The captain of the guard was very considerate and led Lin Xiao and others directly to the place instructed by Lin Xiao, which is the organization for registering the competition and team.

With the captain of the guard, the registration was smooth, and no one investigated the origin of these star thieves.

After registering for an alien basketball team, Lin Xiao immediately applied to hold a game in the most popular Dayan playground at 486 trading point.

On average, there are hundreds of competitions in Dayan stadium every day, and only 24 finally pass the examination.

The high-frequency competition every hour has brought great economic effects to the backstage boss of Dayan stadium.

Therefore, Lin Xiao's "alien basketball court" is a newly established team. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to be ranked.

But the captain of the guard was very optimistic about Lin Xiao and took the initiative to help him apply for a competition place. Calculated by Titan hour, it should be midnight on earth.

At this time, the number of people watching the game is greatly reduced. At ordinary times, even one tenth of the number of people in the field can not reach. When it is said that a new team has come, it is still the so-called basketball type that has never existed, and no one comes to see it.

According to the statistics of the ticket office, a total of 23 tickets were sold by midnight.

Tens of thousands of seats and only 23 tickets were sold. The effect is not bleak, which can be described.

However, Lin Xiao didn't care.

The first game, can have such an effect, has been surprisingly good.

After all, you can get a game in the hottest playground, which is the first step.

Lin Xiao temporarily rented a floor opposite the playground as a foothold.

When the party came to the foothold, Big marsh was very puzzled about Lin Xiao's generosity.

"My Lord, it's just a foothold. You paid a hundred yuan pills. It's a waste..."

One hundred yuan pills are already a valuable property for these star thieves.

Lin Xiao rented only a few temporary footholds and threw them out lavishly. He didn't understand it very much.

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao said slowly, "if you are new here, who will pay attention to you if you don't show some pride?"

"But..." Damas still didn't understand, "is it worth renting more than a dozen rooms?"

"You'll know right away!" Lin Xiao smiled confidently.

Big Mars is still confused.

But soon, a team of exotic beauties dressed in enchanting clothes followed a businessman with fire essence family to Lin Xiao's door.

Seeing these alien beauties, Big Max's eyes were straight.

"Cybertron woman?"

The Huojing merchant bowed down solemnly and said politely to Lin Xiao, "distinguished guests, welcome to 486 trading point!"

"Excuse me, are you..." Lin Xiao asked, pretending not to know.

"By the way," the merchant of Huojing family quickly handed out a business card with strange shape, "I'm the owner of this guest house. My name is Huoxi."

Lin Xiao's face looked strange. "Fire West? What's the relationship between you and fire east?"

"Hehe, he is my brother." Huoxi quickly smiled, "if it weren't for my brother, I didn't know that distinguished guests would settle in my guest house, so I came this time because of my brother."

"It's interesting," Lin Xiao smiled. "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"How dare you," Huoxi hurried to fight, ha ha, "I have charged you 100 yuan pills, which is enough to offset the expenses for decades. I am ashamed of it, so I hope to make a friend with my husband. Please see!"

Huoxi handed over an electronic instrument similar to a tablet and said carefully, "this is the information and intelligence of all stores and trading shops at 486 trading point. Please accept it!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

Thomas was even more stunned.

There are various types of shops at the trading point, and the most important one is its relevant information and intelligence.

If you master a variety of information channels and transaction sources, you can easily carry out various transactions and earn a huge price difference.

This is priceless for businessmen.

I didn't expect Huoxi, a seemingly insignificant guy, to have such precious information.

Even Lin Xiao, who doesn't know about the trading point, can see the importance of this information.

He had thought that the other party would offer some convenience and benefits when he came to show his kindness, but he never expected that such a great benefit would be provided.

"This..." Lin Xiao hesitated. He didn't know the other party's purpose.

Lin Xiao felt that the other party must have something to ask for.

Sure enough, the next moment Huoxi tactfully put forward the hope that Lin Xiao could open all the trading circles of the earth and only allow Huoxi's fire source chamber of Commerce to enter.

If Lin Xiao agrees to this proposal, there will be obstacles and pressure from the fire chamber of commerce if other races or forces on Titan want to enter the transaction in the future.

"Mr. Lin, your star has just opened the portal and is still in the lowest end of civilization. If you want to be promoted to a first-order civilization and get various preferential measures from the Empire, you can't help but insiders," Huoxi said with a smile, "We Huoyuan chamber of commerce are numbered in the whole Huojing family. As long as you agree to this proposal, we will be fully responsible for the next promotion!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said, "what's the benefit of the upgrading of planetary civilization?"

"It's too good." "First of all, the first-order civilization has the permission to independently manufacture spaceships, and can also get the most direct technical gifts from the Empire. This is the first step into the interstellar era, which is very important!"

"Can't I build a spaceship without the permission of the Empire? And even if I can't, I can buy it."

"Hehe... What you think is too simple." Huoxi shook his head and said, "let's not say how much money it takes to buy a spaceship. Even if you have the money, how many can you buy?"

"Moreover, unregistered spacecraft, let alone trading stars, even if some ordinary life planets can't get in, will become the wanted object of the Empire. To put it bluntly, it's a black ship."

Lin Xiao's face turned black. "Is there such a saying?"

"What do you think?" Huoxi said with a smile, "just say that you are stopping at the strong cloud on the earth now. If the Empire knows, it will send troops to collect it immediately. All the experts dispatched are at the star master level. You don't have any resistance at all!"

"True or false?" Lin Xiao was surprised.

"Imperial authority should not be blasphemed. Even in very remote galaxies, it should be subject to some restrictions!" Huoxi said in Spanish, "so Mr. Lin might as well consider our proposal."

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and felt that what Huoxi said was true.

Although the portal is now open, Lin Xiao's foundation is unstable and he can't bear any turbulence. He will be promoted to a first-class civilization as soon as possible. With the help of the Empire, he can also have greater self-protection ability.

"OK," Lin Xiao waved his big hand, "but I have a small condition..."

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