As soon as Huoxi's small eyes lit up, he immediately answered, "Mr. Lin, please say!"

"Hehe, I have a game tonight, but only more than 20 people buy tickets. I hope you can help me promote it."

"Well, no problem." Huoxi immediately promised, "it's a small matter. I'll let the people of the chamber of Commerce do publicity immediately to ensure that everyone at 486 trading point knows it!"

"But..." Huoxi said with a dry smile, "I want to ask, what kind of game is Mr. Lin's game?"


"Basketball?" Fire searched his mind and couldn't find any memory about basketball. He couldn't help asking, "is it a kind of war ball?"

"Yes......" Lin Xiao touched his nose.

He has seen some sports related to trading star. Battle ball is a kind of competition using special metal balls. It is similar to martial arts competition, but with some changes.

"If you fight ball, the audience is relatively small, which is far less than the bloody stimulation from martial arts competition. I'm afraid the effect of publicity will not be very good..." Huoxing said frankly, "why doesn't Mr. Lin engage in some exciting projects? For example, 3v3 hunting fight? Or human and animal war?"

"Those big people are used to it," Lin Xiao smiled. "My project is definitely a sport that Titan has never seen before. It will certainly open everyone's eyes!"

On earth, basketball is popular all over the world. It is not only an exciting but also passionate group activity, which can make people's hormones soar.

Under Lin Xiao's reform, basketball will become more wonderful with fighting and killing. I believe it will attract a lot of attention.

However, we didn't understand the first game, so few people bought tickets.

"Ha ha..." Huoxing didn't think so, but he solemnly promised, "don't worry, Mr. Lin, I'll arrange it now."

"Thank you!"

After the two separated, Lin Xiao came to the playground.

From a long way away, I heard a roar of people. It was very lively.

What is going on is a war between man and beast.

One is a humanoid, which looks like an elf, and the other is a huge four armed ape.


The roar of the four armed ape was startling. Its four arms each grabbed a big sword with a wide blade and waved it like a storm, which was extremely frightening.

The Elves were in a hurry, desperately avoiding the attack of the four armed apes, and had been forced to the edge of the corner.


One of the elves was cut into pieces by the shadow of the four armed ape disease light knife.

The blood mist sprinkled all over the sky looks not only cruel, but also thrilling.

However, such a scene made tens of thousands of audiences extremely excited and shouted excitedly one after another.

"Well done!"


"Kill it!"

Even though the four armed ape has no wisdom, it can still feel the audience's love and support for it, so it waved four huge blades and kept roaring.

"Roar, roar..."

Lin Xiao's eyelids jumped, "it's barbaric..."

"My Lord!" The guide approached carefully, "our two teams have entered the backstage to get familiar with the rules. Now there are more than ten hours before midnight. Do you need me to arrange a rest for you?"

"No!" Lin Xiao waved his hand, "you take someone back to the rest point and stand by. I'll walk around!"

"Yes!" The guide respectfully stepped back.

Lin Xiao was single. After watching it in the playground for more than half an hour, he left in a flutter.

The trading point city is too big. The crisscross vehicle tracks shuttle overhead, making people seem to be in an illusory space.

"Although this trading point is prosperous, there are not many people with strength." Lin Xiao observed secretly in the street and found that most of them were ordinary lives, and there were few great masters or even supreme masters.


Suddenly, a scream in the street caused panic among the crowd, followed by a petite figure jumping off the second track.


Then, a suspended car fell to the ground and hit Lin Xiao heavily.

Lin Xiao quickly dodged away.


The figure ran to Lin Xiao without bias. His movements looked very sensitive. Although he shouted for help, his expression was relaxed.


The figure hid behind Lin Xiao.

"Sir, help me!"

The voice of Jiao didi surprised Lin Xiao.

It was a girl.

"What's going on?" Lin Xiao turned the language translator to the same frequency and asked in a deep voice.

"Someone is after me!"

"Then you should go to the police!"

"Police?" The girl showed her sharp ears and half a pretty face. She looked up at Lin Xiao and asked innocently, "what's that?"

"Er..." Lin Xiao responded, "it's the sheriff!"

"They?" A look of contempt flashed in the elf girl's eyes, "a bunch of waste! It will only make trouble!"


During their conversation, more than a dozen dark shadows fell from the sky. They looked strange and broad, all dressed in neat green strange clothes.

"Where to run!"

"Ghost! See where you can hide today."

"Never let her run away!"

A gang of people came up murderously, didn't pay attention to Lin Xiao at all, and took him as air.

The ghost spirit grabbed Lin Xiao's clothes and said pitifully, "sir! Help me, they are all robbers and want to rob my baby!"

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't want to cause trouble, and he didn't want to save an elf girl of unknown origin. "Hey, girl, I can't protect myself. How can I save you?"

"You can save me!" The ghost spirit shook Lin Xiao's arm and looked pitiful, "I know!"

"You know shit!" Lin Xiao was angry and smiled, "get out of the way and don't stand in my way!"

"I don't!" Ghost spirit pursed his lips and pulled his fingers tighter.

"Ghost! Hand over the things!"

"How dare you steal from me and eat the bear heart and leopard courage?"

The ghost made a face and spit out a sweet tongue, "hum! My eldest brother is here. How dare you do this again? Be careful he will kill you all!"

"What, what big brother?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Hey, girl, don't make a blind date!"

"Friends, I don't know her. I'll go right away. Don't get me wrong!" Lin Xiao didn't want to cause trouble and left immediately.

"Brother!" The ghost spirit cried sadly, "you can't ignore me! My mother died early. If you ignore me, no one will take care of me!"

Lin Xiao's face was black at that time. "Who's your brother? Don't climb the relationship."

The ghost spirit wrapped around Lin Xiao's leg directly, just like a pendant.

"Boy! So you're the big brother of ghost spirit? That's great!"

"The ghost stole our things. If she doesn't give them, she will kill you!"

"Surround him!"

Lin Xiao was speechless. It was too unlucky. He didn't do anything and provoked a group of enemies.

Besides, these people look very annoying.

Just from the other party's dress bearing, it's not a good stubble.

"I'm really not his brother..." Lin Xiao felt that this sentence was very weak.

It's no use not admitting this situation. The other party recognized their relationship.

"Cut the crap! Hand over the things!"

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