The exchange is surprisingly large.

The dome, which is tens of meters high, is painted with colorful patterns. A winding black dragon disappears and looms in the light.

Feiyang looked at the ghost spirit thoughtfully and asked, "Xiao Ling, don't you feel familiar with the portrait of the exchange dome?"

The ghost spirit didn't lift her head. She had lived here for many years. Naturally, she knew what it was and said decisively, "I'm not familiar with it!"

"Ha ha..." Feiyang couldn't help but asked again, "Xiaoling, have you ever heard of the ghost tomb demon family?"

"No!" The ghost's face was expressionless.


Lin Xiao smiled, "Feiyang, why do you have so many questions today? Are you curious?"

"Really curious!"

"Everyone has their own secrets, and so do you, right?" Lin Xiao looked at Feiyang.

Feiyang said with a dry smile, "what the adult said is, I just ask casually. Because the black dragon five color painting on the dome is the Dragon God of the ghost tomb demon family!"

Ghost spirit's body trembled slightly, but did not speak.

Lin Xiao asked thoughtfully, "Feiyang, you said that the war destroyed countless stars. The ghost chased the grave and the magic dragon was really so powerful?"

"More than powerful, it's terrible!" Flying across the panic, "the adult ghost tomb magic dragon can resist the high-level emperor. It was only after the two emperors died that the Dragon God was suppressed."

Lin Xiao was awe inspiring. He was just a little supreme now. He was infinitely far away from the great emperor. He didn't dare to think of that scene.

Ghost spirit's mood was obviously wrong. She slowed down a little and quietly adjusted her expression.

Lin Xiao was still immersed in the shock and said sincerely, "how powerful cultivation can we achieve?"

"My Lord!" Feiyang said solemnly, "I believe you will reach that level one day!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao burst out laughing. "Are you more confident than me?"

"Your talent is amazing. No one can beat it. I believe one day!"

"With your kind words, ha ha......" Lin Xiao laughed loudly and walked into the reception area.

The ghost spirit stared at Lin Xiao's back with complex eyes. After a few seconds, he quickly followed up.

The reception area is also ridiculously large.

Many foreign people Lin Xiao had never seen sat in the rest area and waited.

There are a wide range of shops around. Virtual display images show the items sold, including a place dedicated to selling houses.

"Go and buy a house for the second old man first!"

When Lin Xiao came to the shop, a two headed alien greeted him with a smile.

"Do you want to buy a house, sir? The house here is the most affordable. You can buy 100 square meters, give you 10 square meters of toilet, and give you an attic. It's very cheap. One square meter is only 100 yuan!"

When two heads speak at the same time, the sound forms reverberation, which is much better than the effect of microphone.

"So cheap?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned.

One hundred yuan for one ping means ten thousand yuan for one hundred Ping.

Generally speaking, one yuan Dan can be exchanged for one hundred yuan, but if you really change it, one hundred yuan Dan can be exchanged for more than one hundred to one hundred and fifty yuan.

A house doesn't cost a hundred yuan.

For Lin Xiao, it's ridiculously cheap.

But for ordinary people, this 100 yuan Dan has been their income for several years.

"Let me see the biggest house..."

Lin Xiao walked forward a few steps.

The boss is very happy. He has met a big customer. He will lead the three people to see the house immediately.

Unexpectedly, a strange voice came from behind the three.

"Hum! I don't know where some steamed stuffed buns came from, but I still want to buy the biggest house? I'm over my head!"

Lin Xiao looked back and saw a winged man in white clothes coming in with a group of his men.

When the boss saw someone coming, he immediately became frightened. Even Lin Xiao and others ignored him and trotted up all the way.

"Flying childe!"

Young master Fei took a few steps with his hands behind him. "What room type do you have today? One person will give me ten sets!"

"OK, Mr. Fei, today we have a new model. There are just ten sets of each type. I'll go through the formalities for you right away!"

"Yes!" The flying childe scornfully glanced at Lin Xiao and others, and the big thorn sat on the chair, "you don't want any cats and dogs in this shop. Just have a house for me!"


Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing angrily at this. "Where's the idiot? I saw the house first. It's not too late for you to buy it after I choose it!"

The flying childe frowned, "who are you? Who are you talking to? No big or small."

The nearby guard immediately stood up, pointed to Lin Xiao's nose and shouted, "do you know who the flying childe is? Ignorant hick!"

"Why, do you still have some identity?" Lin Xiao doesn't like this rich second generation of dandies at all. He's just a moth in the power. He's good for nothing.

"Hum! I'm afraid I'll scare you to death! Young master Fei, that's the son of Lord Zaha. Who doesn't know the whole 485 trading city? Which Dalit district did you run from? Are you blind?"

As soon as Lin Xiao heard that it had something to do with Zaha, he couldn't help laughing, "I don't care whether you are a childe or a mother and son? Boss, show me a suite right away. I don't have no money!"

"Ouch!" The boss was also very embarrassed. His two heads shook around. He dared not offend Lin Xiao or disobey Mr. Fei. He hesitated for a moment, "Sir, why don't you go to another house? There are many shops selling houses..."

"I like that one," Lin Xiao had long liked a real estate being demonstrated in the video and pointed to it.

It is a three story villa similar to the West's buildings on earth. It has a small courtyard, swimming pool and green area, which is suitable for the elderly.

"Ah?" The boss was stunned and looked up and down at Lin Xiao, "that real estate starts with at least one million, you..."

That house is the display room of this store. The reason why it is not sold is not only expensive, but also useful to attract customers.

Lin Xiao came up to buy the house of the town shop. Not to mention the boss, even the flying childe was surprised.

"It's really a hick. I'm afraid you don't know how much the property is worth?" Young master Fei stood up slowly. "You're so poor that you can't afford to buy a toilet. Don't make a fool of yourself here."

"None of your business?" Lin Xiao was angry. "I want to buy it now. Can you manage it? Boss, go through the formalities! Double the price!"

Lin Xiao is now rich and powerful. Let alone a mere million yuan, the maximum is 10000 yuan Dan. It's not worth a few times more.

Octopus head is a very rich man in 486 trading city. His yuan Dan Cary has tens of millions of Yuan Dan, which is rich.

"Ah?" The boss's eyes brightened, "are they true or false?"

"I pay three times!" Young master Fei and Lin Xiao got into a fight and sneered, "I want to see how much money you have. Dare to fight with me!"

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