All the people knew it was time to do it as soon as they saw Damas's expression.

A burly man of Lanjing clan immediately came out, pointed to a group of human women on the side and said loudly, "throw them into the pot!"




As soon as they heard that they were going to throw themselves into the pot, the more than a dozen human women immediately scared the souls of the dead.

I never expected these guys to be so savage.

"You can't eat us!" A ragged woman shouted, "you are a civilized race. How can you eat people?"

A blue fine man grinned. "I've read your human intelligence information. Don't you like cooking other animals to satisfy your appetite? Why can't we eat you?"

The woman immediately stopped talking and her eyes widened.

"Boil water!" The blue fine man roared hard.

Woo woo

A loud horn sounded.

More than a dozen large iron pots more than two meters high were carried out.

The neat Lanjing team shouted rhythmic slogans and arranged the iron pot in front of the steps.

"Hoo ha! We are strong blue Jing clan!"

"Hoo ha! We like the fresh and tender flesh of human women best!"

Big marsh sat on the high chair with satisfaction, his hands on the armrests on both sides, with a smile in his eyes.

Human beings are an important part of the king's front hall and one of the most powerful races in the universe.

In the past, the Lanjing clan had never dared to rob Terran women to eat.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there are undiscovered human races in this remote star region. The Lord of the universe is protecting us!"

The reason why Damas is so excited is that human flesh and blood is a great tonic for the Lanjing family.

Human flesh and blood can enhance the natural blood of the blue Jing people. After taking a large amount of it, it can even make them reborn.

So when Damas saw the human team, he didn't hesitate and plundered directly.

He knew very well that there could not be such a poor human royal family in this desolate and remote star region.

Then there is only one possibility.

These people are just abandoned people in a corner of mankind. They may be some of the exiled people.

In that case, Damas can't waste this opportunity.

The pot began to fill with water.

The diversion and water injection is carried out by a special suspended small aircraft, which looks like a waterfall flowing straight down. It looks very spectacular.

But seeing this scene, the Terran women were all frightened.

They couldn't believe or accept that their fate was cooked by a group of alien monsters as food.

At first they thought they would be humiliated and bullied. Now it seems that the ending is better.



"Don't eat us!"

With a sneer on his face, he opened the simultaneous translator and said faintly, "have you heard that if food asks for mercy, it will be forgiven? It's ridiculous!"

"Come on! Increase the fire!"

Hoo Hoo!

The big iron pot has its own firepower system, and the water surface will soon be steaming hot gas.

"Captain, the water temperature is almost. It's time to put seasoning?" The subordinate said with a smile.

This kind of collective eating and food is still the rarest thing for Terran women. It is also a rare event. The Lanjing people are eagerly looking forward to it.

Thousands of Lanjing people on the court ate hundreds of human women. According to the usual amount of food, it was not enough.

But this is only the first group of Terran women. They believe that a steady stream of Terran women will be served as food soon.

"Let's go!"

For the Lanjing family, this is a unique feast.

From the stockade, a steady stream of tall blue spirit servants came out. They carried large and small iron Lou and put all kinds of seasonings into the iron pot.

Soon, bursts of strange fragrance floated in the air.

Smelling the fragrance, the big horse's eyes flashed and smiled excitedly, "hahaha... Let's eat enough today and have a good experience of the treatment that the Blue King can enjoy!"


Excited, they raised their weapons and threw heartfelt gratitude gestures at Damas.

"The captain is mighty!"


"Long live!"

Listening to these ghosts crying and wolves howling, the Terran women were pale, and they were paralyzed in despair.

Before coming to Titan, they were regarded as the Pearl of their respective forces, ready to use their excellent appearance to communicate and contact.

I never thought it would become alien food.


There was a tremor from the iron pot, and the water was completely boiling.

And the seasoning has melted in the water.

"Strip all the food, clean it, and then throw it into the pot. Each iron pot can hold 20 people!"

"Prepare chopping boards and knives! Make delicious food immediately after the meat is cooked!"

With the order of the big horse, the star robber of the blue Jing family fiercely picked up the Terran woman.


Women's clothes were torn to pieces, revealing sexy bodies that can be coveted by Terran men.

However, in the eyes of the blue Jing people, the beautiful body of human women is just a more delicious representative.




Terran women are gathered together, like white pork, which looks very dazzling.

Wow, wow!

A large amount of water fell from the ship to wash the bodies of Terran women.

In ten minutes, everything is ready!

The Chief Marshal got up and shouted, "get off the pot!"

The scene became lively again. The Lanjing people were in high spirits and walked towards the iron pot with the Terran woman on their shoulders.

Just then, a dark shadow rushed in from outside the stockade like electricity.

"Captain! A Terran army has come outside the stockade!"

"Oh? So fast?" The big horse was slightly stunned and then said with a smile, "it seems that we have frightened these scattered people and sent tribute so soon?"

"Hahaha, we haven't started the first meal yet, but the second one is coming!"

"Good, good!"

"Hum! They know each other! In that case, let's postpone the feast for the time being. After receiving the tributes, let those tributes see their families being eaten with their own eyes. At that time, it will certainly make the food more delicious! Ha ha..."

"The captain is right!"

"Let's go out together!"

The big horse took the lead, picked up the big axe more than three meters high next to him, and swaggered outside the stronghold.

He was followed by hundreds of Lanjing people, all of whom were tall and strong men.

Outside the stronghold.

Lin Xiao's spaceship had landed on the platform, and the towering stronghold gate in front of him really made him feel a sudden.

Far away.

The tall Lanjing people opened the stronghold door and swarmed in.

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