Ghost spirit has heard of empty city plans. She only knows that there are crises everywhere in the desolate land. Even if she flies in the sky, she may encounter unpredictable dangers.

However, what Lin Xiao said is also right. When the star thieves see three huge transport ships, they always have to weigh whether it is worth fighting. After all, the loss should also be included in the income.

"Ghost, have you seen this map?" Lin Xiao took out the map given to him by the ghost spirit and asked thoughtfully.

"I'd like to see it," ghost Spirit said. "But there are more than 1000 encryption algorithms in this map. Only the super optical brain inside the arbitrator can solve it. It's useless to see it."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. He asked Xiao Ling in his mind, "Xiao Ling, can you unlock this map?"

Xiaoling, who is incarnated as a micro robot, hovers around Lin Xiao. After scanning, she responds, "it can be solved, but I need to borrow the light brain inside the strong cloud. I can't do it alone."

"So troublesome?" Lin Xiao turned over and over the compact map disc several times.

"Yes, there is the most cutting-edge encryption technology. After my analysis, I can conclude that this technology comes from Qiankun hospital!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao put away the map, "I see."

Since he couldn't solve the map, Lin Xiao had to give it up.

Only now, send the map to the arbiter and find a way to rescue the Imperial General from the fire pit. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to mobilize millions of troops against canglan department.


Suddenly, the spaceship shook and an alarm came out.

"Alert! Alert! UFO approaching!"

The ghost spirit suddenly jumped out and made a fuss, "can't you? Just came out and met the star thief?"

Lin Xiao was also surprised. He quickly came to the command center and saw that three dark warships were slowly approaching on the radar.

"It's a class B battleship!" The ghost spirit cried out, "it must be a star thief!"

Star thieves in desolate places usually have little money to buy large warships. But class B battleships are also enough to confront their transport ships, and even destroy them with full firepower.

Although the three transport ships led by Lin Xiao have extremely heavy armor and defense systems, they do not have corresponding weapon systems. In the face of star pirates, the battleships can only be passively beaten.

"Don't panic!" Lin Xiao was very confident, "class B battleships can't break through our ship defense."

"But..." the ghost spirit was worried. "It's not a good sign to meet star robbers just when you travel."


Before their words fell, the ship was attacked.

The other side chose to fire without saying a word.

"What happened?" The ghost spirit cried, "these star thieves are too unreasonable?"

"Star robbers talk nonsense!" Lin Xiao said angrily, "go to the weapon room and wait for my order at any time!"

"Me?" The ghost pointed to his nose.

"Who will go?"

"OK..." the ghost turned his eyes and ran away muttering, "I knew I'd bring more people up. Now I'm a coolie."

Lin Xiao came to the control platform and asked, "the spacecraft accelerates. Can you get rid of them?"

The spacecraft controller is an octopus. Eight tentacles completely cover the control platform. One person can do the work of four people. At the moment, the eight tentacles flash quickly. Smelling the speech, he said, "the other party's intention is a little strange."

"What do you mean?"

The controller said in a deep voice, "the artillery they sent out can't do any damage to our defense. Why waste ammunition?"

"Maybe, just a test?" Lin Xiao asked casually.

"It shouldn't be..." the operator is skilled and experienced. He has walked this route hundreds of times and even knows the distribution and structure of star thieves in detail.

"I've never seen such a robbery, and it's unreasonable for the other party to appear so close to the trading point."

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, and suddenly his pupils narrowed slightly, "is it from the forces inside the trading point?"

"Very likely!" The operator's facial expression became ferocious, "if it really comes from the power of the trading point, we'll be in trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"Because..." the controller's voice was low. "Only canglan Department dared to send spacecraft to attack the merchant ships."

Lin Xiao leaned over to look at the radar and found that the three spacecraft were harassing but did not launch a fierce attack.

The attack intensity is not large, but it can affect the acceleration of the spacecraft and cannot set sail with all its strength.

"They are procrastinating..." Lin Xiao frowned and suddenly wanted to understand the truth.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Xiao's mind moved, he found that a large number of spacecraft were flying quickly from the trading point.

Ants kill elephants. Even if the firepower of three or five spaceships can't break the defense of transport ships, dozens or hundreds of spaceships set fire, which is enough to threaten the safety of spaceships.

Moreover, Lin Xiao also noticed that the ships that came to attack were all painted with the same kind of paint, covering the original marks. It was obvious that they had come prepared.

At this moment, the one headed by the black spaceship formation is larger than other spaceships. This is a class a attack ship with enough firepower to break through the transport ship.

If it catches up, Lin Xiao's three spaceships will be more or less dangerous.

"My Lord! We can't get rid of it." The spacecraft controller lost his voice and said, "more and more class B battleships are coming. If they surround them, it will be over..."

"Hit it!" Lin Xiao suddenly shouted.

"Bump?" The controller was slightly stunned, and then woke up, "yes, yes! Full horsepower, hit it at any cost!"


At the same time, the three transport ships received instructions to take Lin Xiao's main ship as the tip, and the other two lined up in the back row and rushed in a straight line to the three battleships blocking the road.

Obviously, the three enemy ships did not expect Lin Xiao to choose to collide directly. In the face of a huge transport ship like a mountain, they couldn't dodge. At that time, they were hit.


The flames splashed everywhere, and the two class B battleships instantly turned into pieces.

Far away.

Inside the main ship of the enemy ship, the octopus head was standing in front of a tall and straight winged general with a smile and said with a flattering smile, "general Fei, am I right? That guy must be in the ship. I saw him rise three levels in battle with my own eyes. If such a genius can catch canglan department, you will definitely do a good job."

Winged people look quite the same as humans. Except for the wings on their backs, their other limbs are the same.

At the moment, a sneer came from the corner of his mouth, "I don't believe that there is a human genius that can compare with my winged Terran" don't ask! " Feiyang said faintly, "when I catch him in front of the account, I'll see how talented he is."

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