Lin Xiao was really nervous.

He could see clearly the power of that gun to blow up the ship just now.

With such powerful gun power, it must be over if you blow it on people.


Lin Xiao started first and rushed frantically towards the stronghold gate.

Lin Xiao was like a wind. He disappeared in a flash. The speed was amazing.

"Shit!" The big horse was so frightened that he climbed and ran to the stronghold gate. There was no arrogance and arrogance just now, "get out!"

Seeing that Lin Xiao was about to kill in front of the door, the Tianji gun had been charged.

The dazzling muzzle is like a blood swallowing Warcraft, emitting a penetrating smell.

Lin Xiao only felt his scalp numb and felt a palpitation for no reason.


I saw the black light flashing at the muzzle of Tianji gun, and a touch of red suddenly rose.

"Red light?" Lin Xiao had only one thought in his mind, and a strong arrow shaped energy wave was shot from the Tianji gun.


Lin Xiao, who had already prepared, rolled on the spot, inserted his heavy knife into the ground, and then resolutely dodged and withdrew to the right.

Before the impact, Lin Xiao made up his mind to block it with a heavy knife, and then dodge.


The invincible giant knife turned into pieces.

However, Lin Xiao also took advantage of this short resistance to dodge the attack of Tianji gun.

"Well, how is this possible?" Big horse was still waiting for Lin Xiao to be blown up by a gun, but he was completely stunned the next second.

It was the first time for him to see someone who could directly flash through the Tianji gun. The body method speed and prediction were extremely strong.

Lin Xiao gasped, smiling at the corners of his mouth, "that's just the secret cannon. You're really smiling at so many good things you sent today!"


As soon as big horse wanted to refute a few words, he saw Lin Xiao's body coming like a ghost

"Shit!" The big horse didn't dare to fight. He turned around and ran away, shouting, "come on! Close the door!"


The soldiers of Lanjing clan fled and closed the tall wooden gate immediately after they rushed into the stronghold.


The wooden door was locked tightly by several huge cylindrical mechanisms and closed tightly.

When Lin Xiao rushed to the door, the wooden door was closed.

The wooden door is more than ten meters high. There are heavy guards on the top platform of the door, as well as a variety of mechanism calculations.

Lin Xiao looked up and found that the wall was too high and there were many defenses. If he attacked hard, he might encounter an ambush.

"It's not easy to enter!"

When he was in a dilemma, Lin Xiao's eyes flashed and landed on the Tianji gun left outside.

Just now, these blue Jing people ran so fast that they didn't have time to drag the Tianji gun back.

"Hey!" Lin Xiao turned his eyes and immediately turned to the Tianji gun.

In front of the cannon, it looks very powerful. The light pattern on the gun body about two meters high flows. I don't know what material it is made of. It is cold everywhere.

Damas came to the wall platform, looked down, and couldn't help but sneer, "hum! Boy, the Tianji gun is an artifact of our family. It's not your existence that an outsider can operate."

Lin Xiao turned around the Tianji gun and found a large string of numbers on the control panel that he couldn't understand.

"Someone!" Big horse waved his big hand.


On the city wall, dozens of elite crossbow hands rushed up, holding strong bows and heavy crossbows. The crossbows and arrows on the strings were awe inspiring.

"Shoot him!"

Big Max roared.


Dozens of people pulled bows together.

The huge vitality was absorbed by the special crossbow and gathered on the wall to form a visible yuan force group.

"Arrow array?" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.

When he was a child, he read some introductions about weapons and battle formations in ancient books.

Arrow array is a way to gather strength and give play to its powerful power with the help of some method to kill the enemy.

Lin Xiao had never seen the arrow array or the weapon array, nor had he experienced the power.

But judging from the current prestige, it can never be underestimated.


In the gap between Lin Xiao's absence, the arrow array at the top of the wall was ready.

A huge and sharp breath directly locked Lin Xiao in.

"Little boy, do you really think you can do whatever you want if you have two skills? The Tianji gun can't kill you. Let you try the blue essence arrow array!"



The vitality exploded and the air almost burned.

Lin Xiao subconsciously shrank back.

However, the huge arrow Gang gathered by the arrow array seemed to have infrared tracking ability and shot directly at Lin Xiao.

In a short moment, Lin Xiao felt his hair numb and screamed.

The arrow array is a joint force of dozens of elite experts. Although the power is not enough to completely add up the power of everyone, it has at least half the power.

Dozens of great masters and even several supreme masters are among them, which is very powerful.


The arrow came in an instant.


Lin Xiao's position was blown out of a big pit, resulting in smoke and unable to see the surrounding scene.

"Mr. Lin!" The guide and others have been watching from a distance.

In front of this scene, they also saw it very clearly, and suddenly their souls were gone.

"What should I do?"

"What happened to Mr. Lin?"

With such a loud noise and movement, Lin Xiao was in the center of the vortex again.

Damascus blinked for a long time, and couldn't help laughing loudly. "Ha ha ha, this little boy, was shot dead? Really thought I teach you a lesson? I will not give you some color to see, I..."

However, before Damas' voice fell, he saw Lin Xiao coming out of the dust.

"Cough, cough..."

At this moment, Lin Xiao was really embarrassed, and blood was still hanging on the corners of his mouth and shoulders.

However, the condition is good, and there is no sign of serious injury or dying.

"Shit!" Lin Xiao tilted his mouth, "this power is really strong enough. He almost didn't catch it..."

When Thomas heard this, his face turned black.

With the power of the flesh, you dare to take the power of the arrow array. Even the Supreme Master dare not support it so much.

Lin Xiao just tried the power of the arrow array. After feeling it, he determined that the power of the arrow array just now was enough to kill the master of the supreme four sections at once.

This is just an arrow array of dozens of people. If there are hundreds, thousands

Of course, the greater the number, the higher the degree of fit, and it requires everyone in the array to work together to achieve a certain balance.

This balance alone is difficult to control and train.

Therefore, hundreds or even tens of thousands of armed formations are not without, but extremely rare.

Lin Xiao reluctantly took the arrow with his strong body and accurate mastery of Yuan force.

"Is there no other way?" Lin Xiao recovered, stretched himself and smiled at the big horse, "the power of this arrow array is not very good."

"Shit!" The big horse was stunned. Unconsciously, he stepped back and shouted, "come on! Keep shooting! Shoot him!"

Although the arrow array is powerful, it needs preparation time.

Lin Xiao naturally wouldn't let them start again. He directly picked up a pile of weapons dropped by the Lanjing family from the ground, aimed at the city wall and threw them out.


Knives, guns, swords, halberds, and all kinds of weapons fly out like a heavenly daughter. Just looking at the power, they are no worse than the arrow array just now.

The big horse was dumbfounded.

Boom, boom!

The next second, the city wall was in a mess and wailing everywhere.


At the same time, Lin Xiao didn't know how to start the Tianji gun.

"What? Impossible!" Big Max screamed.


Lin Xiao turned the muzzle and pointed directly at the gate of the stronghold.

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