Lin Xiao naturally knew their concerns and said to Damas, "don't worry, although you are star thieves, you can enter the trading point as long as you change your identity."

Big horse's face was blankly, "we star thieves are deeply hated by people. What identity can calm the anger?"

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao smiled strangely, "athlete!"

"Ah? What?" The big horse was stunned. "Athlete?"

"Good!" Lin Xiao looked at big horse and joked, "it's a pity if you don't play basketball with your height and physique. I heard that there is a playground inside the trading point for guests from all star regions to play relevant games, right?"

"But... It's usually a wrestling or racing game. What's basketball?" Big horse said without thinking, "basketball players can make them not hate us?"

"I know there is a rule at the trading point, that is, the slaves of the strong can enter as players. If you are allowed to participate in the fight, I'm afraid it will be damaged, so I thought of a way to hold a basketball game..."

Big marsh didn't understand what Lin Xiao was talking about. He just heard the word "slave". His face didn't look very good.

"Don't worry! As long as you help me gain a foothold on Titan, I will let you go freely." Lin Xiao knew what big horse was thinking.

Knowing that he could only promise, the big horse nodded hard, "OK! I hope adults do what they say!"

"You go to appease the people. Starting tomorrow, select 30 people and form a basketball team!"

Strong cloud.

Lin Xiao wanted to set up an alien basketball team, which directly stunned the brothers.

"Boss, your brain circuit is a little strange." Make complaints about fruit. "Can this idea come true?"

Lin Xiao glanced at his brothers and saw doubts and puzzlement in their eyes. "Of course! I've studied that basketball doesn't exist on Titan, so it's definitely a novel sport that will open the eyes of people at the trading point!"

"We have natural advantages. As long as we make some articles on the rules, it's not difficult to win every game!"

"At the trading point, the most important thing is your contribution value. Only by accumulating enough contribution value can you set up a shop and conduct large-scale transactions."

"Holding and participating in the game is the fastest way to obtain contribution value, which is the purpose of forming a basketball team!"

Everyone suddenly.

"But..." Lao Zhang said in a deep voice, "will people agree? After all, this is a game that has never been played before."

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I believe they will see this business opportunity, so I want to train two teams to play an exhibition game. When they see the passion of basketball, they will understand how big the market potential is!"

"OK! We all listen to the boss!"

The alien basketball team was formed.

When more than 20 tall, dark blue skinned Lanjing people stood on the basketball court, they only felt that the court was too small?

Lin Xiao also found this problem and simply increased the area of the basketball court by 50%. Only in this way can the confrontation be more exciting.

At the beginning of training, it was very difficult. These blue elite soldiers could fight and kill, and they were very clumsy when playing basketball.

The most important point is that the constraints of the rules make them unable to exert themselves, and they will always make a lot of jokes on the court.

However, Lin Xiao is very patient and confident. As long as the physical hardware conditions meet the standards, the rules and techniques can be honed.

Moreover, Lin Xiao did not intend to play with the most basic basketball rules.

Since all the blue Jing soldiers are fierce, they naturally need to join some fighting tactics, so that the competition will be more exciting.

Under the guidance of Lin Xiao, the soldiers of Lanjing clan trained for half a month before they achieved some results.

Fortunately, these guys are all martial artists and quickly understand all kinds of movements.

Another half a month later, the two teams played a game, and Lin Xiao thought the time had come.

Lin Xiao personally organized a large team, mixed the alien basketball team, bought a spaceship from the Huojing family and went to 486 trading point.

It's easy to enter trading point with theout any guards or obstacles.

But the dress of Lin Xiao and his party was strange, which attracted a lot of strange eyes.

"I'll go, boss. It's a dream world!" Lang Yan yelled.

They did not expect that it was just a small trading point, as if they had entered a different space.

Tall buildings abound, and all kinds of flying instruments cross the sky.

The air lanes crisscross like cobwebs in the air, with locomotives full of a sense of science and technology speeding back and forth.

The streets are neat and complicated, and the smooth roads seem to be thrown away.

"I thought the trading point was just for some foreigners to get together and do some business. I didn't expect it to be ahead of the most prosperous cities on earth."

"If you own a real estate here, it's beautiful!"

Everyone liked it at first sight.

Lin Xiao couldn't help exclaiming, "sure enough, extraterrestrial civilization has already surpassed the earth many times. We still have a lot to learn!"

"Boss, where are you going now?"

Lin Xiao hurriedly took out the address given to him by huodongdong and said, "No. 1640, Changning arcade circuit, family 54, building 6, floor 8..."

"Let's go!"

A group of people walked into the street, but they were stopped by a large group of fire Jing guards before they took a few steps.


The Huojing clan is short and looks very funny, but the weapons in their hands can't be underestimated.

Lin Xiao came out of the crowd and said with a smile, "sir! I have the pass token given by Mr. huodongdong. Have a look!"

"Hum!" The leader took a look at the token, then his eyes fell on those tall blue Jing soldiers and said in a deep voice, "these star thieves dare to enter the trading point and take them all for me!"


The guard of Huojing family rushed over with killing Qi, jumped up and down, and surrounded the people.

Big horse was very nervous, so he was more alert and shouted, "array!"


The two sides are at loggerheads and will soon fight.

Pedestrians gave way one after another to make way for a spacious place.

All kinds of aliens poured out of the highways on the upper and lower floors, looking strangely at the scene.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Xiao hurried out to mediate and explained to the guard captain of Huojing family, "these are my slaves!"

"Slave?" The captain of the guard of the fire essence family was shocked and uncertain. "Can you catch the star thief of the blue essence family as a slave?"

I've never heard of anyone catching the star thief as a slave.

These star thieves are fierce and cruel. They must face life and death with their enemies and will never compromise.

Lin Xiao brought so many Lanjing slaves, which shocked the guard captain.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao looked back at big horse.

Damas immediately knelt down neatly with many blue Jing soldiers and obeyed Lin Xiao.


The guard captain of Huojing family took a breath of air conditioning and immediately respected Lin Xiao. "This gentleman is great. Where are you going? I can show you the way!"

The captain of the guard changed his attitude in an instant, with an ugly smile on his face.

Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, took out his address and handed it over, "go here..."

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