Feiyang laughed angrily at Lin Xiao's arrogant attitude.

"I will pick you at the top of the grass and let you feel the fear of death!"


Lin Xiao withdrew his communication and made the most vicious response.


Then the next second, the fire burst.


More than a dozen battleships began to approach Lin Xiao's attack ship and make a siege.

Unfortunately, the speed of these battleships is too slow, and their steering is limited by the engine and power system. They are far from assault ships. They often escape just before they make an attack.

With the help of Xiaoling, Lin Xiao has a very superb driving level, just like a small fish in the sea, light and fast.

In just two minutes, not to mention that Zhang Yutou's assassin ships were all reimbursed, even Feiyang's spacecraft formation suffered serious damage.

"Sir, the fleet has lost more than a dozen B-class ships. The other party's attack ships are too cunning to confront us head-on."

"How is that possible?" Feiyang roared, "you have so many ships that you can't even make a small attack ship?"

He looked ashamed under his hand and couldn't help saying, "the other party's driving level is too superb to compare with the ace pilot. It's difficult for us to keep up with his speed."

"Fart!" Feiyang angrily said, "how many ace pilots are there in our canglan department? It's just a native of the earth. How can it be comparable to it?"

"But..." his men said with a bitter smile, "that's true. Our elite pilots can't keep up with others' hand speed at all. The other party always has to be one step faster!"

"Impossible!" Feiyang was a little impatient. "Send more people and be sure to beat him down!"

"Yes!" His subordinates nodded reluctantly. Although they knew that the effect was very little, they could only obey orders.

Send more elite pilots to encircle and suppress Lin Xiao. Feiyang thinks there is no need to fight so much.

However, when he saw a well-equipped battleship destroyed and disappeared, his whole face turned blue.

"How is this possible?" From the initial affirmation to the present doubt, Feiyang's heart began to mutter.

Lin Xiao's attack ship was still raging, but the three transport ships seemed to be all right. They parked quietly in the distance and watched the excitement.

The ghost spirit was completely stunned by the whole war. "This guy, driving a spaceship like this? What's the origin? Isn't it some snow hiding elite who ran out of the great power?"

If the present situation continues, the flying fleet will be destroyed sooner or later.

However, the firepower of the attack ship was limited, and Lin Xiao's ammunition was almost consumed. If he wanted to continue, he could only return to supply.

Feiyang caught this flaw, ordered all fleets to close up the formation, excluded the transport ships from the target, and went all out to lock the attack ships.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The remaining dozens of class B battleships began to shrink the encirclement along specific routes.

The dense firepower Limited Lin Xiao's flight range and made his speed slower and slower.

When the speed of the attack ship was suppressed to a certain extent, the flying main ship finally found a chance.


The main gun on the top of the main ship begins to charge and lock the target.

The alarm sounded loudly inside the attack ship.

"Xiao Ling, what's going on?"

Xiao Ling hurriedly said, "our ship is locked by the other side's cannon, and the probability of evasion is 4.34%."

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, "that is to say, I can't avoid it?"

"The acceleration distance is too short. There are too many flying ships around. We're trapped!"

Lin Xiao nodded quickly on the control panel and ordered, "calculate the safest route close to the main ship immediately!"

"Ah? Follow me now? Isn't that death?" Xiaoling is only artificial intelligence after all. Her computing power is unmatched, but it is often limited.

But Lin Xiao is different. He knows the truth of dying and later life, and the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The main ship's cannon is charged and will attack in ten seconds.

Feiyang sacrificed dozens of spaceships and finally completed the layout, ready to catch a turtle in a jar.

But Lin Xiao suddenly flew an attack ship and fiercely hit his main ship, which surprised him.

"Does this bastard want to die?" Feiyang stared at the screen, his eyes did not blink for a moment, and shouted, "what does he want to do?"

A flash of light glided through the air.

Lin Xiao's route is very strange and full of unknowns, which is unpredictable.

"Hum!" Feiyang angrily said, "I wanted to play with you. In that case, blow him to pieces!"

After the main gun is charged, the muzzle emits a dark blue light. After a short silence, it suddenly bursts out a blue light column.


Lin Xiao flew the spaceship faster and faster. He had come under the main ship. He narrowly wiped the blue light column and flew over.

The calculation is so accurate that this flying ability is amazing.

"How is that possible?" Flying eyes stared round, and the wings behind them unconsciously stretched out.


The dark wings, with penetrating light, unfolded for a few seconds and closed slowly.


The main gun attacked continuously.

The attack ship dodged left and right and finally approached the position of the main ship.

However, although the attack ship avoided important parts, its wings were still seriously damaged and began to fly unsteadily.


The next moment, the stern of the attack ship burst out a dazzling fire and a strong jet.

Hiss, hiss

Seeing this scene, the ghost spirit was shocked.

"Ah? Lin Xiao, be careful..."


The next second, the attack ship exploded in mid air, like fireworks.

"It's over!" The ghost spirit's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and even the boat was blown to pieces. Lin Xiao Tieding must disappear with it.

Inside the enemy's main ship.

"Great!" The octopus head was overjoyed. "The boy is finally dead!"

"Hum! Against my canglan department, there is only one way out!" Feiyang was finally relieved, but his eyelids were shaking. He lost too much today, which surprised him.

"Now," Feiyang ordered in a deep voice, "surround the three transport ships!"

The spacecraft formation began to press against the transport ship.


The main ship suddenly sounded an alarm, which was very harsh.

"My Lord, no, someone invaded!"

"Huh?" Flying back, a ghost like shadow is moving forward quickly on the monitoring screen.

Lin Xiao didn't know when he broke into the main ship and rushed frantically towards the command room.

All the guards he met on the road were ruthlessly killed by Lin Xiao. He seemed to be very familiar with the road. He came to the outside of the command cabin in the shortest distance without any mud and water.

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