Ghost spirit pointed to the docking platform and said, "stop at platform 68 first. I'll find a friend."

The purpose of this trip is to find the arbiter to hand in the map and get paid.

But Lin Xiao has another purpose.

He wants to be involved in the search.

Only when you find the Imperial General Fenghuo and the strong man at the dominant level can you resist canglan, so as to rush out of Titan and go to the vast starry sky outside, can you find your own root and save Nangong brocade.

Along the way, Lin Xiao had learned about the combat power of canglan Department stationed on Titan from Feiyang, which can be said to be quite terrible.

It is said that there are three martial arts masters at the master level, and one of them is an expert who dominates the second section.

The reason why Fenghuo was defeated and captured was that the master two master took it.

Facing the master, Lin Xiao didn't dare to make too many mistakes, so he could only slowly figure it out.

Moreover, if he wants to improve his cultivation, he must rely on Yuanjing.

He also has to go to the exchange to exchange some yuan crystals and see what good things are sold in the auction house.

"Let's go!"

After landing on platform 68, ghost spirit waved his big hand and became the leader.

Lin Xiao only took Feiyang and two other guards together. It was inconvenient to have many people.

A group of people walked out of the parking platform, followed the entrance and exit of the crowd and came to the bustling street.

It is still a huge steel city of cyberpunk style, full of noise and noise everywhere. The occasional gunshots mean that it is not so safe here.

"Keep up!" The ghost spirit walked very fast and slipped into a big alley.

It looks like a slum, with some messy buildings and garbage everywhere. Although the residents have no clothes and don't cover their bodies, they are all yellow and skinny and don't live well.

The ghost looked more and more heavy and walked faster and faster. He came to a muddy river.

There are a row of dilapidated houses by the river, and some beggars squat lazily at the door.

Seeing the well-dressed Lin Xiao and others, these beggars immediately rushed over with bright eyes.

"Please, please!"

Although Lin Xiao didn't understand what they were saying, the expression of the other party's expression and speech action was the meaning of this sentence.

In fact, in addition to the hard currency yuan Dan and energy block, there is also a currency among the people, which is similar to gold coins, which is called yuan currency.

This kind of money is produced in large quantities, but it is circulated among the general population.

Lin Xiao glanced at Feiyang.

Feiyang obviously dislikes such inferior people, but Lin Xiao has orders. He can't help but take out a small box and pat it gently, resulting in a pile of yuan coins.


Hundreds of yuan coins fell on the ground.

The beggars around rushed like crazy, planed like dogs, and even fought quickly because of uneven distribution.

Lin Xiao sighed lightly. There is a gap between the rich and the poor everywhere. Those without strength are at the bottom wherever they go.

"Let's go!"

The ghost spirit recovered. She rushed through the crowd and came to a shabby house nearest to the river.

"Ah Mu!" The ghost spirit gently pushed the door open, and a sour smell came out.

The room is very simple, with a bed, a tea table, and some pots, bowls and chopsticks.

A thin figure lay motionless on the bed.

Hearing the ghost's voice, the figure trembled fiercely.

"Ah Mu!" The ghost spirit rushed in and screamed, "Why are you so ill? Didn't I leave you money? What's the matter?"

"Spirit, spirit..." ah Mu's voice was like a leaky bellows, hoarse and broken.

"Ah mu, I'm ah Ling. Wake up."

The mother is in a state of dying, hanging in one breath, probably to wait for the ghost to come back.

Lin Xiao walked in quickly, "don't worry, let me have a look."

"Don't touch her!" The ghost spirit suddenly screamed and pushed Lin Xiao madly.

Lin Xiao saw the ghost's red eyes, and a violent smell came out of her.

Originally, the ghost spirit was only the cultivation of the great master Shiduan, but Lin Xiao suddenly had a feeling of facing the supreme.

Lin Xiao was thrilled. He didn't want to hurt the ghost spirit, so he raised his hands and quickly stepped back, "ghost spirit, wake up, I'm Lin Xiao, I don't mean any harm!"

The flying behind Lin Xiao looked dull and lost his voice, "ghost tomb demon dragon clan?"

The ghost spirit's mood was still out of control, and his grinning appearance was very terrible, and even his body showed signs of slight deformation.

Her face, arms and other exposed skin began to be covered with a layer of fine scales, which looked very ferocious and terrible.

"What happened to Xiao Ling?" Lin Xiao withdrew from the door and took a look at Feiyang.

Feiyang was obviously stunned. He looked at Lin Xiao strangely and seemed to say how to follow you. There was such a abnormal race.

Then Feiyang took a deep breath and said slowly, "I can be sure that the ghost spirit is the ghost tomb demon dragon family."

"What's the matter? What's special about this race?"

"This is the most evil and terrible dark race in the universe. I didn't expect it to appear here... Didn't it say that it was exterminated by several emperors of the Empire tens of thousands of years ago? Why did it still appear?"

Lin Xiao was very surprised. "Was the Empire exterminated? Why?"

"It is said that the number of this race is very small, and the individual is very powerful. It is a rare dragon race. When you grow up, you can tear the domain master by hand and carry the great emperor by force..."

"So strong?" Lin Xiao was surprised.

"It's just..." Feiyang was terrified. "The head of the demon dragon family in the ghost tomb was very evil and specialized in eating martial arts. In this way, he could improve his strength, so he was eradicated by several emperors of the Empire."

"I've only seen some historical records. It seems that the war turned the stars and burst the stars. It's unimaginable!"

"Is the ghost spirit really a ghost tomb demon dragon family?"

"Looking at her, there are ten * * is," Feiyang nodded heavily. "It is said that this kind of race can incarnate human form when it is young. Once it becomes an adult, it will manifest itself. It is 100 meters long and extremely powerful!"

Lin Xiao took a deep look at the ghost spirit. She was quiet and knelt down beside her mother, sobbing in a low voice.

"Ling, Ling, aunt is very satisfied to see you. Why did you come back? I, didn't I let you leave Titan?"

"Wuwuwuwu..." the ghost spirit wiped his tears and said, "I want my mother to get better. I want money. Now that I have money, I can save my mother."

"Silly child, my mother is always mortal and will die..."

"I don't!" The ghost spirit shouted. She soon recovered. After wiping away her tears, she asked in a deep voice, "the money I left you can support the benefits. Where's your money?"


The ghost spirit bared his teeth. "Was it gambled by that old thing?"

The mother was silent.

"I'll kill him!"


The ghost turned and flew out.

Lin Xiao quickly stopped, "ghost spirit, don't be impulsive. It's important to save your mother first!"

"How can you save me? My aunt got star tears. There's no cure!" The ghost roared.

Even if she earns more money, she can't buy her mother's life back.

But the ghost never gave up.

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "star tears?"

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