"Xiao'er, what are you worried about?"

I don't know when Jian Wuji came to Lin Xiao's back quietly.

The sword looks pale, but it doesn't look tired.

Although his strength is limited, his spirit is still hale and hearty.

"Master!" Lin Xiao quickly turned around and said with a bitter smile, "I'm worried about biochemical animals."

Jian Wuji smiled, "little biochemical beast, it's difficult for you?"

"Master, what do you know?" Lin Xiao asked in surprise.

He noticed a trace of maturity in his chest from jianwuji's expression. It must be that jianwuji is well-informed and must know about biochemical animals.

Jian Wuji glanced at the battlefield and said with some emotion, "I didn't expect that the pets raised in those years would become such a big trouble one day and almost lead to the destruction of life."

"Pet, pet?" Lin Xiao stared at the headless ape corpse lying on the ground, thinking that if the pet was so big, he wouldn't have to eat the owner?

"Isn't it a surprise?" Jian Wuji laughed, "in fact, all biochemical animals are pets from the strong, but they can't understand such things on the lower planet!"

"Biochemical beasts are just transformed beasts. The purpose of their emergence was to please some eccentric martial artists."

"Slowly, this kind of thing has become a trend," Jian Wuji smiled. "But later, this transformation gradually lost control. After all, things related to space are not simple."

Lin Xiao pondered, "do you mean that the transformation of biochemical animals is through the power of space?"

"Yes! The power of space is a mysterious power. Science and technology can make use of it, and human beings can also make use of it!"

"When I had nothing to do, I used the space equipment on the spacecraft to transform some pets to play. Unexpectedly, I slept for so many years and was still alive. Speaking of it, I still had some feelings."

Lin Xiao turned his eyes greatly, "you had nothing to do at the beginning, which almost wiped out our army!"

The sword limitless showed the color of vision, "the real power of space is the power that only the great emperor can control!"

Lin Xiao was thrilled and controlled the power of space. It must be very strong. For example, the emperor of heaven and earth cast virtual shadows across countless stars. People can bow down and be obedient just by coercion.

"Well, don't think so much," Jian Wuji comforted his apprentice. "Although the void projection of the emperor of heaven and earth may attract a large number of foreign biochemical animals, we can prevent one or two as long as we are prepared."

"Master, I'm just worried that the human Legion will be in chaos due to internal and external troubles. Now that the portal is opened, many forces are ready to move, and the chaos will become more and more chaotic!"

"Now you have the power to suppress one star. As long as you manage well, it won't be a problem to build the earth into a piece of iron. Now the most important thing is..." Jian Wuji lowered his voice, "find a way to contact the imperial legion, so that you can return to the King Star!"

Lin Xiao looked up at the Phoenix warship, his fist gradually tightened, and said in a deep voice, "if one day I return to Wang Xing, I must save ah Jin!"

"Let's go!" Jian Wuji flashed a sigh in his eyes and patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, "the war has just been settled. You still have a lot to do."


Lin Xiao was about to turn around and leave with Jian Wuji when he heard Gao Haijian's startled voice.

"Boss, come here!"

Lin Xiao looked back and saw Gao Haijian and others around the giant ape's body. He didn't know what he was doing.

But everyone's expression was strange and obviously wrong.

"Master, I'll go and have a look!" Lin Xiao said casually.

"Good!" Jian Wuji shook off his sleeve and left. Looking at the direction he went, it was the direction of the lively portal.

In just a few hours, there was already a busy scene near the portal.

After the portal opened late, the forces on earth immediately took action and began to carefully cross the portal to Titan.

Lin Xiao came to the body of the great ape and asked suspiciously, "what are you doing?"

"Boss, come here quickly. What's that?" Gao Haijian and others stared at the bloody giant ape corpse with their heads next to their heads.

Because the giant ape was too big, it was buried by the bodies of many dead beasts who came to support after falling to the ground. Nothing could be seen from the periphery.

At this time, Gao Haijian and others saw incredible things along the wound where the giant ape's head was cut off.

"Let me see!" Lin Xiao pushed past, and was stunned when he saw the blood gushing place in North Korea.

"It's still shining. It's amazing!"

"It's like a bead. It seems that Yuan force overflows. What can it be?"

When Lin Xiao saw it, he blurted out, "inner alchemy?"

The people turned their eyes, looked at Lin Xiao one after another, and shouted in one voice, "inner alchemy?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao was a little excited.

He learned from Xiao Ling that the whole body of the biochemical beast is treasure, the skin and bone can be made into weapons, and the blood can be refined into yuan Dan.

The most important thing is the internal alchemy of biochemical animals, which is not only their source of strength, but also the most refined carrier of Yuan force.

However, not every biochemical beast has inner alchemy.

Every biochemical beast with internal alchemy is invincible at the same level.

If Lin Xiao had not been gifted and possessed the divine level skill of limitless skill, I'm afraid it would be difficult to compete with the giant ape who is also the supreme second segment.

The strength of the great ape's cultivation of the supreme second segment is comparable to that of the supreme fourth segment, which is enough to show how powerful the biochemical beast will be when it has internal alchemy.

"Go and see if other biochemical animals have internal alchemy!"

Cried Lin Xiao.

No matter what inner alchemy is, since Lin Xiao attaches so much importance to it, it's absolutely right.

"I'll find it!" Langyan rushed out first.

He was sure that the python had no inner alchemy, so he wanted to search for the bodies of other biochemical animals at the first time.

"This boy..."

"Shit! Langyan! Do you want to eat it alone?"

"We'll go too!"

The brothers scattered with a bang, leaving only Gao Haijian and Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao looked at Gao Haijian and said excitedly, "Lao Gao, this inner pill is a divine thing."

Gao Haijian thought, "do you want to say that Neidan can help me stabilize my accomplishments?"

"Smart." Lin Xiao snapped his fingers, "if you take jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan to break through the supreme, the road in the future will be difficult. Eating more internal elixirs may make up for the loss of some talents!"

In order to help Lin Xiao, Gao Haijian obviously had the potential to make a breakthrough, but he had to eat jiuzhuanxiong Xidan like a seedling.

Lin Xiao's brothers are arrogant.

If the situation were not urgent, they would not easily take foreign things to make a breakthrough.

Gao Haijian sacrificed himself and helped everyone.

Therefore, Lin Xiao thought of making up for it for the first time.

Even more inner alchemy can hardly make up for this regret, but it is always a hope.

"Good!" Gao Haijian was not vague. He and Lin Xiao didn't need to be polite at all. They directly cut open the giant ape body and took Neidan in their hands.

Just then, Lin Xiao's face changed greatly and shouted, "wait a minute."

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