Lin Xiao, carrying a big knife, pointed to the big horse and said with a smile, "I'll give you another chance. As long as you bow down and become a minister, I'll spare your life!"

"Bastard!" With the forefinger of the big horse's spear, he naturally can't admit defeat and surrender in front of the people. He can see that the strength of the people in front of him is at least more than the second section of the supreme.

If it's only the second paragraph of supreme, Damas still has some confidence.

The spear in his hand is forged from the best material, and the bonus to vitality can be more than doubled. Even if he deals with the master of the supreme three sections, he can fight hard.

"Still not satisfied, is it?" Lin Xiao waved back.

The eight puppets acted immediately, like a fierce tiger out of the gate, and rushed to the battle array of the Lanjing family.


Big horse was surprised.

"Puppet supreme!"

Puppet supremacy is a thing of high-level civilization. Even if he has only a few.

Unexpectedly, the Terran boy who suddenly appeared took eight puppets, which was really unexpected.


Big horse roared.

The soldiers of the Lanjing clan refreshed their morale, picked up their weapons and fought against the puppet supreme.


The two stopped fighting together in an instant.

The dust was flying and the fighting was like a dragon, and the scene immediately got out of control.

"This boy has a puppet supreme. You can't be careless!" Big horse held the silver gun tightly in his hand and stared at Lin Xiao. He had a ghost idea in his heart.

The blue Jing soldiers are famous for their bravery, but the big horse is very cunning, which is the main reason why he became the captain.

Facing the strong enemy, Damas didn't attack at the first time. Instead, he grabbed several of his men and scolded, "come on! Move out the Tianji gun!"

"Ah?" His men were stunned. "To deal with these inferior Terrans, we need to use Tianji guns? Captain, think twice!"

"Less nonsense!" Damas said angrily, "go!"

Frightened by the big horse, the two blue Jing soldiers hurried back and left.

But there was a murmur in their hearts.

Tianji gun is a powerful cannon against spaceships. Even the master should avoid its edge.

Damas wanted to drag out the Tianji gun at the first time, which puzzled many Lanjing soldiers.

At the next moment, Lin Xiao came towards Damas with a big knife.

A huge momentum came.

"Shit, this boy..." Big Max took a deep breath and roared, "I want to see how many kilograms you have!"


In the battle array, the big horse jumped up with a long gun and burst into a strong light.

"Eh?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "this gun is good!"


The next second, the big horse had combined his guns and rushed forward.

With a silver gun, the big horse is enough to fight the warrior of the supreme third segment.



The extremely dignified vitality of the gun tip pierced Lin Xiao's protective vigorous Qi and went to the center of his eyebrows.


Lin Xiao stopped in front of him with a horizontal knife, gave a slight meal under his feet, and pressed forward with the weight of the big knife.


The Damascus man flew out with his gun upside down and blew through a mountain wall like a shell.

"Cough, cough, cough..." after gasping for a long time, big horse just squeezed out and coughed with a gray face.

Blood dripped down on the ground along his lips, and Yan Hong's color made the big horse tremble.

Too strong!

Just now, I thought I would make a contribution, but I couldn't even stop someone's random knife.

Lin Xiao smiled and became more and more satisfied with his strength.

Since the battle with Ye lost, he had a thorough understanding of the supreme realm and understood that using the vitality of heaven and earth is the real means of the supreme.

However, Lin Xiao's current supreme rank is low, and he can't mobilize more vitality of heaven and earth.

"I'll give you another chance..." Lin Xiao smiled strangely. "Kneel down to be a minister and spare your life!"

"Bah!" Malaysia's morale clenched its teeth and saw that its soldiers had been killed by eight puppets. One heart gradually sank to the bottom of the valley.

He secretly looked into the stronghold and thought to himself, why don't these fools pull out the Tianji cannon.

Lin Xiao took a step forward and pointed the dagger at the big horse. The sword Gang airflow filled the big horse's eyes.

"Kneel down!"

The big horse was startled and hurried back to avoid. The big man was like an obscene mouse, which made people laugh.

The fallen blue Jing soldiers gathered around him one by one, looking at Lin Xiao like a ghost.

No one can imagine that the Terran boy suddenly appeared so strong that they didn't even have the power to fight back.

At this time, the sound of earth shaking came from the direction of the mountain stronghold.

Lin Xiao was stunned and looked back.

The guide and others immediately gestured to the soldiers who had been lying in ambush halfway up the mountain.

The soldier in charge of the investigation soon returned the news.

"What?" Lin Xiao frowned. "Is there a gun I haven't seen?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, the spy reported that he set up a metal iron gun with a barrel of 20 meters at the gate of the stronghold. It looks powerful!"

Before the guide's voice fell, he heard a piercing sound in the air.


It's like a rocket breaking into the air. It only needs to be amplified dozens of times to describe the sound.

Then Lin Xiao saw a huge arrow with red light, and the pen went straight to the spaceship hanging in the air.


The ship was blown to pieces.

"Back!" Damas saw the opportunity and led his soldiers to retreat towards him desperately.

Lin Xiao didn't rush forward. It was really that the rocket just now was too strong, which made him afraid.


The soldiers of Lanjing clan withdrew from the encirclement and retreated outside the stronghold gate under the leadership of Damas.

"Hahaha... Boy, do you know what this is? This is the treasure of the Lanjing family. One shot can kill you all!" The big horse fiercely threatened, "if you don't want to die, kneel down and beg for mercy immediately!"

"I didn't expect to have such a big killer. What a surprise!" Lin Xiao's eyes flashed and couldn't help asking, "what weapon is this?"

"Tianji gun!" The big horse was very proud, "a steamed stuffed bun who has never seen the world. Now he knows the power of the blue Jing clan?"

"Tianji gun? Yes, yes," Lin Xiao nodded repeatedly. "In that case, I don't respect it. I'll take this gift!"

"What, what gift? What are you talking about? This is a secret cannon. One shell can ruin you all!" The big horse was angry and laughing, and kept roaring.

Lin Xiao curled his lips, "since you have been stubborn, but I have to use tough means to make you give in!"


Before Lin Xiao's voice fell, his body ran out like a Tyrannosaurus Rex.


The big horse only felt a flower in front of him, and he lost Lin Xiao's shadow.

At the next moment, Lin Xiao came to the battle array of Lanjing family as if in a blink, and the heavy knife swept out.


A large number of blue Jing soldiers were swept away and a large open space was cleared at the scene.

"This..." the big horse was stunned and shouted recklessly, "come on! Launch a sky machine gun! Blow up the boy to death!"

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