Strange looking aliens surrounded the person in charge from a condescending position, and everyone drowned him with just one mouthful of saliva.

The person in charge is also very speechless. He just operates according to the instructions of the boss behind him. Now he is surrounded by people and can't offend, so he has to smile carefully. "You know, the arrangement of the event is largely decided by the audience. If they have to watch an event, they can vote through the network platform."

"If the vote is passed, the system will automatically assign the next event, which is not my decision."

"Bullshit! I've inquired about this bullshit basketball game. It's held by an alien race on an indecent planet. I haven't heard of it before. The audience will like it? Are you kidding?"

"You're right. It must be what you want to do. Use the audience to covet our money!"

"I think you did it backstage?"

"Did you deliberately send an out of class character to play a shit game, and then deliberately postpone our game to swallow our money?"

"Ouch! Don't worry!" The person in charge patted his chest and promised, "we will never do such a thing, and your boss will compensate for your losses, but the venue has been arranged and cannot be changed! Your event can only be postponed in the future!"

Due to the unusual enthusiasm of the audience, online ticket buying is unexpectedly popular.

More and more people are coming to pre order tickets for the fighting basketball game. At present, there are more than 300000 tickets.

Even the most popular events usually sell only more than 200000 copies at most, but the fighting basketball game brought by Lin Xiao directly exceeded the highest record.

During their quarrel, the number of votes exceeded 400000.

In the next five games, until the early morning, all the Games were occupied by Lin Xiao's events.

Many club owners who got the news were even more angry.

"I tell you, you must stop the event immediately!"

"Yes! And find out the boy's information for us. I'll see who dares to compete with us!"

Although the club owners are very angry, the systematic arrangement and enthusiastic audience will not buy their accounts.

The person in charge was sincere and didn't mean to suppress Lin Xiao. He was also very embarrassed.

If Lin Xiao succeeds, he can also make a lot of benefits as a person in charge.

However, those club owners are not easy to mess with. Now they unite to boycott Lin Xiao, and the venue can only give in.

Lin Xiao understood and understood that he was on the cusp of the storm and was targeted by everyone.

"Well," said Lin Xiao in a deep voice, "take me to them and I'll negotiate!"

"Mr. Lin," the person in charge was worried, "they are all local snakes at 486 trading point. If you are new here, you'd better not get angry!"

"Nothing." Lin Xiao smiled. He came to 486 trading point to gain a firm foothold and try to have a follow-up effect. How can he admit defeat at this point, "just take me!"

Lin Xiao said, taking out a small bottle with five yuan pills in it and putting them in the hands of the person in charge, "just tell me where they are."

"This..." the person in charge shook his head in embarrassment and quickly received the bottle into the bag. He thought that Lin Xiao wanted to die anyway. No wonder others told him, "OK!"

Probably out of "respect" for the five dollar pill, the person in charge reminded, "those bosses have released words to drive you out of Mr. Lin. by their means, they will certainly not leave future trouble. You know what I mean?"

"Hey!" Lin Xiao burst out laughing. "It's nothing yet. It's just that he held a game and caused death. It's really dangerous in this trading point..."

The person in charge said with a long focus, "I suggest Mr. Lin leave temporarily to avoid the limelight. After all, these guys are not easy to mess with."

The ghost spirit gently pulled Lin Xiao's arm and whispered, "let's go. Those people are really hard to mess with. Don't get into trouble? They'll send me to the punisher's base tomorrow."

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