Ghost spirit a pair of eyes that hate iron but not steel, and said, "are you really stupid or fake stupid?"

"What?" Lin Xiao had a question mark on his head.

The ghost spirit was angry and smiled, "take these guys, don't we have thugs and guards on the way? It's a long way to 485 trading point, and it takes ten or eight days to take a spaceship. These people can resist many dangers. Think about it, the road is full of star thieves and bandits, and we're tired to death by ourselves."

Lin Xiao was stunned and pointed to those guys who knelt on the ground, "just rely on them? I think they are ordinary people. How can they have any strength."

"Don't you understand that?" The ghost Spirit said mysteriously, "look at these people, there are ten thousand without eight thousand. Even if they are ordinary people, it's enough to scare people. Let's buy him ten or eight transport ships and take them all with us. Those star thieves must be far away when they see that the team is so huge."

Lin Xiao smiled disapprovingly, "even if I meet the star thief, can't I deal with it with my strength?"

"You're stupid." The ghost turned his eyes. "I don't know how many star thieves there are along the way. Except for the huge city like the trading point, other places are barren and full of danger. There are not only star thieves, but also all kinds of monsters and aliens. How can you kill them?"

Lin Xiao frowned, "since it's so dangerous and troublesome, let's not go?"

"Ah?" The ghost's eyes were in a daze, "can't they?"

Lin Xiao smiled, "didn't you say it was dangerous? Why did you go? I stayed at 486 to make money. Isn't he fragrant?"

"Er..." the ghost spirit was dejected. "No? We all agreed."

"All right!" Lin Xiao rubbed her head. "Since I promised you, I naturally keep my word, but these people... Really want to take it with me?"

"Take it, take it..." the ghost spirit jumped excitedly.

"All right!"

Lin Xiao turned around and looked at the black kneeling head.

The crowd was quiet and looked at Lin Xiao.

On Titan, or on most exotic planets, there is a tradition that ordinary people will choose a strong man to follow and become their servant.

How to choose the strong is also a knowledge.

A genius like Lin Xiao is not born. They haven't even heard of it, let alone seen it.

If we can follow such a strong person, we will certainly have a broader future in the future.

"Are you really willing to follow me?"

"We will!" Everyone raised their hands excitedly, waved to Lin Xiao, and then lay down piously.

It's not easy to follow the strong. They didn't expect to get Lin Xiao's consent so easily.

In addition to the incitement of the ghost spirit, Lin Xiao also had his own consideration for accepting them.

In Titan, there are more than 1000 trading giant cities. It is said that the scale of each city is as large as that of the earth. One can imagine how big the whole planet is.

Lin Xiao wanted to break out of the siege on this planet. It was unrealistic without a considerable number of servants.

"All right!" Lin Xiao waved to them and said in a deep voice, "if you want to follow me, it's not just talking. You must abide by my rules! How can anyone dare to violate Yin and Yang, then don't blame me for being impolite!"

The crowd nodded hurriedly, which they naturally knew.

Moreover, following the strong will sign a contract, which is the basic rule restricting servants.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin..." Huoxi gasped through the crowd, ran close with a flattering face and a smile, "how about I help you sign a contract with them?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Lin Xiao doesn't quite understand.

Huoxi has just returned a lot of bitterness, because he bet on the devil to win, lost in a mess, and was sad to jump from a building. My intestines are blue. If there is regret medicine in the world, we must vote again for Lin Xiao to win.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. No matter how melancholy Huoxi is, he can't recover the fact that he lost thousands of Yuan Dan.

At this juncture, Huoxi suddenly found that tens of thousands of people wanted to follow Lin Xiao, and was overjoyed for a time.

"This, this..." Huoxi was incoherent and hurriedly took out a silver thing similar to a handheld computer, "you can help Mr. Lin sign a contract."

"Ho!" The ghost's big eyes lit up. "The truth machine? This thing is valuable. You can't get tens of thousands of Yuan pills. You're really rich!"

"Hey!" Huoxi smiled awkwardly, "as long as you can work for Mr. Lin, what is this?"

Lin Xiao was confused and looked at the ghost spirit. "What riddles are you playing?"

"Let me tell you..." the ghost spirit coughed solemnly like a little adult. "A servant follows his master and wants to sign a contract. Signing a contract requires adding the master's mark to the servant's DNA sequence. This truth machine is the most cutting-edge instrument."

Lin Xiao asked thoughtfully, "will there be any constraints after signing this kind of thing?"

"Of course..." the ghost spirit looked at Lin Xiao with envy. "In the future, you will be their master. As long as you read it, let them live and die, isn't it powerful?"

"I'll go... Is it so awesome?" Lin Xiao was surprised and even felt some fear.

If you follow your master and sign a contract, you want to fully deliver your life.

This may be an opportunity for a servant, but it is more likely to be a gamble.

Lin Xiao suddenly felt a little heavy in his heart. It was his responsibility.

In terms of his character, if he really accepts these people, he will never fail them.

"Nonsense!" The ghost spirit added, "with your talent, it's not too much to accept a servant several times or hundreds of times. Why don't I make an advertisement to recruit more servants for you?"

"All right, you," Lin Xiao said with a black face, "don't make trouble. It's enough to have these people. I don't want to make too much publicity!"

If the people in canglan Department knew about Lin Xiao's existence, I'm afraid it would bring endless trouble.

"Mr. Lin, let's start?" The reason why Huoxi is so eager is that when signing the contract, you can ask those servants to charge a few yuan pills as a reward. This is also an unwritten rule.

The spectacle of thousands of people following the strong at the same time has never been seen before. It can not only broaden our horizons, but also recover our blood and make up for our losses.

Lin Xiao didn't care. Just about to agree, he heard the ghost spirit say, "hum! Are you busy alone? I'll help you, but it's good for one person and half..."

"What? Who are you?" Huoxi looked blankly, stared at the ghost spirit and asked, "why do you want to divide you in half?"

How could such a great benefit be distributed to an irrelevant person? He was going to be angry at that time.

"Hum!" The ghost spirit snorted coldly, pinched his waist with both hands and pointed to the fire. "Bold! You don't know who I am?"

Huoxi was a little confused, "you, who are you?"

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