The eyes of the people were firm and shouted, "kill it together!"


Hundred troops array is a method of attack and kill developed by Dongfang Yanghui. It is an effective tactic in scuffle.

However, the concept of the hundred armies is to face thousands of enemies.

Once a hundred troops are formed, it means falling into a real hard battle and dying.

Just now they ran away wholeheartedly, and the power of the hundred army array was naturally insufficient.

At this moment, we are united in resisting the enemy, and all our energy and spirit are aroused.

Three people in a group, a hundred troops!


Xiaosu also received the training of the hundred army array, so he joined Lao Zhang's queue. The three teams followed Gao Haijian like a whirlwind.

The giant ape looked coldly at Gao Haijian who was killed quickly, and even provoked a humanized sarcastic arc at the corners of his mouth.


Ordinary beasts can't stop the hundred army formation for even a second.

A large number of wild animals were killed and their blood stained red the way forward.

The cat beast and several other cat biochemical beasts roared and sprang at Gao Haijian.

Cats and beasts move the fastest and most agile in the whole biochemical herd, and their attack speed is so fast that people are dazzled.

Often when the front paws of cats and animals were just raised, people only saw a flash of cold light, and then people separated.


The cat and beast stared at Gao Haijian with their red eyes.

Gao Haijian didn't give in and stared back directly.

Time seems to be at a standstill when one animal and one person look at each other.


The great ape roared again.

The cat demon seemed to be angered, and his hair exploded, standing like a needle.


After listening to a shrill roar, the cat demon arched his back, raised his front feet high, and suddenly shot like an arrow off the string.


Gao Haijian retreated decisively, and the long sword aroused a vigorous Qi like a dragon.


The cat demon's sharp claws collided with the sword gang and made a violent noise.


Taking advantage of the moment when the cat demon was stopped by the sword Gang, Gao Haijian rushed forward decisively and stabbed the cat demon's injured abdomen without hesitation.


The sword was straight to the bottom of the abdomen, with the handle. Gao Haijian retreated before a lot of blood could be sprayed out.

"Ow..." the cat and beast screamed, raised their hooves high, and tried their best to step on the place where Gao Haijian dodged.


The ground was shattered.

However, Gao Haijian had long left the attack range of the cat demon and came behind another biochemical beast.

This biochemical beast has extremely thick armor, as if it were carrying a hill on its back. It is a huge, bloated and slow-moving crocodile.


The crocodile turned back and the high sea sword bited fiercely. The extremely strong biting force made the air explode.

Gao Haijian jumped straight onto the crocodile. Suddenly, he saw Lao Zhang and others rushing in. He couldn't help but say angrily, "what are you doing here? Are you looking for death?"

Dongfang Yanghui's eyes were calm, and he commanded the hundred army array to surround them in a font, constantly resisting the impact of the herd.

Even if their strength is not supreme, the combined strength can not be underestimated, which makes the biochemical animals unable to get close for a while.

"Lao Gao, kill the giant ape together!" Dongfang Yanghui naturally knows the truth of catching the thief and the king first. Since he has reached this juncture, he can only escape from heaven with all his strength.

Gao Haijian is also very clear about the situation. Now is not the time to be a mother. He can only kill the giant ape quickly.

"Go!" Gao Haijian took the lead, quickly chopped the slow-moving crocodile and rushed forward.

The wild animals on both sides rushed through the crowd like crazy. The goal was very clear. It was to stop Gao Haijian.

Other biochemical beasts also moved all their targets to Gaohai sword and roared to kill.


Suddenly, a biochemical beast spread its wings several meters long, shot directly into the air, and then hit it like a shell.

"Be careful!" Gao Haijian exclaimed.

It was a bat beast. The terrible cry affected everyone's hearing and made people very uncomfortable.


The bat beast jumped halfway, suddenly stopped its body, and its wings spun and cut down like a knife.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

The sound of strong wind rubbing against the air is very harsh, and a Taoist spirit Gang is like a sharp long sword, constantly attacking Gao Hai sword.


Gao Hai's sword swings left and right, and the long sword in his hand is airtight.

After all, he is a supreme master. In the face of the supreme level biochemical beast, Gao Haijian has the upper hand.

"Kill!" After avoiding all the attacks of the bat beast, Gao Haijian made a straightforward front stab, which is simple and practical. It stabbed heavily on the beast's claw.


The bat beast roared miserably and flew into the air. After circling around, he hid in the herd and didn't dare to approach.


Gao Haijian's goal is very clear. He flies close to the ground in the direction of the giant ape. He splits all the beasts in front of him in half.

The eight puppet supreme masters also joined the battle array and protected the two sides of the three hundred armies to protect Dongfang Yanghui and others from approaching the great apes.

The hundred army array gradually gave full play to its advantages, and everyone cooperated more and more tacitly in the real life and death, which greatly increased the power of the large array.

Dozens of biochemical beasts attacked one after another and were blocked out of the array.



Biochemical beasts have no divine intelligence, but they have the wisdom of animals. They completely obey the command of giant apes, so they are very efficient in action.

More and more soldiers were killed, there were fewer and fewer teams around Gao Haijian and others, and the bodies covered the whole Avenue.

In a short period of two minutes, the biochemical beast confronted the hundred armies dozens of times. Each side had its own victory and defeat. No one could do anything.

Gradually, the team was close to the ape within a radius of 50 meters.

At this distance, both sides may collide fiercely at any time.

In particular, a giant ape more than ten meters high may be able to enter the battle array with one leap.

"Be careful, everyone!" Gao Haijian roared and reminded everyone to pay attention. At the same time, he began to absorb a lot of vitality and strengthen himself.

The radiance of the long sword flows, and the invisible vitality is constantly absorbed, forming a stronger and stronger sword gang.

Everyone was nervous and focused almost entirely on the great ape.

Anyone can see that the strength of the great apes must be far more than those biochemical beasts.

At this time, the biochemical beasts stopped their attack and began to surround themselves to form a solid and tight animal wall, surrounding Gao Haijian and his party.

The giant ape's face was expressionless, and the two exposed tusks were slowly dripping saliva. The dull roar from the inside to the outside seemed to evolve into a thunder, which made people tremble.

"Invincible! Try it!" Xiaosuqing roared and motioned the puppet supreme to attack.


Unbeaten, with a foot on the ground, the strong recoil pushed his body and rushed towards the great ape.

Unbeaten is the strongest of the eight puppets. It can vaguely fight against the supreme warrior, and its body is stronger and hard to hurt.

If you are invincible to test, you can probably see through the real strength of the great ape.

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