Lin Xiao entered the Titan portal with eight puppets and hundreds of elite hands.

The sky was silvery gray and the earth was yellowish.

In the distance, there are even several huge steel cities suspended in the air, exuding awe inspiring majesty.

The mountains run across, the dead trees are continuous, and the terrain is very complex.

"Mr. Lin, those strange aliens with blue skin are guarding in the mountains at the end of this road. All businessmen passing by will be robbed!" A guide pointed to the highest black iron mountains in the distance and said carefully.

Lin Xiao looked to the utmost and had a little understanding of the road situation and terrain. He asked in a deep voice, "the trading point is behind the mountain?"

"Hmm! This is the topographic map given by the Huojing clan!" The guide took out a palm sized circular metal compass and squeezed it gently, and a three-dimensional topographic map was suspended in front of him.

Lin Xiao looked at the map. The number of the trading point nearest to the portal was 486. According to the imaging map, the scale was not large, with a population of about 20 million.

There are fire spirit troops stationed near the portal, but these troops have little control over the traveling businessmen.

Perhaps the most stringent point is that each alien entering will be scanned for identity signals and filed.

"Mr. Lin, according to the agreement, we can borrow a spaceship from the fire spirit clan, but the last borrowed spaceship was destroyed by those blue skin freaks. Now..."

Just then, a group of Martian people came in armor, and the leader was Huodong.

Lin Xiao turned to look at the fire East and said with a smile, "Hello, leader of fire East..."

"Hum!"‘ 'huodongdong' looked very serious and shouted, "don't you buckle down and kneel down when you see this seat?"

"What?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

He thought there was something wrong with the simultaneous discussion machine, slapped it several times, and asked again, "huodongdong, what did you say just now?"

"Fire east?" The other side's slender eyebrows picked, "that's my compatriots and brothers, I'm Huoxi!"

Lin Xiao's face was black at that time.

Just listen to the other party continue to say, "I'm the external keeper of trading point 486. Don't kneel down when you see me!"

Lin Xiao laughed angrily and said angrily, "it's huodongdong's brother. I'm afraid you don't have the qualification!"


Lin Xiao's men quickly deployed defense and surrounded Huoxi and his party.

"How dare you fight me?" The fire jumped three feet high, "what a bold alien!"

"All right!" Lin Xiao didn't want to conflict with each other. He said in a deep voice, "lend me a spaceship and provide me with a clue!"

"Bold!" Huoxi angrily said, "come on! Take down this bold alien!"


After Huoxi, more than a dozen Huojing family experts rose and fell, and rushed over in a moment.

Looking at each other's body shape, speed and Yuan force fluctuation, which is probably the appearance of the great master's ninth and tenth sections, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Lin Xiao wondered if he dared to show off his strength.

Bang bang!

Just stand up to a puppet supreme and beat each other down.

"You, you, you..." Huoxi was stunned. He never thought that the other party dared to do it in his own territory.

On this Titan, even the most outrageous and ferocious star robbers dare not attack the fire spirit people.

In addition to canglan, the fire spirit people have supreme authority on Titan.

This is the strength of Huo Xixi, who knows that his side is not strong, but dares to fight hard.

But he didn't expect that Lin Xiao didn't care about his identity, which was incomprehensible.

Lin Xiao stepped forward, picked up the fire and said with a smile, "what are you? Go and help me find a spaceship."

"You, you are bold!" While struggling, Huoxing angrily said, "do you know who I am? I'm the leader of the fifth group of the sixth brigade of Huojing family in Titan 486 trading point..."

"Stop, stop," Lin Xiao smiled. "The title is too long. I'm too lazy to listen. There's no spaceship in five minutes. I'll hang your head on that tree!"

The fire shivered and looked carefully at the tree. His neck was thick, "you, you..."

"Hurry up!" Lin Xiao threw him aside and asked casually, "one more thing I want to ask you, what is the origin of the blue skin freak outside trading point 486?"

Huo Xixi got up disheartened. He also wanted to put on an official's authority. After thinking about it, the hero didn't suffer from the immediate loss, so he had to show his teeth and cry, "I remember you today! Blue skin freaks? Hey, hey, they are people of the blue essence family, which is the largest star thief group of Titan. If you dare to provoke them, there is only a dead end!"

"Oh? Don't you fire spirits dare to take care of it?" Lin Xiao said sarcastically, "what else do you say that the fire essence family is the controller of the Titan star? I think it's all bragging! First there is the power of the canglan department, and then there is the internal destruction of the blue essence family. What controller are you?"

Huoxi was stabbed to the pain and screamed, "you know shit! This is a tactical need."

"Hiss!" Lin Xiao sneered, "I think it's just incompetence!"


"What's the matter with me?" Lin Xiao asked jokingly, "you only have four minutes. If you can't see the spaceship, you'll bear the consequences!"

His angry face turned green and shouted, "come on! Send me a spaceship!"

A minute later, the ship came to the scene.

Lin Xiao was very satisfied and said to Huoxi, "since you cooperate so well, I'll let you leave and go back and tell Huodong that my people need to see a free spaceship in and out of the portal in the future, okay?"

"We'll see!" Huoxi put down a cruel word and ran away without stopping for a moment.

"Blue spirit clan?" Lin Xiao frowned, "it seems that he is not a force to provoke!"

"Mr. Lin, are you going now?" The guide asked very carefully.


Lin Xiao waved his big hand and walked straight towards the spaceship.

Lanjing people are stationed in Heishishan outside trading point 486 to rob past business travelers.

Today's harvest is the biggest in recent years.

As the trading point 486 is located in a remote place and there are not many business trips, the leader of the big horse of the Lanjing family has always wanted to rob a fat sheep.

After waiting for more than ten years, he robbed an alien caravan today, which was beyond his expectation.

The name of the blue essence family sounds similar to that of the fire essence family, but their bodies are very different. They are tall and big, like blue pillars.

There are thousands of Lanjing people in Heishi mountain, all of whom are ferocious star thieves.

"These human women are indeed all great tonics!"

Damas sat on the stone chair in the Blackstone stronghold square and looked at dozens of human women kneeling to the ground. The corners of his mouth outlined a treacherous smile.

The women were stripped naked and fell to their knees trembling, all pale.

"Captain, brothers can't wait. Do you want to start now..." a Lanjing ethnic group came close with a flattering smile and asked in a low voice.

"Hey!" The big horse's eyes lit up and licked his lips greedily

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