Feiyang saw it. Lin Xiao was brave with an expert in art and didn't pay attention to his commander at all.

In front of so many subordinates, there are some other races who submit to themselves. If they are forced by Lin Xiao, how can they talk about face.

"It seems that there's no need to talk..." Lin Xiao sighed affectably. Without worry, he pointed at Fei Yang, "then come!"


As soon as he grasped the void, he placed it in the corner of the bulkhead, and a shining battle axe flew into his hand.

"Eh?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "this hand is beautiful. What skill?"

"Frog at the bottom of the well!" Feiyang sneered repeatedly, and the battle axe in his hand slowly returned to a dark state. "This is my wing clan magic power, dragon catching hand!"

"Good, good, I want it!"


Lin Xiao shot immediately and rushed forward like lightning.

"So fast!" Feiyang was surprised. He only had time to lay his axe across his chest and heard a bang.

Feiyang's men were ready to call, when they found that the commander was hit on the bulkhead, and the thick bulkhead was deeply sunk.

"Cough..." Feiyang was stunned and shocked, "how strong!"


Feiyang struggled to step out, gasping for breath, and no longer dared to ignore the enemy.

"Yes, it's good to stop me." Lin Xiao was a little surprised. His strength now can fight against the master of the supreme ten sections.

Although he has only eight supreme paragraphs, his vitality and quality are far beyond ordinary people.

I thought that the blow would make Feiyang lose half his life. Unexpectedly, the other party resisted with his axe.

"Your axe is also good. I want it too!" Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Lin Xiao's behavior caught up with the star thief, which made Feiyang very angry.

I think he was the commander of canglan department in 486 trading point, but he was almost killed by an aborigine from an inferior planet. It's embarrassing to say.

"Your success made me serious." Fly and move your muscles and bones, and cross the axe in front of your chest again. It seems that there is a wonderful connection between the axe and your body.

Lin Xiao stretched out a hand, "give me the skill of catching the Dragon hand, and I'll spare you!"



Feiyang raised his axe and chopped it forward heavily.

I saw an incomparably thick congealed strength, rolling infinite energy and hitting Lin Xiao hard.


Lin Xiao quickly dodged away, and the bulkhead behind him immediately broke a hole.

Boom, boom!

Feiyang waved the axe continuously, and Lin Xiao avoided them all calmly.

"What are you hiding from?" Flying and roaring, his wings fanned fiercely behind him, and the wind blew on the ground like thunder.


There was a hurricane in the cabin, which blocked Lin Xiao's sight.

Feiyang flashed in the wind from time to time. As soon as the giant axe chopped fiercely, it hit Lin Xiao above his head.


This time Lin Xiao couldn't dodge. He quickly threw out his knife to block the huge axe. At the same time, he dodged and attacked. The short knife gently crossed the flying wings.


The flying right wing was cut by Lin Xiao, and the blue blood suddenly erupted.


The hurricane in the cabin immediately stopped, and Feiyang staggered out tens of meters away, gasped and shouted strangely, "you can break my wind array."

"It's interesting..." Lin Xiao smiled meaningfully. "There are many tricks of the winged people, but I'm still interested in your dragon catcher. Hand it in."

"Wishful thinking!"

Fly out again.

Lin Xiao's eyes were cold. His pupils were full of flying shadows, which grew bigger and bigger.

Just as Feiyang rushed to the front, Lin Xiao suddenly made a lightning shot and grabbed his throat with great accuracy.


"Want to die want to live?"

Lin Xiao lifted Feiyang into the air and let him struggle desperately.

Everyone was shocked by Lin Xiao, especially Zhang Yutou, who was hiding in the dark.

"Too strong!"

I thought I could rely on Feiyang to deal with Lin Xiao, but I never thought that the cultivation of Feiyang's supreme eight sections could not even touch the corners of Lin Xiao's clothes.

Even Feiyang is not an opponent, and others dare not move in vain.

However, when the commander was arrested, the canglan soldiers could not be arrested. They immediately formed a battle array and oppressed Lin Xiao.

"Let my lord go!"

"Let go!"

"Let the commander go!"

"Whatever you want, we will satisfy you!"

"Don't hurt Lord Feiyang!"

Lin Xiao glanced lightly around and said faintly, "you provoked me first. Now you are killed in front of the door. Do you have the face to talk about conditions?"

"You, what do you want!" At the moment, Feiyang is like a child, and the fear in his eyes is getting bigger and bigger.

"I said, hand over the Dragon hand magic power, and I can spare your life!"

"You..." Feiyang took a deep breath. "The Dragon catching hand magic is my wing clan's secret treasure. We need our wing clan's skill to practice. It's useless to give it to you."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was surprised. "Are there still conditions for divine power cultivation?"

"Of course!" Feiyang is very surprised that such a powerful person doesn't even know the relationship between divine powers and martial arts?


Lin Xiao was confident that he could not turn over any waves, so he threw him out and said in an indisputable tone, "tell me."

Feiyang's hand was trembling. He gently touched his neck. It hurt him. He bared his teeth and stared at Lin Xiao. Youyou said, "the skill and divine power complement each other. For example, the human divine power picking star hand needs the use of human skill. Our wing clan and human body channels are very different, and naturally the cultivation methods are also different."

"I see. But I'm just interested. Tell me the Dragon catcher magic. It doesn't matter whether you can practice or not!"

Feiyang frowned and thought in his heart, "only the wing clan can practice the Dragon catcher. It's okay to give him. As long as he can escape temporarily, he will have a chance to revenge in the future!"

To figure this out, Feiyang looked a little relaxed and said in a deep voice, "it's OK to tell you, but you must keep your promise and let me go!"

"That's nature!" Lin Xiao smiled.

"Wait a minute!" Fly and sit cross legged to recover strength.

After a long time, Feiyang slowly opened his eyes, and a pair of blue eyes flashed fine Mans.

"The Dragon catcher has a complete set of vitality application methods and meridians operation methods. I can give them to you!" Feiyang winked at his men.

My men soon brought the light foil for writing.

Flying fingers touched the light foil, and a series of characters that Lin Xiao could not recognize slowly appeared.

This optical foil can record the signals of brain waves of life, so as to store the most complete information.

As long as the receiver touches the optical foil with his fingers, he can understand the mystery, which is very simple and convenient.

"The outside world is really rich and colorful. This way of memory transmission is simply too convenient!" Lin Xiao sighed heartily.

Feiyang finished recording and handed the light foil to Lin Xiao, "this is the Dragon catcher."

"Let me see if I can practice..."

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