Lin Xiao took back the leg that stepped on the chest of the double headed man, held his hands in front of his chest, took a step back and looked straight into the eyes of the octopus man, "don't care where I come from. What do you say to do today?"

"You don't know the rules!" The octopus man spits out a mouthful of smoke. "Each club can only participate in one event in a day. This is the rule. You occupy the quota of six events at midnight. This is a bad rule!"

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao lost his smile. "I ask, who set the rules?"


"How do you talk to our big boss?"

"Unkind things!"

"It's time to teach him a lesson!"

The voices of shouting around him rose one after another and denounced Lin Xiao one after another.

The octopus man raised his hand, and his voice disappeared in an instant.

"I will!"

Lin Xiao smiled. "I didn't do it on purpose, but the audience was too enthusiastic and started * * on their own. You're embarrassed with me. It seems unreasonable?"

"That said, but also because of your team... So I'll give you two ways!" Octopus man spoke softly, but his meaning was arrogant. "I said yes, there is!" Lin Xiao sneered, "in the future, the rules should be re established for the event. Whoever has the ability will be ranked according to whose project is popular. Your so-called shit rules can be abolished from now on!"


"This boy, he doesn't know what to do!"

Dozens of club owners could no longer stand Lin Xiao's madman madness, and stood up fiercely.

"Do you really think we're talking to you?"

"You can't let him leave today!"

"This is an order!"

"We must act according to the rules, otherwise there is only a dead end!"

Lin Xiao's words obviously angered the public and touched their vital interests.

Even the octopus man with high self-restraint is a little embarrassed.

He has been trading at 486 for hundreds of years, and they control the events in several nearby stadiums.

I never thought that someone would dare to make small moves under his eyes and mess with his rules.

Those who break the rules should be severely punished in order to establish prestige.

"Don't cry without seeing the coffin!" The octopus man threw away his cigarette. "Come on, let him understand my rules!


The doors on both sides of the conference room were knocked open at the same time.

Two monsters roared and rushed out.



These are two creatures that look like orangutans, but their whole body is dark red. Their two tusks turn out of their mouths and their red eyes seem to be as terrible as choosing people to eat.

As soon as they appeared, they stared at Lin Xiao.

Everyone quit and went far away, leaving so much space for them.


Two monsters up to three meters are very crowded in the hall, and their forms and movements are very violent.

But obviously, they are not intelligent beasts, but pets under the command of Octopus man.

Even two pets have shown extraordinary strength.

Lin Xiao roughly estimated that the power they showed was at least the level of the supreme second paragraph.

"The octopus man really has some tricks..."

Being able to have two biochemical beasts, octopus man really has the confidence to make rules.

The ghost pulled Lin Xiao's arm, and fear flashed in his eyes, "come on, run, it's a biochemical beast!"

"It's all right. Look at it!" Lin Xiao showed a faint smile at the ghost spirit.

"You, don't you want to fight them? They are biochemical beasts, stronger than the martial arts of the same level..." the ghost spirit urgently advised, "if you die, what should I do?"

The ghost spirit couldn't hold it. Lin Xiao had already stepped forward.

The two supreme two section biochemical beasts are enough to run rampant here. Many club owners believe that Lin Xiao, an alien boy, is bound to be torn up and become ragged flesh and blood.


Two different orangutans, with their mouths open, demonstrated and warned Lin Xiao.

However, Lin Xiao kept moving forward, walking slowly, "just take out these two bastards and make a fool of yourself? Since you don't give up, I'll let you give up!"


Lin Xiao flashed.

They only felt that a dark shadow flashed in front of them, and then the knife awn burst.


Lin Xiao grabbed the long knife and swept it gently. The blade broke through the air, like a semicircle sweeping two foreign orangutans.


The two orangutans were swept off their heads with a knife before they shot.

The bloody head rolled down at the feet of the octopus man, making him look greatly changed.


"How strong!"

Kill two biochemical beasts of supreme section II with one knife. This strength is at least the warrior of supreme section III, or even the warrior of supreme section III.

They are not without the master of the supreme three sections, but they didn't follow today.

Lin Xiao's strength frightened everyone.

"I didn't expect that there should be a supreme master on an inferior planet, or three sections!?" The octopus man's pupil shrinks slightly, but he is still very calm, "underestimate you!"


Lin Xiao threw the knife at the octopus man's feet and said lightly, "if you don't accept it, you can continue. I can kill you!"

"Hum!" The octopus man's two big eyes turned around and hummed coldly, "you want to be completely against us, don't you?"

"Less nonsense!" Lin Xiao was also angry. "If you want to bully more and less, I will accompany you. I won't be merciful at that time! But if you follow my rules, you can end your friendship today."

Lin Xiao looked around and made all those who looked at him dodge their eyes.

Two biochemical beasts were cut off, and their guards were even worse.

At this time, no one dared to do it easily and couldn't help looking at the octopus man.

Octopus man is also very embarrassed. The difficulty of the enemy is beyond his imagination.

Now the master is not around. If there is a serious conflict, you will lose here.

"What's your name?" Octopus man eased his tone, "maybe it was a misunderstanding just now. You can sit down and talk calmly!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "are you ready to give in?"

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