"I just don't want to tear my face. I can't give in!" Octopus man has a plan in his heart, so his expression becomes very relaxed.

"What do you want to talk about?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows.

The octopus man pondered, "the rules can't be broken. If you break the rules, how can you carry out the competition in the future? Like you, there are no rules, and the whole trading point will be disordered! You should understand that there are hundreds of stadiums at 486 trading point, and everyone will follow your practice, and sooner or later it will be disordered!"

"So?" Lin Xiao asked with a sneer.

"Although you are very strong, you can't do anything without rules. If you mess around, you will only offend thousands of clubs. It will still be difficult to do anything at that time!"

What Octopus man said is true. What Lin Xiao did just now was nothing more than a deterrent to everyone in exchange for bargaining chips.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Lin Xiao is not in a hurry. He is waiting for Octopus man to take the initiative to make a settlement.

Glancing at the ghost spirit, Lin Xiao said with a smile, "go and bring me a chair!"

"Oh!" The ghost had been awed by Lin Xiao's mysterious knife just now and couldn't help moving a chair.

Lin Xiao sat down with a golden dagger and faced dozens of people with status alone. In the face of their bone scraping eyes, his momentum did not fall at all.

For this young master who came from an inferior planet, the owners of these clubs are also secretly afraid.

"What's the origin of this boy? Is it the son of the great power who was sent to the wild star to practice?"

"Looking at his expression, he didn't pay attention to us at all. This boy must have a big start!"

"Hum! No matter what his background is! Since he came out of a planet that never entered the class, no one will say anything even if we kill him!"

"Let's wait and see!"

Octopus man and Lin Xiao looked at each other.

"Come on, what do you want to talk about?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile. Now he has the upper hand and is not afraid that the other party will not give in.

After exchanging eyes with several important people in the crowd, the octopus man slowly stood up.

Everyone stood in awe, showing respect for the octopus man.

In this stadium, octopus man is everyone's eldest brother. He leads by his horse, and his words are orders.

At this time, what brother Octopus said represents everyone's will and meaning.

"There is a rule within our organization, that is, to conduct a fighting competition according to the rules of the ancient arena, and the winner naturally has the right to speak!"

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "this method is good..."

"Really?" The octopus man's eyes lit up and said with a smile, "there are no rules in the arena, or even restrictions on strength and weakness. Life and death are safe."

The ghost spirit hurried to Lin Xiao's ear, "brother, this chapter fish head is in the routine. You, if he finds a master of the supreme fourth section or above, you will be finished? You can't promise him!"

Lin Xiao waved his hand, "it's okay! This should be the simplest and direct solution."

The ghost spirit is anxious and angry.

The reason why she was worried about Lin Xiao's safety was entirely for her own sake.

If she can't get the map, she won't get the reward. She wants the money to be of great use.

"None of these guys is a fuel-efficient lamp. They are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. Can you fight them?" The ghost spirit pursed his lips and walked around Lin Xiao. "When you enter the arena, you can't admit defeat. There's only a dead end, okay?"

"You have no confidence in me?" Lin Xiao burst out laughing. "Then you still let me send you to the punisher's territory? The road is so far away. Isn't that the way to death?"

Ghost Spirit said, "but, but..."

"Don't be afraid." Lin Xiao smiled, "today I'm going to beat them all over the ground looking for teeth!"

Lin Xiao immediately agreed to fight.

Octopus man and his party couldn't help but rejoice in their hearts.

Although Lin Xiao showed a strong strength, it's no problem to find an expert who can suppress him for these monsters who have lived for thousands of years.

The fight is scheduled after two star shining hours.

The crowd dispersed.

The octopus man immediately offered a reward in the internal channel to find a master of the supreme five paragraphs.

His gold medal hitter also has the strength of the supreme fourth paragraph, but the octopus man still doesn't feel very safe.

In this fight, he is going to send hero posts to other sports clubs to watch the game.

On the one hand, he killed Lin and Xiao Liwei to determine his status and rules again.

On the other hand, we should warn everyone that if we want to break the rules, we must have strong strength and background.

Soon, a two headed alien who claimed to kill the supreme five paragraphs by magic accepted a reward.

"He killed my brother. I'll kill him anyway!"

As like as two peas, the three two meters tall are the same.

His brother is a double headed man who was killed by Lin Xiao.

Originally, evil killing was going to avenge Lin Xiao's blood hatred. After receiving the reward, he had a reward. He could also show his strength in front of thousands of audiences. Why not.

"Brother Mo Sha, this duel is the best time to prove you. As long as you can kill Lin Xiao in public, I will leave you a benefit in the future games on the playground!" The tentacles of the octopus man shook slowly, revealing an inexplicable taste of temptation.

"Don't worry! I'll break his body!"

Everyone on the court showed a knowing smile.

Magic kill is a master of the supreme five sections, and it is also a top presence in the whole 486 trading point.

With his help, Lin Xiao, an aborigine who never came to an advanced planet, will die miserably.

"Good!" The octopus man clapped his hands and completely put down his heart.

Lin Xiao took the ghost out of the playground and joined his men.

The ghost spirit stamped his feet anxiously, "you must be crazy. Why should you promise them? In the situation just now, you can control the Zhang fish's head and force him to obey!"

Lin Xiao looked at her and couldn't help laughing. "You're a thief! Even if you force him to obey, then what?"

"However, then? What? Then? Then drive them all away, and no one will make trouble and stop the next game?"

"Even if today's event is successfully completed, what about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, there are countless future days. What should we do?"

"Ah?" The ghost spirit was stunned, pursed his lips and muttered, "I didn't think so far. I just want you to get rid of them!"

"Hehe, don't worry. I promise to send you to 485 trading point and do what I say."

"Hum! Maybe you'll be killed by that devil soon. Give me a fart!" The ghost spirit sighed, "do you know who the devil kill is? He is a double headed killer and a master of the supreme five sections. He is very famous at 486 trading point. What's the difference between fighting with him and looking for death?"

Ghost spirit couldn't figure it out. Lin Xiao looked smart and capable. How could he do such a stupid thing.

Lin Xiao was too lazy to explain to her.

Just then, Huoxi hurried over with a group of people.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, what's the matter? I heard you're going to duel with devil killing?"

"The news is so fast?" Lin Xiao was surprised.

The fire gasped, "can you be unhappy? Look there!"

Lin Xiaoshun looked in the direction of his fingers and couldn't help laughing.

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