The boss was overjoyed when Mr. Fei offered three times.

"Young master Fei is really rich! I'll help you go through the formalities right away!"

"Wait a minute!" Lin Xiao won't get used to other people's problems. He doesn't need money now. He has to fight back, "I pay four times!"

Four times the house price is 40000 yuan pills and more than 4 million yuan. For ordinary people, it is an untouchable wealth for a lifetime.

Young master Fei frowned slightly, "hum! Five times!"

Five times the price, we can buy all the houses on display at the moment.

"Six times!" Lin Xiao did not hesitate.

"Seven times!" Flying childe is not in a hurry.

"Eight times!" Lin Xiao was at ease.

"Nine times!" Young master Fei's expression has changed.

90000 yuan pills are not a small expense for him. He has to go to the auction house to buy things. It's not worth spending it here.

"Nine times..." Lin Xiao hesitated.

The flying childe's eyes brightened. "Why? No money? Can't fit it? If you have seed, you can add it again. I'll follow you as much as you add."

Lin Xiao pondered, "twenty times! If you add more, I won't..."

"I'll add..." young master Fei was about to add, when his assistant covered his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Young master Fei broke free and said angrily.

"Young master Fei, are you crazy? Lord Zaha asked you to buy that thing today. What if you spent all your money?"

Young master Fei was stunned and looked very impatient. "Go back and get the money right away!"

"Time is not enough. Every auction is over. If you can't buy that thing, Lord Zaha will be angry!"

Young master Fei was in a dilemma, but he was unwilling to see Lin Xiao's proud expression.

"Childe, it's important!" The assistant gave him a hand.

"Hum!" Young master Fei sneered at Lin Xiao, "well, well, you're cruel. I won't argue with you. Take your time!"

"No money?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile, "what are you pretending with me without money? Aren't you rich and powerful? Don't you want to make a round?"

"You... Asshole!" Young master Fei almost died of anger.

"Childe, let's go. The auction will begin soon." The assistant pulled him again.

"Hum!" Childe Fei stubbornly endured it and glared at Lin Xiao, "don't let me see you again!"

"Hiss!" Lin Xiao didn't think so.

When the flying childe left, the boss came over and said with a smile, "boss, shall we go through the formalities now?"

"What's the procedure?" Lin Xiao deliberately looked puzzled.

"You, didn't you buy that house for twenty times the price?" The boss was stunned.

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. "I'm playing with young master Fei. Are you serious? You think I'm wronged? Twenty times the original price? I won't buy it!"

"Ah?" The boss was stunned.

Lin Xiao waved his big hand, "go! Let's go to other houses. Just now the boss said that there are many house sellers nearby. I don't believe there is no suitable one..."

"You, you..." the boss almost fainted. If it wasn't for face, he would have yelled.

At this time, Lin Xiao and others had already gone far.

"Lin Xiao, you are so bad." The ghost spirit returned to normal and ran around, "you didn't see the boss's expression. It's as bad as eating shit!"

"For such a person, we have to treat him like this and make him look down on others!" Lin Xiao looked left and right and pointed to a shop. "Go! Buy a house!"

ten minutes later.

Lin Xiao bought a three story villa, which cost only more than 400000 yuan. It was cheap and affordable.

Seeing that the auction was about to begin, Lin Xiao didn't go to receive the house and directly took them into the venue.

The auction venue, which can accommodate more than 1000 people, was very popular. There was a lot of noise. There were all kinds of races, which made Lin Xiao an eye opener.

Moreover, we can see from the light and shadow images of those exhibitions on the booth that there are still a lot of good things on sale today.

"My Lord, if you want to buy Yuanjing, you can register in advance. As long as you buy something at a certain price at the auction, you will get a gift."

"Oh?" Lin Xiaoshun looked in the direction of flying fingers, and a large advertising column was playing relevant preferential activities.

"You can get a yuan crystal for free by consuming 10000 yuan Dan? That's good..." Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

One yuan crystal can be exchanged for one hundred yuan pills. In this way, the preferential strength is still good.

"I hope there is a baby worth my shot." Lin Xiaoxing hurriedly picked up the number plate and took them into their seats.

Just then, a cold hum came from the private room on the second floor above my head.

"Hum! I met this boy again!"

Lin Xiao looked up. Unexpectedly, Mr. Fei was in the VIP room on the second floor. He couldn't help but be happy. "It's fate, Mr. Fei!"

"Hum! Do I know you?" Young master Fei shouted condescending, "what is it?"

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao didn't care, so he sat down.

"Hillbilly, can't even afford a VIP room, and dare to come to the auction!" Childe Fei smiled contemptuously.

Neon lights appeared on the booth, and an enchanting fox woman came out.

Childe Fei's eyes were immediately attracted and gave off a burst of greedy light.

"Hey! Caiyun is becoming more and more beautiful..." young master Fei licked his lips.

As soon as Miss Caiyun appeared, she seemed to raise the temperature of the scene by several degrees, and her enthusiasm was high.

Whistles, cheers, and even direct courtship were heard.

"Miss Caiyun, I love you!"

Caiyun smiled like a flower, and the two dimples seemed to have infinite magic, tempting men's minds.

"This woman......" Lin Xiao was stunned. "What a high accomplishment!"

Others can't see it, but Lin Xiao can see it clearly. His limitless skill is becoming more and more pure. Especially after opening the golden manual, you can see through people's cultivation.

Supreme eight!

Another supreme eight.

It is said that the height above the supreme seven sections is concentrated within No. 100 of the trading city.

Lin Xiao now found that the rumor was pure nonsense.

Such a big Titan, experts don't know how many. It's very likely that it's hidden in a corner where no one pays attention. No one knows.

The colorful clouds in front of us are an example.

Lin Xiao, the fox woman of the Supreme baduan, felt a certain threat.

Of course, it's not a threat to life, but

"Friends," Caiyun said, and the flattering meaning from his bones was unbearable. "Today's auction has special significance..."

Even the ghost spirit fainted and muttered, "this woman is really a fox!"

Feiyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with a dry smile, "Xiao Ling, you're right. He's really a fox."

"Ah?" Xiao Ling was stunned. "Is it true that the fox has become a demon?"

"Cough! It's not becoming essence," Feiyang said. "The Fox family is just similar to the fox. Their real core is actually human!"

Feiyang glanced at Lin Xiao, who nodded thoughtfully, "indeed..."

He felt the operation of Caiyun's breath, which was almost the same as human beings, and even had a familiar feeling.

Just then, Caiyun's eyes turned and suddenly fell on Lin Xiao.

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