him. His heart was cold.

The strength of biochemical beasts is at least comparable to that of puppets.

Although Langyan, who took a lot of Yuan pills, was already the best master of the great master, they still had no power to fight back against the supreme biochemical beast.

With the help of the array, you may be able to compete with biochemical animals. However, at the moment, they are separated and fight their own battles. There is almost only a dead end.

"I fought with you!" Just then, there came the roar of Yang Jun. he waved a long gun like a god of war and rushed frantically to the herd.

Song Zhaolong didn't want to fall behind. "These animals want to tease us? Even if I die, I have to pull some cushions!"


The biochemical beast ordered the beast to attack, and a large number of beasts slaughtered it like crazy.

The bloody battle began again in an instant.

Next second.

The giant ape has stopped rotating, and the palm extends forward, slowly revealing the high sea sword caught in the palm.

Gao Haijian didn't expect that the giant ape's intelligence was so high.

Just when he turned into a windmill, Gao Haijian wanted to make a sneak attack, but he didn't expect that the giant ape looked crazy. In fact, he had been looking for opportunities.

When Gao Haijian was about to attack successfully and a sword was about to pierce into the eyes of the giant ape, the latter suddenly stopped rotating, threw Gao Haijian out with inertia and grasped it accurately at the same time.

The great ape's powerful grip is difficult for even the puppet supreme.

Gao Haijian has just entered the supreme level. His state is not stable, and his physical strength is much worse. He only feels boundless pain.


Gao Haijian was black in front of him. He just felt that his body was almost broken. The strong pain forced him to scream.


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