Lin Xiao shook his head very naturally. "Why should I know?"

"You..." the ghost spirit looked like a fool and hurriedly pulled Lin Xiao to the corner. "The arbiter is the number one thug of the imperial army. Don't you know?"

"Imperial military?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

"Yes! The whole universe is governed by the Empire. The arbiter is their sharpest fighter. You don't even know this? Where did you come from?"

"Cough..." Lin Xiaoshan said with a smile, "I've been reclusive, so it's normal to don't know?"

"It's not normal!" The ghost spirit turned around Lin Xiao, "now you know, as long as you send me to the arbiter's territory, I promise I will be sheltered!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao suddenly said with a smile, "you don't belong to the arbiter, do you?"

"Ah? Who said, I'm..." the ghost's eyes turned faster and faster. She was obviously not good at lying, especially after she was exposed.

"The green robed man who chased you just now belongs to the arbiter, right?"

"You, how do you know?" The ghost spirit cried out in a fuss.

"Guess!" Lin Xiao's lips curled.

The ghost spirit bowed back slowly, probably trying to slip away.

"Want to run?" Lin Xiao sneered, "you can try!"

"Er..." the ghost spirit was dejected. "Big brother, I'm not a bad man, they are bad people! They are bad arbitrators. I have what the arbitrators want. As long as I hand it in, I can be protected, so I have to go to that place!"

Lin Xiao became interested.

If you can contact the arbiter, you may be able to contact the Imperial military, or break through the blockade of Titan's canglan faster.

"What the hell is it?"

The ghost was very embarrassed and hesitated.

"If you don't tell the truth, I won't help you!" Lin Xiao turned to go.

"No, no, no..." the ghost spirit pulled him away and said pitifully, "I said, I said it's not good!"

"Say it!" Lin Xiao looked at her.

"Hey!" The ghost pretended to sigh, "in fact, it's just an electronic map. There is a very important person who is said to be from the Imperial military."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. "The arbiter wants to save this man?"

"Yes!" The ghost spirit looked around carefully and said solemnly, "but those bad arbitrators were bought by canglan department, so I wanted to kill that man. As a righteous Titan, how can I allow such injustice to happen? That's why I fight for justice. Now you understand?"

"I see!" Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully and murmured, "canglan is playing tricks again!"

"Big brother, what are you talking about?" The ghost's big eyes blinked.

"Nothing!" Lin Xiao suddenly smiled, "what's your real identity?"

"Hey, hey..." the ghost spirit smiled shyly. "I'm actually a single mercenary! But I have my own faith and can't let this happen!"

"Really? I think... Are you a thief?" Lin Xiao smiled rather than smiled.

"Hum! What thief? It's so ugly!"

"The reason why you steal is probably for money?" Lin Xiao lost his smile. "What justice do you say? Laugh off people's big teeth!"

"You..." the ghost spirit who was exposed to the lie stamped his feet angrily.

"I can help you!"

The ghost's eyes are bright.

"But on one condition!"

"What, what conditions?" The ghost spirit asked with a smile.

"Give me the map!"

"I knew..." the ghost spirit cried weakly, "I knew you must be this condition."

"Or nothing will happen!" Lin Xiao added.

The ghost spirit pulled her long ears and her mouth tooted. After thinking about it, she felt that the best way now was to let Lin Xiao send her, otherwise she couldn't escape the pursuit of those green robed monsters, so she was powerless and said, "okay!"

"Bring it!" Lin Xiao was not vague at all and asked for it.

The ghost turned his eyes, quickly took out a small recording disk and put it in Lin Xiao's hand solemnly, "don't lose it, it's worth a lot of money!"

"Isn't it for justice?" Lin Xiao joked with a smile.

"Hum!" The ghost spirit angrily said, "now you are my bodyguard! Right?"

"I didn't say to be your bodyguard, just do good deeds," Lin Xiao smiled. "So all your actions should be under my command!"

"What?" The ghost spirit jumped so high that she felt cheated. "Listen to your command? Do you know the way?"

"Just ask you?" Lin Xiao looked at his watch. "When will it be delivered?"

"Hum!" Ghost spirit blinked, "before tomorrow afternoon, at 485 trading point."

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "not in this city?"

"Nonsense! If I'm in 486 trading point, why do I bother so much? I'm worried because I have to cross a deserted area!"

"How long does it take from here to 485 trading point?"

The ghost pinched his fingers and counted, "if it's fast, it needs two star shining hours!"

Lin Xiao has learned that a star shines about two hours.


Lin Xiao mused, "there's still some time. Just after my game in the evening, I can start!"

"What game?" The ghost asked suspiciously.

"Basketball game!" Lin Xiao put away the map, looked around for a few eyes, and determined that there was no danger, he pulled the ghost spirit out, "let's go, disguise you first!"

"Ah?" The ghost is unknown, so.

In half an hour.

A strange looking "giant" followed Lin Xiao, wearing a huge mop cloak and resisting a glittering silver axe.

It's so common for an alien with such a shape to walk in the street without attracting any attention.

This image makes the ghost complain constantly.

"Elder brother, this is the biggest insult to miss Ben! Is this image too ugly? There is no beauty at all!" The ghost spirit took out a small mirror and said angrily after looking at it for a long time.

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. "The image is ugly. It's better than being killed after being caught by the green robed monster?"

"You..." the ghost spirit is extremely strong, but Lin Xiao is right. She can only accept it.

One by one, they entered the city light rail car and drove quickly towards the playground.

When he came to the sports field, Lin Xiao just met Huoxi waiting for him.

Huoxi ran over happily, "Mr. Lin, I have sent a message to help you attract a large group of audience!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao was also a little excited. "How many people are there?"

Because only more than 20 tickets have been sold, the midnight game is likely to break the lowest number of spectators in the history of the stadium.

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