"How many yuan Dan are there?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

"Not much, just a part. I still have a card at home at 486 trading point." The octopus man looked sad.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, "the truth?"

"Absolute truth!" The octopus head is crying.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "now, how many yuan pills are there in this card, and... How do you take out these yuan pills?"

"Er... In fact, there are not many. There are only more than 10 million yuan pills. You can get them at any exchange at the trading point. This is a common card for the whole empire!"

"One, more than ten million?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

"Yes, yes." Octopus Zhang thought Lin Xiao was too few, and hurriedly said, "when I get back to 486 trading point, take out another card. There are more than 40 million cards in it."

Lin Xiao's eyelids whipped hard.

He's too rich.

Even the original leaf lost is only tens of thousands. This zhangyutou is just a merchant, and there are tens of millions of Yuan pills.

Sure enough, all businessmen are black hearted, especially this Zhang Yutou. After all, they have a good blackmail.

"All right." Lin Xiao pretended to be calm, but he was very excited, "Yuan Dan is really a little less..."

"Ah?" Octopus head was really crying, "this is all my wealth. Other real estate, land deeds and shares add up to only a few million yuan Dan."

"Really?" Lin Xiao threatened, "if you dare to cheat me, cut off your eight tentacles, understand?"

"Never dare to deceive adults!" The octopus knelt on its head and dared not look up.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao was satisfied and said casually, "you can't finish eating so many pills."

"Ah?" The octopus's head was stunned. "Adults have been supreme for eight sections. Yuan Dan has no great effect on you."

"What?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "it's no use for me to eat?"

"Yes," the octopus head is very strange. Such a genius and expert don't even understand this common sense. "Only Yuanjing can get a great promotion after reaching the supreme eighth paragraph."

"Yuanjing?" Lin Xiao blinked.

"Yes, it's a pill for high-end cultivation. It's of higher quality. In terms of value, it's almost like an energy block."

"That is to say, one hundred yuan pills can be exchanged for one yuan crystal?"


Lin Xiao frowned, "it seems that you don't have much yuan Dan."

The octopus head wants to cry without tears. This tens of millions of Yuan Dan is all his inventory and the wealth he has accumulated for thousands of years.

In Lin Xiao's mouth, it became not much. Where did he reason?

"Where is this Yuanjing going to exchange?"

"The same, they are all exchanges," octopus head added. "The exchange also has the function of trading. Some large auctions may sell good babies and things. You can buy them with Yuan Dan at that time."

"I see!" Lin Xiao really didn't know this kind of thing. He asked casually, "what do the auctions sell?"

"Anything is OK. For example, alien slaves, guns and ammunition, new weapons, chip technology. Of course, there are magic skills of all ethnic groups, and there may even be some top magic powers. The Dragon catcher of the wing clan you learned is just a medium-level magic power."

Lin Xiao's eyes were bright. "The Dragon catcher is just a medium-level magic power? Do you mean there are high-level magic powers?"

"Yes! High-level magic is the top magic. As long as you master one, you are almost invincible at the same level. In addition..." the octopus head took a deep breath. "It is said that there are super level magic. That kind of magic is a secret treasure of all ethnic groups and generally will not be sold."

"Yes!" Lin Xiao put away the black card and said thoughtfully, "I see!"

"That adult......" octopus head looked at Lin Xiao pitifully. "Can you let me out?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded seriously.

The octopus head was overjoyed.

"Wait until you get back to 486 trading point!"



Lin Xiao closed the door and left, leaving a confused Zhang Yutou on his face.

"Asshole, asshole!!!" The octopus roared with its head.

He paid all, but he was still locked up in this cold, humid place full of fear, which turned Zhang Yutou from fear to anger.

"Feiyang has become Lin Xiao's servant. It's no use relying on him. It can only rely on zhamur......" the octopus head looks at the stars through the small porthole and thinks of the canglan friend at 486 trading point.

The news that octopus head is going to go to zahamurdo has long been spread. He promised 10 million yuan Dan to seek each other's shelter.

Zahamurdo is the commander stationed in canglan Department of 485 trading point, with great power and authority.

Moreover, the environment inside and outside the city is completely different, and canglan Department has greater advantages.

As long as Zhang Yutou tries to contact zahamurdo, it is possible to calculate Lin Xiao.

This is the last chance for Zhang Yutou.

In this way, after six or seven days, a huge city in front finally showed up.

"That's the 485 trading point?" Lin Xiao was a little moved.

The scale of 485 trading city is much larger than 486. It is magnificent and spectacular. That steel building is like a giant beast between heaven and earth, frightening countless creatures.

"Yes!" The ghost spirit's expression suddenly became serious and solemn.

Lin Xiao was surprised that the ghost spirit he usually jumped off was somewhat abnormal today.

"What's the matter? Something's on your mind?"

"Ah? No......" the ghost spirit returned to normal and walked away bouncing. "What can I worry about? Take care of your business."

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao touched his nose and couldn't help smiling. He didn't care. Then he ordered Feiyang to speed up and try to reach the giant city before sunset.

Titan is too big.

It was not unreasonable for the Empire to choose this planet as a trading star.

Thousands of huge trading cities, simply named after numbers, have the most complex systems.

Traders from all kinds of cosmic stars intersperse between various trading points. I don't know how much wealth is in circulation.

Just a Zhang fish head can have tens of millions of Yuan pills. It can be imagined how unimaginable wealth this huge trading star has.

"Here we are, my Lord!"

I don't know how long it took, Lin Xiao woke up from his meditation.

Here comes the great city.

Two official warships slowly oppressed.

"Please identify the comer!"

Lin Xiao's eyes soared.

Feiyang took a deep breath and came to the command desk, "I'm the commander of the 485 trading star canglan department, Feiyang!"

No problem with the ship and identity.

Soon released.

"It's really convenient to have you!" Lin Xiao smiled.

Feiyang was very embarrassed and said with a smile, "my Lord, I think it's better to keep a low profile here. If canglan department finds out my whereabouts, I'm afraid there will be some trouble!"

"I see!" Lin Xiao smiled, "so now..."

He looked at the ghost.

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