The old man looked up blankly. When he saw them, he looked shocked and turned around and ran away.


Unexpectedly, the old man ran very fast and rushed behind the machine.

There was a hole that could be drilled by a dog. The old man rushed in as soon as he bowed his head.

The reason why the old man played in front of the machine was that he liked the dog hole next to it.

In this way, you can escape calmly when you meet creditors.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated this time.

There's someone opposite.


The old man was kicked back by the opposite side.


The old man rolled on the spot, clenched the card with both hands, and climbed in succession to escape in the other direction.

"Shit! This old man doesn't die. He's really slippery."


Two strong men have long been ready to block the intersection in one direction.

The old man bumped into the big man and was bounced back. His eyes immediately became frightened. "Money, I'll pay you back in a few days. Why don't you chase it?"

"In a few days?" The big man is a Lanjing clan. He is tall and strong with fierce fangs. "Do you think I'm a fool? I saw you win a million just now. Will the money still be there in a few days?"

"No, no!" The old man covered the card tightly. "This money is useful to me. I promise I will give it to you in a few days!"

"Bah! You smelly old man, when we were three years old? The money must be handed over today, or... Die!"


Another big man of Lanjing clan raised his foot and kicked the old man's head.

Immediately let the old man touch the ground on his forehead, and blood surged wildly.


The old man screamed, "my old woman is ill. I want to buy medicine with this money. Without medicine, she will die!"

"None of our business?"

They didn't care. They directly picked up the old man and grabbed the card from his hands.

"Hey, hey, you owe us 500000. A million with interest is just right!"

"You're lucky today!"

The old man was crazy and fought back, "asshole! Give me back the money!"


The old man was kicked down.

"Give face, don't want face, don't want to live?"

"Things like dogs! Terrans are all rubbish, all rubbish!"


The two big men of the Lanjing clan were elated and turned around to leave.

Suddenly a cold light came up.


They suddenly found that their necks were cold, and then their heads slipped into the sky. Blood flew around, causing a cry of surprise.

"What, what?" The old man was stunned.

The next second, the petite figure of ghost spirit appeared in front of him.

"Spirit, spirit?"

"Old thing!" The ghost spirit rushed up and picked up the old man. It was two slaps in the face.

Pa Pa!

The old man was stunned.

Because of the dead, the guards quickly gathered and watched the ghost warily.

Although killing is not prohibited here, killing without cause will still be punished.

Moreover, the two big men of Lanjing clan obviously have some background, so they attracted many guards.

"Dare to kill in Lord Zaha's casino and don't want to live!"

A gloomy sound was like a knife and fork rubbing against the glass.

A skeleton thin guy lined up.

His cloak looked very wide and covered his whole body.

"The undead?" The ghost spirit put the old man down and stared at the place with vigilance.

"Hum!" The undead stretched out two white fingerbones, "tie her up for me!"


Several guards rushed at the ghost spirit.

Guard of the supreme section!

Another supreme puppet approached the old man without expression.

Ghost spirit's face changed slightly, but he didn't flinch. He put dagger across his chest, "I'm afraid you won't do it?"

At this moment, the ghost spirit realized the danger and the black scales on the body surface began to appear.

The two guards took a big step and didn't pay attention to the ghost spirit at all.

"Ling, run!" The old man protected the ghost.

"Don't worry! Why don't you run yourself?" The ghost spirit scolded angrily, "you almost killed my mother, okay?"

"I, I..." the old man looked ashamed.

The two guards walked quickly and came close in a blink of an eye. At the same time, they stretched out their hands to catch the ghost spirit.

Lightning flint!


The ghost spirit stabbed a knife in a hurry, but one of them grabbed the knife directly and slapped it hard.


This palm was about to hit the ghost spirit, but it was bounced back by a strange force.

The guard turned several somersaults in the air and then hit the crowd heavily.


Another guard received the same treatment, even worse. He flew out for tens of meters and crashed directly into the wall.

Both bystanders and the leader of the undead family were shocked by the strange scene in front of them.

They failed without warning.

And look at the ghost spirit. It's not like a master. There's no such thing as pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

So why did these two guards fall for no reason?

In the distance, Lin Xiao was also surprised.

He had an idea just now and turned his dragon catcher back. Unexpectedly, he had a miraculous effect.

Compared with the vigorous internal power, this method is invisible and has no sign at all.

"It's interesting..." Lin Xiao seemed to find a new toy and pushed it again.


The supreme puppet over there also flew out.

"Fun!" Lin Xiao smiled like a child and clapped his hands.

Boom, boom!

Before long, there was no one around the undead captain, and all the guards were beaten out.

The gamblers nearby seemed to see ghosts one by one.

Just then, Captain undead finally found something wrong.

Fifty meters away from him, Lin Xiao was too conspicuous. He was the only one standing in place, and there was no one around.

"What, what the hell?" The leader of the undead clan was stunned and stared at Lin Xiao.

At this time, Lin Xiao had enough, walked slowly over, looked at the ghost spirit and said, "well, your adoptive father doesn't really ignore your aunt, and he just wants to make more money."

"Hum!" The ghost spirit took the knife and took the old man back.

Lin Xiao smiled and waved to the leader of the dead.

"You, you call me?" The leader of the dead was scared to pee. He didn't know what magic Lin Xiao was doing. He just waved and knocked down more than a dozen of his guards. It was strong and terrible.

"Yes! Come here!"

The leader of the dead came over step by step and said with a dry smile, "Sir, is there any misunderstanding?"

"No misunderstanding!" Lin Xiao took out the yuan card Feiyang gave him, "this is my compensation for your casino. In addition..."

Lin Xiao pointed to the old man who was taken away. "Don't accept that guy to gamble? Understand?"

"Understand, understand..." the captain of the dead carefully received the card and immediately changed a smiling face, but the smiling face was more ugly than crying, which was very scary.


Lin Xiao didn't say much, so he turned and left directly.

Back to the hut, the ghost spirit dragged the old man in front of the bed and angrily said, "do you see what my mother's disease is like? You still have to gamble. Are you still not human?"

"I, I also want to make more money." The old man looked sad.

"Next time, I'll cut off your hand!"

"Ling..." the old woman shook her head. "Don't embarrass your adoptive father. He saved you from those monsters!"

Ghost spirit recalled the past, his heart was soft, and unconsciously put the old man down.

Just then, Feiyang, who had been guarding outside, suddenly broke in, "Sir, it's not good!"

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