Feiyang was stunned and shouted, "how did he get in?"

"He, he's here... How can it be? Didn't he be killed?" Octopus head was in a panic. He knew Lin Xiao's power, and left a shadow in his heart. For a time, he forgot to have Feiyang guarding here.

"Shut up!" Feiyang scolded angrily, "what's the panic? Just a native of the earth killed on the ship and scared you like this?"

"No, no, no, I'm not scared, I'm scared... No, no, I'm nervous, no, no, no, I mean, I..." the octopus head was also confused, the eight tentacles flew around, and even the mouth began to spit out black smoke.

"Waste!" Feiyang grabbed the Zhang fish's head and fell to the ground.


"Shut up!"

The octopus's head was thrown, spitting sour water, covering his chest and shouting, "it hurts me!"

"Hum!" Feiyang winked at the guards on the left and right sides and said in a deep voice, "open the door. I want to see what means this boy has to survive the explosion!"

The electronic door of the command ship opened and Lin Xiao stepped in.

"Boy, there is a way to heaven. If you don't go, there is no door to hell. If you step in, you don't know the greatness of heaven and earth." Flying eyes are gloomy.

Dozens of heavily armed silver armor soldiers surrounded Lin xiaoguoduan in the center.

The weapon system in the cabin was also locked, firmly fixing Lin Xiao in the bull's-eye.

"Are you the head of canglan department in 486 trading star?" Lin Xiao saw at a glance that Feiyang's bearing was extraordinary, which was by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Now that you know your identity, you don't want to be arrested. Do you want to kill you yourself?"

"Joke!" Lin Xiao sneered, "if you want to kill me, you must first ask my fist if you agree!"

"Arrogance!" Flying eyebrows pick up the old high, "catch him."

Dozens of hundreds of sharp soldiers attacked Lin Xiao quickly.

Lin Xiao rushed into the battle.


The team was rushed through a huge gap.

The first four bear the brunt. They were knocked out by Lin Xiao Juli and directly hit the porthole.

Because of their great strength, the four men's external armor broke and smashed inch by inch.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao stepped forward with arrows, and his right leg swept away like thunder.


Lin Xiao's leg swept down a large number of people and destroyed the formation of the whole team like destruction.

Even if the strength of these martial artists is not high, the highest level is only the level of the great master Shiduan, and a few martial artists who have just been promoted to the supreme level, it is definitely a force that can not be underestimated.

At least, Feiyang thinks that if he wants to defeat so many masters at the same time, he must have more than four sections of cultivation.

"Is this young and outrageous boy better than the fourth paragraph of the Supreme Master?" Feiyang thought in his heart.

After Lin Xiao defeated everyone, he stood in front of Feiyang.

"Why did you chase me?"

Feiyang stared at Lin Xiao. "Sure enough, there are some ways. No wonder the big octopus said that you are gifted and can compare with my wing clan." Lin, Lin Xiao, you are less arrogant. You have only a dead end in front of the flying general! "

Feiyang said coldly, "Lin Xiao, the big octopus says you are a genius. I like to cultivate talents most. If you choose to be loyal to me, you will be a general of canglan department in the future. How about it?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao smiled, "so you want to attract me!"

"Good!" Feiyang also smiled. "It seems that you should be a Junjie who knows current affairs. I don't have to say anything superfluous?"

"Canglan department, isn't it?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. "If you dare to face the Empire, you must have a great background."

"What are you talking about?" Flying two eyebrows flew obliquely into the temples, revealing a wild smell. Their eyes stared like copper bells.

"Canglan department is domineering on Titan and dares to imprison the Imperial General. Aren't you afraid of the Imperial troops?"

"Hum!" Feiyang didn't care, "canglan department is a force you can't imagine. You'd better consider the current thing first. What are you doing with your leisure?"

"To be frank, I'm not interested in your solicitation. If you still want to live, order the spacecraft to evacuate and promise not to catch up again, otherwise I'll send you to the West now!"

As soon as Lin Xiao walked forward, the evil spirit came to his face.

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die!" Feiyang was laughed by Lin Xiaoqi and threw away his cloak to show his healthy muscles.

Because of their physical structure, the wingers rarely use armor. Almost every winged man learns the Kung Fu of body training, and trains his body to be comparable to steel.

The golden skin in the bronze color makes Feiyang's whole body seem to be shrouded in golden light, which is very eye-catching.

In particular, a pair of huge dark wings behind Feiyang made him more ferocious.

"Winged people?" Lin Xiao was surprised. "I heard people say that the winged Terran can fly freely like a bird with its wings. As soon as I see it today, there are really some ways!"

"Humble human beings, what are you qualified to talk about the wing clan? Today I'll beat you to 18 levels of hell and let you bear endless suffering!"

"It depends on your ability..." Lin Xiao sneered.


The flying lightning leaned forward, and the Trident pen in his hand stabbed Lin Xiao's chest.


Lin Xiao decisively took out his short knife to attack. The two sides staggered with lightning and flint, and both changed their positions.

"Supreme eight paragraphs?" Feiyang never thought that Lin Xiao was a master of the Supreme baduan.

"You're good, too!" Lin Xiao didn't try his best at all. It's useful for him to keep flying.

"No wonder you dare to make trouble alone. You have some strength... In that case, I can spare your life. As long as you choose to surrender, I......"

"Don't talk nonsense. You'd better submit to me. I happen to have one less winged man as a pet, just you!"

Before Lin Xiao's voice fell, his whole body was like a big bird flying towards him.


As soon as his wings fluttered, he immediately left Lin Xiao's attack range, slowly floated into the air, cold eyes, said condescending, "give face, don't want face!"

"It's amazing to be able to fly? Look, I won't drag your wings down and bake!"


Wow, wow!

Lin Xiao jumped vertically and horizontally on the ground and launched a fierce attack with his body flying in the air.

Feiyang really has two skills, especially with the help of wings. His body shape changes very quickly.

Lin Xiao tried several times and stopped decisively.

"Have you figured it out?" Feiyang looked down at Lin Xiao, and the corners of his mouth were joking.

Lin Xiao sneered, "I've figured it out!"

Feiyang showed a surprised smile.

"I don't need your submission anymore. I decided to pick up your wings and eat them in brown sauce. It must taste good!"

At this moment, Feiyang's expression completely became gloomy, "since you want to die, I will help you!"

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