Big Max's face is green.

"He, how on earth did he start the Tianji gun?"

Fingerprint password is required for the start-up of Tianji gun, and full-time personnel are required to start the collection of energy surge.

However, Lin Xiao opened the muzzle so easily to charge the gun barrel. This operation shocked everyone.

Lin Xiao raised the muzzle with an inexplicable smile and said loudly, "I'll give you a chance to open the door, or I'll destroy you together!"

Thomas knew the power of the secret cannon very well.

Once the Tianji gun opens fire, let alone the gate, they will all be buried with him. He doesn't have the ability to dodge the Tianji arrow gun like Lin Xiao.

"Wait, wait!" The big horse screamed, "have something to say!"

"Give you three seconds!" Lin Xiao moved the muzzle again, and the energy surged faster and faster. As long as he pressed the button gently, the gate would be blown through.


"Open the door!" Before Lin Xiao could count down the second second, the big horse shouted desperately, "come on! What are you doing? Open the door!"

A hero doesn't suffer at present. Damas knows that he has met a hard man today.

Boom! Boom!

The huge wooden door opened slowly, revealing a passage to the inside of the stronghold.

And Damas and others hid behind the door and dared not show up.

Lin Xiao did not relax his vigilance. Who knows whether these guys are really soft or fake surrender.

"Go! Tie them all up!" Lin Xiao waved to his hidden men, "if anyone dares to resist, I'll shoot him down and blow him to pieces!"


Dozens of elite soldiers rushed out of the array, rushed into the stronghold accompanied by the puppet supreme, and tied up the big horse tightly.

The big horse was brought to Lin Xiao, knelt down and said with a sad face, "friends, it's all a misunderstanding. What's the matter? Sit down and talk slowly!"

"Talk slowly?" Lin Xiao looked down at him condescending, "how do you account for killing my people and robbing my women?"

"This..." big horse's eyes turned, "I'll compensate!"

"How to compensate?"

"How about I give you yuan Dan?" Damas just wants to get rid of Lin Xiao as soon as possible. He can pay any price.

Lin Xiao does not lack yuan Dan now. What he lacks is a reasonable identity to enter the trading point for trading and an opportunity to open the situation.

"I don't need it!" Lin Xiao shook his head decisively.

"Ah?" It's the first time Damas has seen someone who doesn't need Yuandan.

It's like an ordinary person telling you he doesn't need money. It's totally incomprehensible.

"If you promise to be loyal to me, I will spare you and your people, or I will wipe out the whole stronghold and let all Lanjing people bury you!"

The Lanjing clan is a famous star robber in the universe. They never talk about rules.

They always ask others to surrender.

I didn't expect that the geomantic omen took turns today and let Lin Xiao ride on his head.

Big horse could only swallow his anger. He knew that if he showed any resistance, his head might be lost.

"I know what you're thinking," Lin Xiao said with a smile. "You want to promise falsely, and then wait until the opportunity comes and do it mercilessly, don't you?"

"Ah?" As soon as the big horse thought turned, Lin Xiao saw through it, and his face suddenly changed color, "I, I didn't..."

"Hum!" Lin Xiao grabbed his hand, lifted the big horse into the air and sneered, "you can't refuse! I want you to promise in front of all the Lanjing people, otherwise there's only a dead end!"

The big horse trampled carelessly, as if being shouted by a cockerel holding his throat, "OK, I agree!"

Lin Xiao felt a burst of contempt.

It seems that the powerful and majestic Lanjing people are just silver guns and candle heads. They look useless. They raised their hands and surrendered without any means.

"Go!" Lin Xiao threw the big horse down.

Big Mars followed suit and smiled cautiously. "Sir, why do you embarrass us a group of star thieves? With your ability, it's no problem to wander inside Titan."

"I don't want to embarrass you," Lin Xiao smiled jokingly. "It seems that you robbed us first?"

"Cough, don't mention this..." the big horse smiled awkwardly and suddenly his face changed. He remembered something and lost his voice, "no!"

"What?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned.

Big horse was as frightened as an ant on a hot pot. He remembered that the Terran women were still lying naked in the square waiting to be cooked.

If Lin Xiao sees this scene, he won't kill himself immediately?

"Hey! You guys!" Damas pointed to his men and shouted, "why don't you go and invite the adult's people out safely?"

"Ah?" His men were not stupid. They immediately responded, "yes!"

"Remember, they are all distinguished guests. They should be treated with courtesy, okay?" Damascus winked at his men.

"I see!" His men ran away.

Lin Xiao lost his smile. He was not afraid of the big horse's deception. He could fight at any time.

When the Lanjing men returned to the square, they saw the ground wailing and some timid, so they quickly ordered others to go to the warehouse to get the best clothes.

Terran women cry and think they are about to be cooked by 'monsters'.

But in the twinkling of an eye, someone sent clothes and dressed them respectfully.

This is a little strange.

"He, what the hell do they want?"

"Do you want us to cook in clothes?"

"What a pervert! I can't stand it. I'll fight with them!"

Some women are also very strong. It's better to die quickly than to die.

So dozens of women madly attacked the blue elite warrior array.

These soldiers dare not fight back and let them fight and kick without being moved.

We all can't believe that the blue Jing soldiers who were just fierce are so "clever" at the moment.

Just then, Big marsh took Lin Xiao to the square.

"Mr. Lin, I'm very polite to noble ladies. I don't want to harm each other at all. I just want to threaten them!" The big horse's words were precise, and he didn't blush at all.

Anyway, he has made sure that the Terran women are properly arranged and put on new clothes.

However, when he came to the square, he was a little confused when he saw the scene.

At the same time, suddenly a Terran woman shouted, "you bastards want to cook us? Bah! I won't die!"

With those big iron pots on the scene and the shouting of women, Damas only felt hot on his face and sweating nervously.

"You......" Lin Xiao laughed angrily. "Should you cook them all?"

"Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings, my Lord!" Big Max is crying.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao snorted coldly. If he hadn't come in time, I'm afraid these women would have become food in the pot. It's terrible.

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