The ghost spirit proudly raised his small head and said ostentatiously, "I'm the first attendant under Mr. Lin and the executor of his willpower. Do you think I'm qualified to work with you?"

"Ah?" The fire looked blankly.

Lin Xiao can't laugh or cry. Now he's found out. The ghost turned out to be a little money fan.

The fire looked at Lin Xiao, who nodded helplessly, "you two go and do it. I'm very strange. This truth machine still has such magical effect?"

"Yes!" The fire nodded and bowed.

The ghost spirit was not polite. He directly grabbed the truth machine, then came to Lin Xiao and said with a smile, "now I want to take your blood sample!"

On the mantra machine, there were signs under a row of small buttons. Lin Xiao pointed to one of the largest buttons and asked, "this?"


Lin Xiao pressed down, inserted a very thin needle into his finger and took away the blood.

Then the ghost grabbed the mantra machine and rushed to the crowd.

"Ah?" The fire didn't dare to get angry, so he had to be patient and follow up, "don't use it indiscriminately. It's expensive..."

"Don't worry. I'm familiar with this thing." The ghost spirit had rushed to the center of the crowd, waved his small hand and said loudly, "now start signing the contract. Let's get together."

Lin Xiao watched from a distance and found that the mantra machine was also quite convenient to use. As long as those who were willing to follow paid blood samples, the mantra machine would light up once.

After about two more stars, all the aliens who were willing to follow Lin Xiao were signed.

The ghost spirit handed the truth machine to Lin Xiao and said solemnly, "this should be taken with you. You can continue to use it in the future!"

Lin Xiao took the truth machine into his hand, and a warm feeling came over.


The mantra machine was very intelligent. It began to scan Lin Xiao's whole body, then suddenly changed into a silver liquid like a snake, and then wrapped around his wrist.

Lin Xiao looked at it and found that the silver speech machine looked very good after it became a decoration.


At this time, all the servants gathered, with only piety in their eyes.

As soon as Lin Xiao felt it, he found that countless information was directly transmitted from the truth machine to his mind.

Subsequently, the height, weight, and all kinds of other information about these people were known.

"It's amazing..." Lin Xiao really had a feeling that he could let any one of them die easily as long as he thought about it.

Lin Xiao felt the heavy responsibility again.

"Everybody get up!" Lin Xiao waved to everyone.

Thousands of people stood up and looked at Lin Xiao feverishly.

Lin Xiao's tongue is a little strange. Such a pious force is unimaginable.

"Ghost spirit, what's the matter now? Do you really want to take them on the road?" Lin Xiao asked in a low voice.

"Sure," ghost Spirit said excitedly, "let's buy some more spaceships so that we can go on the road and ensure that the road will be much safer!"

"Ah?" Lin Xiao turned his head and looked at the ghost spirit. "After all, I seem to be serving you. What good will it be if I send you to a place?"

"Good, good?" The ghost spirit blinked. She really didn't know why Lin Xiao was so kind and was willing to take great risks to send her to the arbiter's territory.

"Yes." Lin Xiao deliberately asked solemnly, "if it's no good, I won't go. Anyway, I still have a lot of things to do."

"Don't..." the ghost spirit was anxious. "I'm telling you a secret, okay?"

"Secret?" Lin Xiao was stunned. Unexpectedly, he was surprised. He knew that the girl must have something to hide from himself.

"Right... Isn't the target point marked on the map holding a figure of the Imperial military? I know who he is!"

Lin Xiao frowned, "who?"

"Hey!" The ghost spirit lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "it is the garrison general of Titan, the strong man at the dominant level, wind and fire."

Lin Xiao's heart moved, "even the garrison general of Titan has been caught? Canglan department seems to be determined to fight the Empire."

"Yes." The ghost looked sad. "So you know the importance of this map?"

"General Fenghuo holds the military power of the Titan empire. Without his tiger amulet, millions of soldiers can't be used. This is the real reason why canglan is arrogant today." The ghost spirit seemed to know a lot of things. As soon as the chatterbox was opened, it couldn't be closed. "Those guys in canglan Department somehow caught the Fenghuo general and threatened many soldiers with him. This kind of thing sounds angry!"

Lin Xiao asked thoughtfully, "you seem to know a lot of things. Is there something you're hiding from me?"

"Cough......" ghost spirit laughed, "I know so much, really!"

"Hum!" Lin Xiao sneered, "you haven't told the truth since the moment I met you, have you?"

"Ah? How could..." the ghost's eyes dribbled and turned. I don't know what the ghost is thinking.

"It seems," said Lin Xiao in a deep voice, "I have to go this time."

"Er..." the ghost spirit looked surprised, "what do you say?"

"Don't ask so much." Lin Xiao turned around and faced the fire. "Go and help me prepare some transport ships. I want the type with very heavy armor!"

"I see!" Huoxi patted his chest with his small hand, "I happen to have three private transport ships, each of which can transport 1000 people."

"That's it!"

Lin Xiao walked in front of the crowd.

Everyone held their breath and waited quietly for Lin Xiao's orders.

"Since you choose to follow me, you should abide by my rules. I will draft a detailed instruction later. Just follow it!"

"Yes! Master!"

Three spaceships soon flew over the playground.

The huge hull is more than enough to accommodate 1000 people.

However, Lin Xiao did not take any followers.

In addition to a few confidants, only Lin Xiao and ghost spirit boarded the ship.

As for those followers, Lin Xiao sent them to other places of the trading star to publicize the fighting basketball game.

I believe that there are lessons from the past and the video publicity of the fighting basketball game will soon form a hot basketball fever at the whole 486 trading point.

After half a star shining, Lin Xiao flew out of the trading point in a spaceship.

"Lin Xiao, what are you doing? Driving three empty ships through the barren land?"

The ghost spirit didn't understand very much. He chased behind Lin Xiao's ass and chirped.

Lin Xiao walked to the stringed window, looked at the endless deep desolation outside the window and said with a smile, "what do you know? It's called empty city plan! Even if you see these three spaceships, you have to weigh them!"

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