Gao Haijian was frightened by the cry. Out of his trust in Lin Xiao, he subconsciously released his palm and let Neidan fall to the ground.

But even such a sharp response is a little late.

Neidan suddenly trembled, and an indescribable majestic force was released in an instant.


With Neidan as the center, tens of meters around are covered by this force.


Gao Haijian vomited blood and retreated violently.


Lin Xiao flashed over for the first time, took Gao Haijian firmly in his hand, and turned around in situ before unloading the power.

Comparable to the great ape of the supreme four sections, the power contained in the inner alchemy is very violent, and even remains active.

So when Gao Haijian first touched, Lin Xiao noticed something was wrong.

Fortunately, he let go in time, otherwise Neidan's power would directly destroy Gao Haijian along his meridians.

"How close!" Lin Xiao was in a cold sweat.

Gao Haijian's eyes were closed and his breath was very weak.

"Hey! Be careful of Nathan. Don't touch it with your hands!" Lin Xiao shouted around to remind everyone to pay attention, and then quickly took out a silver needle to treat Gao Haijian.

A moment later, Gao Haijian was all right and woke up slowly.

"Shit!" Gao Haijian bared his teeth and shouted, "almost reimbursed!"

Lin Xiao looked at Neidan with lingering fear. "It seems that this thing is not so simple!"

"Boss, we found Nathan again!"

"Here too!"

"The cat demon also has inner alchemy!"

"My darling, another one!"

Although they found inner alchemy, Lin Xiao reminded them that they were very careful and didn't touch it directly.

"Boss, come here!"

The crowd was very excited about the noise.

Lin Xiao first tentatively picked up the great ape inner pill and found that the power had dissipated, and the rest of the energy was concentrated in the pill.

"It's all right." Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He took Neidan in his hand and found that the surface was shining like stars.

"Boss!" Gao Haijian covered his chest and asked weakly, "what happened just now? Can this thing really improve his strength?"

"Xiaoling said so, and there is a special refining device in Qiangyun, which can extract energy and make Yuanshen pill!"

"Yuan Shen Dan?" Gao Haijian was slightly stunned.

"Hmm! More concentrated and advanced yuan Dan." Lin Xiao threw the giant ape inner pill into Gao Haijian's hand, "and this inner pill can also benefit Qi and nourish spirit. Take it!"

"Hey!" Gao Haijian naturally wouldn't be polite, "shit, I was almost killed by it just now. See how I deal with you!"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. "OK! Meet with the brothers and take all the internal alchemy back! Just find a way to eliminate the violent power on the surface."

After closing, a total of seven internal alchemies were found, which is not a small harvest.

Other bone skin and blood are massive.

Although the Legion suffered great losses, it was definitely worth the effort.

Back to the strong cloud, Lin Xiao gave Xiaoling all the inner pills and asked her to refine medicine.

I believe that the Yuanshen pills made of these inner pills can enhance your great strength.

Perhaps it is not impossible to be a few more supreme masters.

After repair, the battlefield was also cleaned and disposed of.

However, just as Lin Xiao was about to relax, he suddenly received an urgent message from the Kyoto armed forces Association.

Lin Yuanyang sent an urgent telegram.

There are a large number of biochemical animals in Kyoto.

At the same time, all over the world have asked Lin Xiao for help.

All kinds of wild animals and biochemical animals have sprung up, killing ordinary humans wantonly.

The situation that has just stabilized has become tense again.

"General Lin!" Tung Chee Wu also came to join the fun at this time.

Lin Xiao stood on the command platform of Qiangyun, surrounded by three-dimensional pictures of flashing pictures. The killing scenes from all over the world were very dazzling.

In one of the videos, Dong Jianwu showed anxiety. "Now the situation in Kyoto is not very good. Those wild animals seem crazy. There are several particularly powerful biochemical animals. Ordinary soldiers can't stand it at all."

Lin Xiao frowned. "I've ordered that the martial arts league and the martial arts association will send elite to help."

"General Lin, I'm worried. You said there were so many biochemical animals suddenly. What's the matter?"

Lin Xiao wondered.

He asked Shifu about the problem of biochemical animals.

In those years, jianwuji had more than 100 pets in his spare time. Today, there are no more than 50 pets at most.

But judging from the current situation, there are not two hundred but one hundred and fifty biochemical animals emerging all over the world, far exceeding the original number.

Where do these biochemical beasts come from?

Biochemical animals are products made by strong people, similar to genetic products, such as clones or nano robots.

Such creatures cannot reproduce by themselves.

"I asked you to collect information. How's it going?" Lin Xiao pondered for a moment and asked slowly, "we must find out how biochemical animals appear. I always feel something wrong!"

"It hasn't been reported yet. There are about 60 in China. Statistics have not been made abroad. Several big countries seem to hide something. I don't know what they are thinking!" Tung Chee Wu's expression became angry. "These guys are just tearing down bridges! Can we win the war without our Chinese Legion and you?"

"Well now, these guys turn their faces and don't recognize people. I want intelligence. What do they say needs internal discussion, shit!" Tung Chee Wu rarely said a dirty word, which was enough to show that he was extremely angry.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao snorted coldly, "it's not our race. Their hearts must be different. Don't get used to them. Since they don't want to share intelligence, let them live and die!"

Dong Jianwu said with a wry smile, "that's all, but I'm afraid that in case the situation becomes critical, they will use nuclear weapons..."

Lin Xiao smiled, "I've been prepared for this."

"Oh?" Dong Jianwu was slightly stunned, "do you mean..."

"I've sent a trial team to recover all nuclear weapons. If anyone dares to stop..." Lin Xiao's eyes showed the opportunity.

Now he is the king of the earth, and any discordant voice will be erased.

Special means should be used in special times, otherwise the earth will cause civil strife, which will only benefit outsiders.

An excited look flashed in Tung Chee Wu's eyes.

"I see!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao looked at the time. "I have to go to a meeting. Tell me anything in Kyoto at any time!"

"Yes!" Tung Chee Wu held his head high, stood at attention and saluted.

The oldest qualified five-star general in China has been deeply impressed by Lin Xiao's personality charm and strength.

He has a kind of expectation that the earth led by Lin Xiao may create brilliance belonging to China in the interstellar civilization to be displayed in front of him.

Lin Xiao came to the meeting room.

Zhong wusheng and other consortium bosses are nervously waiting.

"Mr. Lin!"

Seeing Lin Xiao coming in, everyone stood up and bowed down respectfully.

"Sit down!" Lin Xiao smiled, "don't make yourself at home. How was your talk?"

After exchanging eyes with others, Zhong wusheng took a step forward and hesitated, "not very smooth!"

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