With a frown, the wings behind him unconsciously expanded and contracted.

"Star tears are the punishment of the universe. The cells inside the body will continue to fail and there is no cure!"

"I'll try!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "maybe it can be saved!"

Without waiting for the ghost to react, Lin Xiao stepped into the house and was stunned to see the haggard Terran old lady.

Since the ghost spirit is a ghost tomb demon dragon family, why is ah Mu human?

"She is my adoptive mother!" Seeing Lin Xiao's doubts, the ghost asked expectantly, "can you really cure my mother?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao suddenly said, "I can only try."

With that, Lin Xiao took out the black needle to prepare for the operation.

Since you are human, you are familiar with the body structure and meridians. You can perform acupuncture directly without observing more.

Nine black needles pierced gradually.

The old woman didn't respond.

The technique of nine needles fixing the earth is already Lin Xiao's most powerful needling technique. With the improvement of cultivation, the magnetic field and energy generated also grow exponentially.

But even now, the nine needle technique, which is dozens of times stronger than in the past, has no effect.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and added nine more stitches to the nine.

The effect bonus of nine needles in a row is not high, but it has a great load on Lin Xiao.

The old woman had a slight reaction and her face relaxed.

"Ah Mu!" The ghost was surprised and happy.

For many years, my mother has been very painful. The ghost spirit hasn't seen it for a long time.

"Valid!" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up and added nine more needles.

With Lin Xiaoduan's strengthening of nine stitches and determination of Kun, he has gone to the fifth set, 45 stitches.

Finally, Lin Xiao could not bear the state of collision and entanglement between the huge yuan forces.


Pedal pedal

Lin Xiao vomited blood and retreated violently.

"Lin Xiao!?" The ghost screamed.

Seeing that his mother was getting better and better, Lin Xiao made a mistake and was not surprised.

"Nothing!" Lin Xiao quickly adjusted the state, "just exceeded the load!"

"Well, can my aunt be saved?"

Lin Xiao frowned, "I can save you, but my accomplishments are not enough..."

"What about that?"

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid we can't go to 9981 until after the master. Maybe we can be saved at that time!"

The ghost spirit was disappointed at first, and then burst out infinite hope.

With Lin Xiao's talent, becoming the master is just around the corner.

Then my mother's disease can be cured.


Feiyang has long been stunned.

Star tears are incurable and incurable.

This is the rule of heaven and earth, and it is the unanimous view of all races.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao could alleviate the state of star tears. This alone is enough to shock the world.

"This, this..." Feiyang murmured, "what are these two monsters?"

At this moment, Feiyang was suddenly happy.

Being Lin Xiao's servant may not be as unbearable as expected, but it's lucky.

The ghost spirit's mother was much better and even could sit up. Her deep eyes were shining. She looked at Lin Xiao and said, "thank you!"

"I'm a ghost's friend. It's right to save you." Lin Xiao smiled.

Ghost spirit breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly his eyebrows stood up. "The old man took the money I gave you to gamble. That's why he made you so weak. I'll kill him!"

"No!" Ah Mu tightened the ghost spirit, "how can I say, he has taken care of me all my life..."

"No! That's my money!" The ghost turned and left.

The mother recovered and the ghost spirit was relieved. She knew where her adoptive father was and was ready to settle accounts with him.


Lin Xiao patted the old woman's dry arm, "it's all right. Let her vent. She has suffered a lot for you to make money everywhere. I'm sure I can't stand it. Someone ruined her money."

"Hey!" The old woman shed tears.

Lin Xiao took a look at Feiyang, "you're here. I'll follow up and have a look!"


With Feiyang, the Supreme Master of baduan, guarding it, I'm afraid no one in the whole 485 trading city dares to do it again.

The master of Supreme baduan usually appears before No. 100 of the trading city.

Feiyang endured for so long and finally had absolute strength, but he didn't expect to be subdued by Lin Xiao.

However, Feiyang is now very down-to-earth.

After seeing Lin Xiao's strength and medical skills, Feiyang felt that he might become a follower of the great emperor today.

It's exciting to think about it.

"Madam, there's something to eat here..." together, he became kind to ordinary people.

The ghost ran like lightning all the way.

Lin Xiao almost didn't keep up.

It was mainly because Lin Xiao was not familiar with the terrain and route here, but he keenly followed up.

The scope of the slum looks very large, and the continuous dilapidated buildings are like honeycomb.

The garbage and ruins on the ground are probably the most conspicuous signs here.

The ghost soon came to a huge oval building.

The pillars on both sides in front of the door are thick and thin surrounded by three adult men.

The noise kept coming from inside.

Lin Xiao's first reaction was that this was a large casino.

Trading star accepts any transaction and purchase.

As long as you abide by the rules of the trading star, no matter what kind of business and business you do, you will not be hindered.

With a gloomy face, the ghost hurried into the casino hall.

There are countless electronic light screens in the upward hall.

Many gamblers with dull eyes crowded together, greedily looking at the changing bets on the screen, and their hearts have been accelerating.

"Zhong Zhong..." someone shouted, suddenly threw up blood and fell straight.

No one paid attention to his life or death. People passing by just glanced at him in a hurry and rushed across to another gambling machine.

Soon a cleaning team will come and drag away the bodies of gamblers who died suddenly because of excitement, as if nothing had ever happened.

"Where are you, old man?" Ghost spirit shuttled through the crowd and kept roaring.

Lin Xiao followed for fear that something might happen to the ghost.

In a dark corner, beside a broken gambling machine, an obscene old man with red eyes stared at the rolling roulette and kept swallowing saliva.

"Middle, fast..." the old man scratched his cheek and kept patting the machine.

A strong man next to him kicked him insolently, "dare to destroy the machine again, and be careful to throw you out to feed the dog!"

The old man reluctantly stood up, his eyes touched the screen and saw a victory icon. The whole person was surprised and happy, "yes, yes, great, ha ha..."


Spit out a card from the machine. This is a card for storing yuan coins. The number, one million, is clearly displayed on it.

One million yuan is enough for the old man to be carefree for several years.

This is more than a huge sum of money, which was immediately stuffed into his pocket as a treasure.

"Finally, finally..." the old man walked forward like a demon.

Just then, two strong figures came across and stood in front of him.

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