The record in the light foil is extremely obscure.

There are some circuit diagrams and the trend of meridians and acupoints.

This is the first time Lin Xiao has studied magic power. He suddenly feels very fresh.

The Wuji skill in those days was only practiced slowly according to the formula given by the master. I have never seen such a fine and complex meridian trend chart.

"Strange, these things look complex, but..."

The golden atlas in Lin Xiao's mind suddenly appeared again.

Then, the circuit diagram in the light foil turned into dots like spirituality and was branded on the golden atlas.


Lin Xiao's mind was full of gold, and a small mark appeared on the fuzzy gold manual, which looked like the palm of a baby.

"This is..."

Dragon catcher!

A huge amount of information came from the baby's palm. Lin Xiao subconsciously stretched out his hand and scratched falsely.


The surrounding vitality suddenly exploded, and the flying tens of meters away suddenly felt an extremely strong suction acting on him.

Then, everyone was frightened and found that Feiyang moved forward quickly in Lin Xiao's gesture and fell into his hand in an instant.

"Huh?" As soon as Lin Xiao opened his eyes, he found that Feiyang's neck was stuck in his tiger's mouth. He was stunned.

And Feiyang has long been scared out of his mind.

"Impossible!" Feiyang screamed, "you're not from our family. How can you catch a dragon hand? Your meridian constitution is completely different."

"Cough..." Lin Xiao released Feiyang with the same vacant face, so he had to tell the truth, "I don't know, but I just learned!"


Lin Xiao tried again. As long as the consciousness falls on the little hand of the golden manual, the Dragon catching hand will be free to use.

For a time, the cabin was banging and banging. It was all the sound made by Lin Xiao playing with instruments.

"Fun!" Lin Xiao is like a child. He gets fresh toys and plays happily.

Those canglan soldiers suffered, and they were sucked and pushed around by Lin Xiao like a ball.

Feiyang seems to have seen a ghost and has been in shock.

A foreign race learns the magic power of its own race. I haven't even heard of such a thing, let alone seen it.

The supernatural powers of all ethnic groups are based on the study of different types of meridians and physical structures of each race in ancient times, which can not be used at all.

It is precisely because of this that there is a situation in which all ethnic groups compete for excellence.

Otherwise, as long as you choose a powerful magic society and eat fresh food all over the sky, there will be no difference between high and low.

At this moment, Lin Xiao's behavior completely broke Feiyang's cognition.

"Yes, yes. Is there any magic power?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

Feiyang's back was cold. "Are you too greedy? The Dragon catcher is the supreme magic power of our wing clan. You have learned it secretly. What else do you want?"

"Really?" Lin Xiao's meaning was still not enough, but he could feel the truth of what Feiyang said, so his eyes fell on the one meter long battle axe, "do you mind if I want this?"

Feiyang's face turned black and thought, do I dare to have an opinion?

Now you are an uncle. I have to give you whatever you want.

"Here you are!" Feiyang kicked up the Tomahawk with one foot.

Lin Xiao reached out and caught it. A surging force was transmitted from the Tomahawk.

"Good thing." Lin Xiao's eyes were bright. He waved it at will. His Qi was vigorous and the space vibrated.

"Now that you have what you want, it's time to keep your promise?" Feiyang held back his anger and asked in a deep voice.

Lin Xiao looked blankly, "What promise?"

"You..." Feiyang was angry.

"Oh..." Lin Xiao elongated his voice. "I remember. You asked me to let you go, didn't you?"


"Hey! I'm afraid I can't," said Lin Xiao, shaking his head. "If I let you go, I'll certainly report to canglan department. I don't want to be chased and killed every day."

"You, what do you want?"

Lin Xiao put his axe in his waist, paced around for a few steps, and took out "in this way, if you sign this with me, I'll let you go!"

Looking at the truth machine in Lin Xiao's hand, his flying face shook violently, almost out of control, and his wings shook angrily behind him, "you let me be your servant?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Lin Xiao looked innocent. "This is your only chance to live!"

"Impossible!" Feiyang shouted angrily, "I endured a hundred years at 486 trading point, and finally broke through to the eighth section of the supreme. I have to enter the top 100 trading points to become a higher-level figure. How can I be your slave?"

Lin Xiao didn't care. "Since you want to, go to hell..."


Lin Xiao said he would do it, and he didn't give Feiyang any chance to resist.

Dragon catcher!


Feiyang's neck got stuck in the mouth of Lin Xiao's tiger again.

With a gentle pinch, Feiyang, the Supreme baduan master, will be completely destroyed.

"No... I agree!" Feiyang was scared to pee at that time. There was no integrity and no backbone.

"It's over already? It's a waste of my time!" Lin Xiao rolled up his eyes and handed over the truth machine. "How do you do it, you should be able to do it?"

Flying is extremely humiliating, with tears in his eyes.

But his pride is not worth mentioning in the face of death.

The longer you live, the less willing you are to die easily.

And Feiyang is still young among the winged people. It's not easy to reach the supreme eighth paragraph. He doesn't want to die in vain.


After a while

"Master!" Feiyang crawled on the ground, motionless.

Seeing this, the soldiers of canglan Department knew that the general situation was gone, and the futile resistance would only die.

Plop, plop

Dozens of canglan soldiers knelt down one after another.

"Will you be my servants?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

"We... Will!"

The ghost spirit was so worried that she rushed back to the command cabin and asked the transport ship to start all fire and fight with canglan's spacecraft formation.

In any case, the three transport ships could not escape the siege of the enemy warships. They could only sit and wait to die.

Without Lin Xiao, the ghost spirit is helpless.

"It's over, it's over!" The ghost spirit was in despair. Looking at the approaching enemy fleet, his mood completely fell to the bottom of the valley.

Soon, the three transport ships were surrounded by dozens of canglan warships.

Looking at the command ship growing bigger and bigger on the screen, the ghost spirit, with the determination of killing the fish and breaking the net, drove the transport module to impact the past.

"Hit it and die together!"

Just then, ghost spirit received a call for instructions.

She opened the line in surprise and found Lin Xiao standing in front of the screen.

Behind Lin Xiao stood dozens of mighty soldiers.

"Ghost spirit, what are you doing? You want to kill me? Don't stop quickly!"

"Lin Xiao?" The ghost screamed, "are you not dead?"

"Shit! You expect me to die?" Lin Xiao shouted angrily, "turn the ship quickly and we'll start right away!"

"Go, where?"

"Nonsense! To 485 trading point, of course!"

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