Lin Xiao suddenly turned back, "what's going on?"

Feiyang said in a deep voice, "there are many people outside. It seems that there are soldiers from canglan department. What should we do?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "Is it the captain of the dead who was unconvinced and came back with him?"

"There is indeed a undead in the team, but..." Feiyang lowered his voice. "The undead is only a small role, and the canglan officer is the big fish!"

Lin Xiao frowned. He suddenly remembered that the backstage owner of the casino seemed to be zahamurdo.

Octopus man once inadvertently revealed that zahamurdo had a good relationship with him and was the commander of canglan department in 485 trading city.

"It seems to have caused trouble..."


There was a loud noise outside the door.

A deep pit appeared in front of the door and was directly blasted out with some kind of handheld energy gun.

Then someone shouted arrogantly, "listen, get out right away, or the next shot will kill you!"

Only canglan people dare to use heavy energy guns in the trading city.

Lin Xiao winked at Fei Yang, "go and wait in the dark."

"I see!" The color of gratitude flashed in Feiyang's eyes.

Feiyang is the commander of 486 trading city. The senior management of canglan department must know him. If he shows up, he may avoid some trouble, but if he is known to be Lin Xiao's servant, he will lose face.

Even though Feiyang didn't like it so much, Lin Xiao thought about it and still made him grateful.

Lin Xiao stepped out of the broken wooden door.

Sure enough.

The guy of the undead family in the casino, following a tall and strong winged man, pointed to Lin Xiao and said, "Sir, this boy is making trouble in the casino."

"Lord Zaha dares to make trouble in his territory, you foreigners, damn it!"

"Misunderstanding!" Lin Xiao didn't want to make trouble. He said with a smile, "at that time, things happened for a reason, so I couldn't help it. I also made compensation afterwards. What else can I teach you?"

The wing clan soldier shook his shoulders and swaggered out, "no one dares to leave calmly after making trouble in Lord Zaha's casino. Is it okay to make compensation?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao said with a dry smile, "what else does the adult want? As long as I can do it, just mention it!"

Surrounded by canglan soldiers, the nearby roadway was so crowded that even the busy guys couldn't squeeze in.

The leader of the undead clan probably knew that Lin Xiao was not easy to mess with, so he called so many helpers.

"Hum! I'll make you kneel down and knock three heads. Can you do it?" The winged soldier asked proudly.


Laughter came from around.

The winged soldier also smiled proudly, looked around with his eyes, looked high and relaxed, and obviously didn't pay attention to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao's eyes were slightly frozen, and his voice became flat. "I think everyone is a businessman. He makes money with kindness. There's no need to be aggressive?"

"What are you talking about?" The Winged Warrior deliberately asked in an exaggerated tone, "am I aggressive? Do you say I'm Sergei aggressive?"

"Ha ha..."

"This fool!"

"I don't know what to do!"

There was another roar of laughter around.

Sergei had a wing on his back and said in a grim voice, "who doesn't know that my favorite thing is aggressiveness? Did you come on your first day?"

"What do you want?" Lin Xiao frowned.

"I said, kneel down and knock three times, then make an apology, and offer... Er, 10000 yuan pills, you can leave!"


The onlookers took a breath of air-conditioning.

Ten thousand yuan pills are a wealth they can't imagine in their life.

However, Sergei opened his mouth and didn't seem to consider whether Lin Xiao could bear it.

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao smiled. He swept around and said faintly, "there are twenty-eight of you."

"What do you mean?" Sergei glared at Lin Xiao. "Do you think you can escape from my encirclement?"

"I'm not ready to run!" Lin Xiao told the truth and paused for a few seconds, "I decided to leave you all..."

Before Lin Xiao's voice fell, his right hand bent and stretched out, and a huge suction suddenly acted on Sergei and others in front of him.


Sergei hasn't responded yet. Lin Xiao pushes his left hand again.

Two opposing forces acted on Sergei and several guards next to him at the same time, and suddenly exploded.


Body fragments exploded all over the sky.

Lin Xiao kept moving, absorbing and collecting calmly.

Bang bang!

The onlookers were dazzled and frightened by the scene in front of them.

"This, what magic power is this?"

"How strong!"

In a short moment, Sergei and the canglan soldiers he brought died, leaving the captain of the dead standing in place with dull eyes.

Blood mist fell all over the sky.

The cloak of the dead captain was blown away, and the white skeleton turned red, just like a sculpture. It looks very good.

Lin Xiao went to the leader of the dead and stretched out his hand to him, "where's the thing?"

"What did you say?" Lin Xiao hit him on the head.


Seeing that the bones were cracked, the captain of the dead screamed, "give it back to you!"

"Hum!" Lin Xiao took the card to compensate the captain of the dead, put it back in his pocket, and then waved fiercely.


The leader of the dead instantly scattered into a skeleton on the ground.

"Go!" Lin Xiao looked back at the ghost spirit. "Take your adoptive parents with you!"

The party left the slum quickly. When canglan found something wrong, they had already run away.

But with an old couple, they can't walk too fast.

Lin Xiao decided to buy a real estate in the city, settle the two old people, and then find the stronghold of the arbitrator.

However, since canglan took control of the whole planet, the local branches of the arbiter have also been hidden.

That's why the bad arbiters caught the loopholes and began to act recklessly.

After the two old people were temporarily arranged in the hotel, Lin Xiao and the three set out again.

"Lin Xiao, thank you!" The ghost spirit followed Lin Xiao and whispered.

"Thank you for what?" Lin Xiao smiled.

"I know you're killing for my parents, otherwise you can leave calmly alone. There's no need to make so much trouble."

"That's right," Lin Xiao patted her little head. "We are partners. Since we act together, we have to fight together. They are your parents. I won't care!"

"Yes!" The ghost spirit's nose was sour and murmured, "are we partners?"

"When I!" Lin Xiao suddenly pointed to a huge dragon building across the street, "that's the exchange. We're just going to buy real estate. By the way, see what's good in the trading city!"

"Good!" The ghost spirit suddenly seemed to grow bigger and didn't jump. He just followed Lin Xiao closely, like a clever child.

Lin Xiao didn't notice the change of ghost spirit. Now he is looking forward to meeting something that will open his eyes in the exchange.

Yuanjing, in particular, is what he needs most at the moment.

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