Unbeaten rushed very fast, and its fighting consciousness was also very outstanding.

It is obviously very cautious to fight with such a tall enemy. It is completely different from the usual dare to fight and rush and choose to conduct circuitous operations.

There will be such a way of fighting for invincibility, which raises a trace of doubt in everyone's mind.

But at this moment, no one will think deeply about the reason. The stronger the unbeaten becomes, the better the outcome.


Unbeaten rushed to the giant ape. The small size was obviously not worth mentioning, but the momentum was extremely strong.


Take the arm as the knife and cut it on the side of the giant ape's thick black leg.


With invincibility as the center, a hurricane rolled up on the ground, and a large amount of dust, soil and fog were blown up like heavenly women scattered flowers.

The blow of the puppet supreme was enough to pierce a tank. However, looking at the giant ape, it seemed as if it had nothing to do, and silently looked down at the invincible.

Boom, boom!

Invincible crazy attack, each blow brings enough shock to people, and even Gao Haijian is a little frightened.

If these attacks act on yourself, I'm afraid it's hard to resist.

Just when everyone thought that invincibility would at least have some impact on the great apes, they found that the great apes were as indifferent as ever, and their indifferent eyes showed a palpitating light.

"Something's wrong!" Lao Zhang looked around and found that the biochemical beasts had assembled and surrounded, trapping all of them.

Further away, there are numerous common beasts coming one after another. They are numerous and diverse.

Flying in the sky, climbing on the ground, and even some swimming in the water have landed.

A large number of soldiers and fighters who broke out with them are divided into small teams and are being gradually eliminated.

The situation is very unfavorable, and the dilemma is turning into a desperate situation.

"Invincible can't be a giant ape!" Gao Haijian's pupil shrinks to the tip of a needle, "kill the past together now, maybe there's still a chance!"


As soon as Gao Haijian's voice fell, he saw the giant ape raise his right foot and trample away towards unbeaten at a strange and unpredictable speed.


Unbeaten even did not react, he was trampled under the feet of the great ape.


Everyone was surprised.

Invincibility is not only the supreme head of the eight puppets, but also the key to forming the dominant puppet. If it goes wrong, the dominant combat power will be destroyed directly.


The giant ape's eyes stared contemptuously at the people, but his feet trampled again like a demonstration, showing a strong sense of ridicule.

"Go!" Dongfang Yanghui raised his order chess, "look at my instructions, form a three talent hundred battle array!"


The three formations rotate rapidly, like a sharp knife wheel, frantically rushing at the giant ape.


Gao Haijian is unwilling to fall behind and rises to the sky. As the only supreme martial artist, he has the great task of attacking difficulties.

"Give it to me!" Xiaosu roared at the remaining seven puppets.


Seven supreme puppets, three hundred formations, and one supreme warrior. Such a powerful force can sweep the whole earth.

Even if they meet the black evil army on earth, they will not lose the wind.

However, in the eyes of great apes, they seem to be just a group of insignificant fleas.


The great ape declared his authority and ordered all biochemical beasts to stand still with a roar.

The restless biochemical beasts swam around, but they didn't dare to cross the thunder pool.

The great apes took the lead, waved a mace and swung it violently.


The space vibrates, the vitality surges, and the strong wind is like a storm, arrow and rain composed of countless sharp arrows.


The three talents and one hundred soldiers' array was destroyed at that time. The image of the nine Taoist priest was a broken sack and was hit and flew away.

Gao Haijian reluctantly blocked the blow, and immediately felt an unimaginable force crashing down. He had to release his strength and escape along the direction of the mace waving, and staggered out a long way.

All the other puppets were in a state of collapse.


The great ape is just a simple sweep, and the whole formation is in a mess.

Like a giant ape like tota King Kong, with a mace on his shoulder and eyes staring at the people, he seems to be a God that can never be shaken.

"How strong!" Gao Haijian sucked the air conditioner and almost gave up resistance.

The giant ape is even more powerful than he imagined. According to his estimation, the giant ape is at least comparable to the warrior of the supreme three sections.

Moreover, the great ape seems to have a mind, and all that comes out of his eyes is wisdom.

The biological and chemical beasts are besieged, and the great apes sit in it. They only encircle but do not attack. It seems that there is only one purpose, that is to catch everyone.

In the past, only humans teased animals and took all kinds of wild animals as prey.

Today, the biological animals led by giant apes regard humans as objects that can be played with.

"Cough, where did the giant ape and monster jump out of?" Langyan's mouth was full of blood. Even if he was not hit by the front, the strong wind alone was enough for him to drink a pot.

"I'm also very strange," Lao Zhang swallowed his saliva. "At that time, we were looking for the puppet supreme. Suddenly, a group of wild animals rushed out to kill, and then met the mouse spirit. It was like a dream!"

When it comes to mouse essence, we don't know whether to be afraid or laugh.

That huge mouse really caused great trouble to everyone.

Finally, the two puppets chased for tens of kilometers before killing them.

It is precisely because he killed the mutant super mouse that led to the demon force.

All the way out, people were in danger. They almost didn't see the sun outside.

As for the interior of heaven and Earth City, it has long been a pot of porridge.

Under the destruction of many wild animals, the already small population is even worse, adding huge casualties.

"Shit! It's terrible." Lang Yan cried, "the giant ape doesn't attack, but looks at us. Does he treat us as pets?"

The great ape carried a mace and waved it in mid air for a few times. He roared a few times, but he didn't attack.

The situation at the scene is very strange.

"We can't wait." Dongfang Yanghui exchanged eyes with Gao Haijian, "we should find a breakthrough from the giant ape anyway."

"I'll come!" Gao Haijian coagulates his static Qi, and the sword's awn breathes out his vigorous Qi. He runs like a fire under his feet and shoots at the giant ape like an electric light.

At this moment, Gao Haijian was totally absorbed in the giant ape. The sword in his hand was extremely calm, and his palm didn't shake at all.

The straight line between two points is the shortest, the fastest and the most aggressive.

This sword is the most powerful since Gao Haijian broke through.

From small to large, he practiced martial arts hard in Kunlun mountain. Gao Haijian devoted himself to martial arts and never slackened.

Ding Qiu's sword technique is the essence of Kunlun Liangyi sword.


A thick sword awn wrapped the high sea sword, turned into a sword light meteor, and hit the giant ape's lower abdomen hard.


The crowd jumped.

It's a little loud.

"I'll go! Lao Gao can..." Lang Yan glared. "This is to turn a giant ape into a eunuch ape."

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