The fight is about to begin.

The whole audience cheered and the waves shook the sky.

Everyone was very excited and danced to set off a wave of startling waves at the scene.

They are all looking forward to the next game.

Of course, the reason to expect is not whether the game is good or not, but to see Lin Xiao killed by the devil as soon as possible.


They can win a lot of money.

In the audience, ghosts are like ants on a hot pot. They are not idle for a moment. They mutter and don't know what they are talking about. They seem to be praying for Lin Xiao.

In the huge fighting field, the host drilled out of the ground with a lift. The high voice penetrated the whole stadium and suppressed everyone's noise.


The audience was suddenly quiet, and countless pairs of hot and anxious eyes fell on the host's huge body.

Octopus people of the same race as Zhang Yutou, with eight tentacles and eight microphones, speak as if it were thunder.

"Today, we will usher in another blood belly killing of demon killing. Are you ready to watch this feast?"


Everyone raised their hands and cheered.

"The opponent who duels with the devil killing is an expert from an inferior planet... It is said that he is the most powerful person on their planet..."

The octopus host's tone was a little joking, causing a roar of laughter.

"Hahaha, the most powerful person on the planet, I'm laughing to death..."

"This is the most powerful man. I'm afraid he can't help killing a finger?"

"I heard he was human!"

"What about humans? Our Titan has been controlled by canglan and isolated from the Empire. Humans are just an ordinary race!"

Although many human beings present were angry when they heard such words, it was not easy to get angry at this time, so they had to vent their dissatisfaction through roaring and shouting.

"Kill, kill!"

Watching the scene atmosphere has been ignited, the host smiled with satisfaction, and the eight tentacles danced excitedly.

"Next, let's wait and see how many moves this... Expert from the earth can survive the magic kill!"


Another burst of laughter.

The ghost spirit was bad and wanted to defend Lin Xiao, but as soon as her voice came out, it was covered up by the voice like a tsunami.

"Hum! What do you know? Lin Xiao will win!" Ghost spirit felt that he had no confidence when he said it, but he couldn't help yelling for his 100 yuan Dan.

At this moment, the ghost spirit suddenly regretted and beat his chest and feet for his impulse.

"Hum! This dead Lin Xiao, if you lose, I, I must kill you!"


A few minutes later, the strong demon killer, dressed in a red cloak, came out of the roadway.

Behind him were two huge biochemical beasts.


Biochemical animals roared at the crowd like a demonstration. Their ferocious faces could really scare people to death.

Biochemical beasts are only used as a deterrent and will not participate in combat, but if you put two of these things on the field, anyone will be afraid to see them.

The magic kill stopped in the center of the field, held his hands in front of his chest, didn't speak or express his position, but the fierce light in his eyes was enough to frighten people.

The host looked in the other direction.

Lin Xiao also walked out.

After seeing Lin Xiao, the audience booed one after another.

Lin Xiao didn't care about their ridicule and walked slowly in the direction of demon killing.

The whole field belongs to fighting space, without any restrictions, and can use any means.

This is the most eye-catching place of the fighting competition. Only irregular killing can arouse the desire for blood in the depths of the creature's heart.

No matter how kind the race is, under this bloody stimulation, hormones will soar to meet their endless desires.

"Lin Xiao!" The host asked loudly, "are you ready?"

"Anytime!" Lin Xiao smiled.

The host joked, "it seems that you are very calm. Are you very confident in this duel?"

"Of course!" Lin Xiao has never been self-confident. He will never shrink back in the face of any strong enemy.

"Oh?" The host came excited and asked curiously, "do you think you can win the magic kill?"

The boos of the whole audience were more obvious, and some even threw down the garbage in their hands.


The garbage rain all over the sky fell into the site one after another.

Lin Xiao frowned slightly.

The host was more excited and asked, "where did you get your confidence?"

"None of your business?" Lin Xiao was a little impatient. "Is it still open or not?"

The eight tentacles of the host suddenly shook, probably never met a guy like Lin Xiao, and couldn't help humming, "in that case, I'll see how you were killed and torn by the devil!"


The octopus host swam away quickly and left the venue for the two.

The devil turned slowly, and his dark eyes stared at Lin Xiao like a deep pool.

"You killed my brother!" The devil killed gnashing his teeth and shouted.

"What? Who's your brother? I've killed too many people to remember!" Lin Xiao asked clearly.

"Asshole!" The devil killed as like as two peas and two roars, and even the expressions were exactly alike, as if a mold were carved.

"Hurry up," sneered Lin Xiao. "I'm going to go a long way later. I don't want to talk more nonsense with you! Come on!"

Magic kill wanted to make Lin Xiao give in with momentum. Unexpectedly, people were not afraid at all.


Demon Sha swung his weapon and rushed fiercely at Lin Xiao.

There is no suspense about the supreme five paragraphs and the supreme three paragraphs.

If Lin Xiao was just a little strength on the surface, he would die miserably.

However, just as the demon kill rushed forward, Lin Xiao suddenly burst out, and a breath belonging to the supreme five sections rushed out.


The Supreme wuduan warrior is surrounded by Qi Gang. The boundary is obvious and can be seen at a glance.


The devil couldn't hold his body for a moment. The whole man bumped into Lin Xiao's Qi Gang and paused heavily for a moment.

The next second, the magic kill was like the garbage thrown away and flew out.

Gu Lulu

After rolling on the ground for several times, the devil got up in shock and looked at Lin Xiao strangely.

The audience seemed to be stuck in their throats by fish bones at the same time, making a strange and harsh inhalation sound.

"Don't you mean the supreme third paragraph? How can it be the supreme fifth paragraph?"


"The information is wrong. What's the situation?"

Lin Xiao felt the surging power and held his hand in the void.

A knock.


The vitality of the demon killing week was drained in an instant.

The supreme warrior can mobilize the strength of heaven and earth to fight the enemy.

If there is no vitality around, once your internal power is exhausted, you can only sigh and wait for death.

"You, how did you do it?" The two heads killed by the devil cried inconceivably.

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