"Mr. Lin, that's them!"

The guide hid behind Lin Xiao and carefully pointed to the Lanjing people who were walking proudly, "these guys are very fierce. They killed our guards and robbed our women!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded slightly, and his eyes fell directly on the leading big horse, "get back!"


The guide and several attendants quickly withdrew and hid behind the battle.

Lin Xiao held a huge blade in his hand and beat it to the ground.


The ground is broken and the momentum is very shocking.

Far away.

The big horse was dressed in blue and had a pair of blue eyes. He frowned at this scene.

"Hum! The Terran formation is so vast. Do you want to find something?"

"Captain! These guys don't know what to do. It seems that they want to seek revenge?"

"Hahaha..." the big horse laughed three times. "A group of earth buns who don't know the so-called dare to come to the door?"

"Captain, I thought these guys came to deliver tribute. It seems that they are not convinced of what happened today!"

The big horse stretched out his hand in the back.

Immediately came out of a man and handed a three meter silver gun.

Damas grabbed it in his hand and sneered, "the Terran is like this. He is arrogant and self righteous. Even if he is exiled to another star, he is still a high face!"

"Today, I'll let them understand that on Titan, the star robbers of the blue Jing clan are not the existence that the Terran can provoke!"


Hundreds of blue Jing soldiers responded.

The soldiers of the Lanjing clan are tall and big. The highest strong one is three meters, and the lowest one is about two and a half meters.

If put on the earth, these blue Jing warriors are at least world-class dunk masters.

Lin Xiao had a bad taste in his heart, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth. "Lanjing family is some good seedlings to play basketball."

Lin Xiao had been thinking about something.

How to occupy a place in the trading star.

Duan Yi has gone deep into Titan to inquire about the news. I'm afraid he didn't break into canglan department so soon.

To break through the blockade of canglan, at least build some forces on Titan.

The blue Jing clan in front of Lin Xiao made a wonderful idea emerge in his heart.

"Poor Terran, did you come to our Lanjing stronghold to pay tribute?"

A very large and broad blue Jing warrior swaggered out, arrogantly pointed at Lin Xiao and shouted, "when will 100 million Terran women be provided? Why can't a woman be seen today?"

Lin Xiao smiled. "Want a woman? Well, just promise me one condition."

"Condition? I bah!" The blue Jing warrior sneered, "do you know who you're talking to?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said the most cruel words in the most gentle tone, "what are you?"

"Asshole! Standing in front of you," the other party respectfully pointed to the big horse, "is the captain of the big horse, the stronghold leader of the blue Jing clan at the 486th trading point of Titan! Don't you kneel down and salute?"

Big Ma Shiang raised his head and was ready to accept Lin Xiao's worship.

"It's just a captain," Lin Xiao said. "I think your stronghold is quite large. It's just that I need a stronghold to develop on Titan. In that case, hand it over."

"What, what?" Big Max just looked like he was on top. When he heard this, his eyes widened.

Lin Xiao's words were too arrogant and caught people off guard.

"Is this Terran boy crazy?"


"The captain gave them face. He really put his face on his nose!"



The big horse pointed his spear in front of him and shot out a sharp gun. He pierced the void and hit Lin Xiao in front of him.

Lin Xiao lightly waved his hand to block the gun gang and said with a faint smile, "why? Don't you agree? As long as you promise my conditions, I can reluctantly... Spare your life!"

"Arrogance!" The big horse was angry. He was still waiting to receive tribute. Who would know that a blind boy jumped out.



Dozens of blue Jing soldiers came out in order, all bared their teeth, like a fierce beast just ready to throw out, all holding rice long ring knives in their hands.


Dozens of blue elite soldiers rushed to the second row, grabbed a strong blue bow from their shoulders, bent the bow and took an arrow, and aimed at the direction of Lin Xiao's battle array.

"Teach me a lesson, these unkind Terran boys!"

At the command of the big horse, the two teams of blue Jing soldiers seemed to be crazy and howled and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

Boom, boom!

These five big and three thick guys seem to hit the ground with huge stones every time they step out, making a shocking sound.

Lin Xiao's guide was frightened. He had seen the soldiers of the blue Jing family charging. That's how their guard was crushed when they came.

"Mr. Lin, be careful. These guys look arrogant. In fact, they are very evil. There are supreme level experts among these soldiers!"

On the surface, the top soldiers of Lanjing family are just great masters, and even some gold level soldiers are mixed.

However, occasionally several supreme masters hide them as the biggest mace.

Generally, no one would expect that in this level of battle, the Supreme Master will appear as a small soldier.

The real Supreme Master is stronger than the supreme puppet, and has wisdom, which is very difficult to deal with.

Even Lin Xiao was surprised, "really? It's a little interesting!"


The eight puppets were scattered on both sides and did not take the initiative to attack.

For the first time, Lin Xiao decided to leave a profound lesson for the other party.


Lin Xiao twisted his wrist and held the huge knife in his hand.

The tiger step pressed forward and the giant knife stretched forward. A domineering momentum spread from Lin Xiao's body.


The next second, Lin Xiao poured out strong power.

The momentum of the supreme second section is completely emitted.

But people familiar with the matter know that although Lin Xiao is only the cultivation of supreme section II, he can really fight and crush the martial artists of supreme section IV.

Even the giant ape whose strength is comparable to the supreme four sections was cut off by Lin Xiao.

Not to mention these guys in front of Lin Xiao, they are not worth mentioning at all.


The blue elite soldiers have rushed forward.

The big horse sneered, "this boy, do you still want to stop my soldiers with your own strength? It's like laughing off my big teeth..."


Lin Xiao rushed into the battle array with an arrow step. With a fierce swing of the huge knife, a destructive force burst out.



We just felt that dozens of heads flew into the sky with a flower in front of us.


On the mountain wall, an unfathomable trench suddenly appeared.

The audience was dead quiet.

Dozens of corpses of blue Jing soldiers lay neatly on the ground, surrounded by a strange blood circle.

Damascus was stunned. "What, what's going on?"

Lin Xiao slowly took back the knife and deliberately said in a sarcastic tone, "it's really weak..."

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