Feiyang stood before the porthole and looked at the nearer and nearer transport ship. He slowly drew closer between his eyebrows, "it's worth my big fight. You deserve your death!"

Octopus man was very excited. After being excluded by Lin Xiao, he went directly to the chief of canglan department. With the help of his relatives, he succeeded in getting Feiyang's trust.

After his flattery, Feiyang's success was aroused his competitive heart.

The octopus man's purpose is very simple, that is, with the help of Feiyang's hand, to completely get rid of Lin Xiao, a thorn in the flesh.

With the top strength of Feiyang's supreme eighth section, together with thousands of elite soldiers in canglan department and dozens of hundreds of class B battleships, it was easy to deal with Lin Xiao's transport ships.

However, the octopus man took his own team in order to be more confident.

Among the canglan warships, there are three ships with different shapes. They are small in size, but the streamline is very compact. In particular, the muzzle occupying almost half of the hull in the abdomen is very eye-catching.

At first, the ghost didn't see the three spaceships until the octopus man ordered his men to surround them quietly from both sides. She couldn't help shouting in the communication channel.

"Lin Xiao! No, it's an assassin ship!"

"What is it?" Lin Xiao is directing the spacecraft to escape quickly. He has smashed more than a dozen enemy ships all the way. Leng Bu Ding's eyebrows are twisted together when he hears the ghost spirit's words.

"It's a kind of suicide destructive spacecraft. Their goal is to die with the enemy. It's very terrible!" The ghost sent the image she saw.

"Very powerful?"

"It's more than powerful. It's devastating for us!"

"Why does canglan Department suddenly have to deal with me? There must be a reason!" Lin Xiao was thinking when he suddenly received an external call request.


Lin Xiao is connected.

The image of Octopus man appears on the screen.

"Lin Xiao, didn't you think it was me?"

"Huh?" Lin Xiao's pupil shrunk slightly, "it was you garbage. If I had known you were haunted, I would have killed you directly at that time!"

The octopus head laughed, "hahaha... Regret? Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. Now you can only accept the fate of being destroyed!"

"By you?" Lin Xiao sneered, "I really don't belittle you. I can only run away. Now I find my backer and come back with a fox pretending to be a tiger?"

"Hum! Don't talk to me! When my assassin ship gets close, you and your broken ship will be scared!" The octopus head remembered his humiliation, his eyebrows were steaming, and his eight tentacles shook desperately, "I can't wait to see you torn to pieces!"

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "I'm afraid you won't see that day until you die."



Lin Xiao hung up the line directly and immediately turned around and ordered, "move forward at full speed and fill all the power into the spacecraft engine."


"Besides..." Lin Xiao took a deep breath, "start the assault ship!"

"Ah? Now?" The controller was stunned, and the other staff were also confused.

The weapon system of the transport ship is very weak, but it also has a way to protect itself, that is, the assault ship carried by itself.

The assault ship is very small, about the same as the Boeing 747 on earth, but it moves very quickly and can reach seven times the speed of sound. It is generally used to break through and attack large warships.

However, in today's situation, the attack ship will face dozens or even hundreds of times its own enemy. Even if it moves quickly, it will inevitably be hit.

Moreover, Lin Xiao comes from a low-level planet. He probably hasn't even piloted a spaceship. What's the use of sending out an attack ship?

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiao had come to the rapid landing port and shouted impatiently, "start the attack ship immediately!"

"Yes!" Subordinates dare not neglect or ask more questions, and hurriedly press the control button.


Lin Xiao descended rapidly along the light hole and directly entered the attack ship.

"Lin Xiao, what are you doing?" The ghost screamed in the communication system.

"What do you say I do? Listen to my command later and put up the main gun!" Lin Xiao's voice soon disappeared into the attack ship.


The next second, the attack ship shot out like a ghost.

"Xiao Ling! Connect the nervous system!" Lin Xiao ordered.

After Lin Xiao took control of the strong cloud, he connected with Xiaoling's intelligent system and could take over and use Xiaoling's powerful artificial intelligence.

The artificial intelligence of Qiangyun comes from the overlord class warship and is the top intelligent system in the universe.

Lin Xiao has the help of Xiaoling. It's not easy to drive the attack ship.


The attack ship was really fast, far faster than other warships.

"Huh?" Feiyang's eyes narrowed slightly, "is that an attack ship? Looking for death?"

The octopus head hurriedly said, "my Lord, maybe it's Lin Xiao. This boy is arrogant and arrogant. He doesn't pay attention to you at all."

"Hum!" Feiyang snorted coldly, "blow it to pieces!"



Four kinetic energy ion cannons on both sides of the flying main ship began to gather energy and completed locking.

"Hey! Kinetic energy ion cannon is a cannon specially used to deal with attack ships. No matter how fast you are, you can't escape." The octopus's eyes were bright and couldn't help but say proudly.

Feiyang snorted coldly, "you know a fart! Although the kinetic energy ion gun is powerful and can lock the heat energy, if the attack ship pilot has superb skills, he can still pass."

"Hey, of course I know, but if Lin Xiao is driving an attack ship, how high can he be as an Aboriginal from an inferior planet? I think he'll have to finish after a few shots."


While talking, the kinetic energy ion gun has completed energy accumulation and detonation!

Just a few seconds later, an assassin ship under Octopus head turned into fly ash.


Feiyang received a communication request.


Lin Xiao appeared on the screen. He looked at the octopus man and Feiyang with a sneer and asked faintly, "do you know what despair is?"

"You..." the octopus gaped. "Are you really driving? How can it be?"

The flying pupil shrunk slightly, drank contemptuously and asked, "are you Lin Xiao?"

Lin Xiao didn't care who the commander was, let alone what ability Feiyang had. He was just casually stating his battle plan.

"Despair... Is that I will break all your hopes and let you understand that provoking me is the biggest mistake of your life!"

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