"At least two hundred people!" Huoxi said proudly, "it's beyond my expectation to pull 200 people in such a non hot event."

Lin Xiao's smile suddenly stagnated, and Shanshan asked, "is it a little desolate that there are only two hundred people? There are only a few hundred people in the sports field with tens of thousands of seats?"

"Mr. Lin, this is very good. After all, the project you said has no market. Neither businessmen nor other investors will pay attention to it, let alone have an audience." Huoxi smiled helplessly.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but secretly feign, "I really have no vision. My sport will become the hottest event of trading stars!"

"That's, that's..." Huoxi agreed on the surface, but he didn't think so at all.

The basketball team composed of two strong men of Lanjing nationality is fully prepared.

Although they have only carried out intensive training for more than half a month, as powerful martial artists, their acceptance of various movements and rules is 100 times better than ordinary people.

Therefore, although the time is short, the technical proficiency is similar.

According to Lin Xiao's observation, the skills and tactics of each of these guys are comparable to the legendary Jordan on earth.

With such a group of basketball stars and the fighting rules created by Lin Xiao, he believes it will be popular with the whole trading star.

At twelve o'clock at midnight, the deserted playground opened

There are probably few such cold midnight performances, so the dozens of spectators who bought tickets were very excited and ran around the venue.

In fact, most of the audience called by Huoxi's so-called promotion are his people, just to support Lin Xiao.

The scattered scene was bleak, which made the ghost who saw this scene laugh at Lin Xiao, "brother Lin, your project is cold before it starts."

"It hasn't started yet. How do you know it's over? I'm very confident!" Lin Xiao sat on the observation platform, looking at the two basketball teams preparing to play, inexplicably confident.

"All right." The ghost spirit tilted his mouth, held his chin in boredom, shook his little feet and looked around.

Advertisements began to play on the big screen, mostly the introduction of the next event to be held.

At this time, a host came to the cold field. He obviously didn't expect that the scene would be so cold. He was stunned for a long time before he thought of taking out the manuscript and introducing it like a job.

"Today's game comes from... The earth? Where are these two... Basketball teams? They will bring a wonderful performance game." The host looked at the two teams in surprise.

There was a sparse clapping from the audience.

Both teams have begun to warm up on the pitch.

In particular, the newly built basketball court is completely different from those we have seen in the past, and can also attract the attention of the audience.

"They take a broken ball and shoot it around on the field. What the hell?"

"It's not an iron ball battle, nor is it a flying ball battle. I don't understand!"

"Look at those blue Jing people. They all wear thick armor. It seems that they are only used for defense. They have never seen such a game!"

"It's normal to hear that this is a team from an inferior planet."

"Take a look first!"

The host said a few words casually, then yawned and sat aside, waiting for the next game to begin.


The time on the big screen began.

Lin Xiao gestured downward.

The referee signaled the start of the game.


The specially made basketball flew into the sky and turned into a fireball.

The burning fireball reflected the skull face and made a shrill and terrible sound.

The audience was puzzled for a while.

It's a cool opening.

In particular, so many people are grabbing a ball. Inexplicably, people will be excited and expect who can control the ball in their hands.

At the same time, the two teams immediately rushed together and fought fiercely.

Lin Xiao changed the basketball rules to make the variables on the court greater and the competition more intense.

At first, the audience didn't feel much, but when the power forward slammed into the basket, the scene was lit instantly.

"So handsome!"


A few people stood up and waved their arms like crazy.

"What kind of game is this? What kind of action was that just now? It's so passionate!"

Originally, I just looked for a game with a bored attitude. I didn't expect it would stimulate my deep passion and desire.

Usually watching the game is too boring. Every time it's a fight and a river of blood.

Today's game is indeed a new one.

The next confrontation was wonderful. In the enlarged version of the field, more than a dozen players competed fiercely. Every perfect shot will cause the audience to cheer.

"This, this is also very interesting..." the ghost spirit jumped and jumped, "it's much better than those simple fighting and killing."

Lin Xiao knew this would happen.

The big screen broadcast the scene. Those who did not pay attention to the event suddenly seemed to have found a new world and kept gathering towards the playground in twos and threes.

On the screens of streets and alleys, live competition pictures appear one after another. The dynamic and passionate competition makes everyone excited.

They have never seen the charm of basketball, and after Lin Xiao's improvement, the confrontation is more intense.

Soon, more than 3000 people gathered outside the stadium, and the number is still increasing.

Since tickets are not allowed to enter the competition that has already started, there are still only a few hundred spectators in the venue until the end of the competition.

But these hundreds of people almost shouted out the momentum of thousands of people, driving the whole atmosphere.

Even the two basketball teams participating in the game were stunned.

Before the game, big Mars was a little indifferent. He thought this kind of game was very boring and not bloody and exciting at all.

Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good.

Originally, the next second competition was a fighting competition from other teams, but it was cancelled at the strong request of the audience.

The audience unanimously demanded another fight basketball game.

As a result, a large number of tickets were refunded for the second event, and the owner of the event suffered great losses.

The audience didn't see the live game of the fighting basketball game, so they strongly demanded another game and ordered tickets in advance.

Such a move made the originally arranged events disordered, which made some club owners very angry.

Backstage preparation room of the playground.

A group of club owners came one after another when they got the news. When they heard that a dark horse appeared and robbed their resources, they immediately quarreled fiercely.

A gang of bosses besieged the person in charge of the playground and made the little man of the fire spirit family in a mess.

"You have to give us an explanation! Why is the scheduled event postponed? Do you know how much it will cost us?"

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