Lin Xiao felt the surging vitality all over him, and the whole person was bathed in streamer.

He was also very surprised. Just now, when he was blessed to the soul and exercised limitless Kung Fu, he felt the vitality of heaven and earth, jumped with joy and worked hard to drill into his body.

The vitality concentration of Titan is several times higher than that of the earth, and the quality of vitality is also higher.

Lin Xiao broke out with all his strength for the first time on Titan, and broke through in an instant.

Supreme six!

Before that, Lin Xiao had risen to the fifth section of the supreme.

Even he was inexplicable and broke through at this time.

At this time, his knowledge of the sea turned into a rolling wave, filled with countless vitality.


Everyone looked silly.

It's not that they haven't seen a breakthrough in battle.

But such an understatement is a breakthrough expert, which has never been seen before.

"Sudden, breakthrough?" The ghost spirit has been staring at Lin Xiao.

After Lin Xiao defeated the devil, the ghost spirit was about to cheer. Unexpectedly, he saw a more incredible scene.

"Well, how is this possible?"

"What happened?"

Talking sounds like swarms of bees on their way, buzzing

Noisy people have a headache.

However, everyone was shocked by Lin Xiao's strength and showed a look of panic and anxiety without exception.

The fear was because of Lin Xiao's strength, and the uneasiness was because many of them bet heavily on the demon kill.

Although the magic kill has not really lost yet, it is not likely to win in the face of Lin Xiao, the supreme sixth segment.

"Drink!" The devil was unwilling to kill. He didn't care how Lin Xiao did it. At the moment, he just wanted to defeat him completely, so he jumped up at the first time and rushed towards Lin Xiao.


The surrounding vitality was rolled up by the momentum of being killed by the devil, and there was a tendency to converge towards him.

However, these vitality, like Lin Xiao's servant, only surrendered to him, and returned to calm after a slight commotion.


In less than a second, the devil had rushed to Lin Xiao, and the huge weapon was holding the momentum of thunder. Hit it fiercely.


Lin Xiao dodged away and sneered at the devil, "do you still have to struggle?"


Before Lin Xiao's voice fell, he kicked the devil in the chest and shot him away.

"Cough..." magic kill can't believe it.

Even the supreme six paragraphs are not so strong, are they?


Just then, something more frightening happened.

The vitality around Lin Xiao's body became strong again, and even caused bursts of slight spatial ripples.

"This......" the devil was surprised.

Next second.

Lin Xiao's momentum soared again and directly crossed from the sixth section to the seventh section.

Breaking through the first level in the battle is enough to shock the world.

But Lin Xiao broke through two steps in a row.

"Lin, what's the matter with Lin Xiao? He's always pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?" The ghost cried out.

Lin Xiao was solemn and bathed in the vitality with colorful light.

"Supreme seven sections..." Lin Xiao was surprised. Unexpectedly, Titan's vitality was so strong that he broke through two orders in such a short time.

Magic kill is completely desperate.

Fighting over the ranks is not something ordinary people can do, let alone two ranks.

However, any martial artist who can fight beyond the ranks is the leader of all ethnic groups and an unborn genius.

Magic kill thinks he is not a genius of the double headed clan, otherwise he will not be excluded by the clan and become a humble bottom killer.

"Break through two levels in succession. Is Lin Xiao a monster?" The ghost spirit murmured, "even if the monster is not so abnormal?"

The audience was already stunned, the whole audience was silent, and all their eyes fell on Lin Xiao.

"Should... Not break through again?"

Just then, I don't know who asked weakly.

Although the sound is small, it rings through the whole playground.

A very strange feeling immediately rose in everyone's mind.

"Break through again? Break through three levels in succession?" Someone lost his voice and said, "don't be kidding. I've never heard of a warrior with this demon talent!"

"I heard that there is a peerless genius among the winged people. At the age of 30, he broke through the supreme ninth section. He broke through two levels in a battle. He is known as the first genius of the winged people!"

"Is there such a person?"

"Of course! The main body of canglan department is the winged people. Last time I heard their high-level talk with my own ears."

"Canglan Department..." the listener took a cold breath.

Naturally, there is no one who dares to fight against the Empire.

The backstage of canglan department is said to be the behemoth of Qiankun court.

It can become the main body of canglan department, and the wing Terran is naturally famous.

The winged man is the first genius in the family. This title alone is enough to suppress the experts of countless galaxies in nine days and ten places.

"Who is this Terran youth in front of you? Is it the elite hidden in the imperial snow?"

"Impossible! Look at his dress and origin. He is not an imperial man. He must be a descendant of the exiled Terrans!"

"Then you say, can Lin Xiao compare with the winged genius? Who is stronger and who is weaker?"

"I don't know. They can all break through two levels in succession in battle. It's reasonable to say that their talents are almost the same. But the winged people have countless talents and earth treasures to help, but Lin Xiao is a savage. There is no comparability, unless..."

Before the man's voice fell, he saw the dense floating on the field and his vitality was steaming.

Lin Xiao's position sent out colorful lights, then suddenly contracted into a little and poured directly into his body.

At the same time, Lin Xiao gave a long roar.


The roar went straight through the clouds and the sound of thunder fell faintly.


Lin Xiao broke through again.

The body protecting vigorous Qi of the Supreme baduan disappeared in a flash.


At this moment, we can't even be surprised.

"Unless..." the speaker muttered, "Lin Xiao's talent is stronger, so his future achievements will be higher than that winged man!"

Many audiences have been completely silent.

They can't imagine the existence of martial artists who break through the third order in a battle.

But today, they saw it.


Even, many people knelt on the ground and worshipped Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao didn't know the reaction of the outside world. He was immersed in a mysterious space.

After breaking through the eighth section of the supreme, he has entered the supreme top level. With his talent and strength, he has no problem dealing with the martial arts under the master.

However, what shocked him more was not the improvement of his strength, but the limitless picture that suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Heaven has poles, but Tao is limitless. Limitless work is born in heaven and earth. It turns everything into a carrier, allows Yin and yang to change, and captures the magic power of the world!"

Lin Xiao stood in his sea of knowledge and stared at the looming golden manual in front of him strangely, "this, what is this?"

"Now it's said that you are the beginner magic power of limitless skill, Golden Dragon chop!"


Lin Xiao only felt that an obscure message hit his mind, and then a map of the operation of the skill was engraved in his memory.


With a wave of Lin Xiao's hand, a golden dragon roared out.

The devil killed the first and was immediately torn to pieces.

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