Everyone is waiting for Caiyun to say the meaning of today's auction, but she suddenly stops talking and stares at a man.

Suddenly, a large area of malicious eyes looked at Lin Xiao one after another.

Caiyun looks very charming and charming, but he is usually very arrogant. He has never stayed on any man's face for more than three seconds.

It is absolutely the only time to directly exercise the attention ceremony in public like today.

"What's going on?"

"Caiyun, what is that man doing?"

"There are flowers on his face?"

"What do you mean?"

The crowd talked, especially the men were dominated by an inexplicable emotion and showed dangerous eyes one after another.

Lin Xiao was a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and quietly asked Feiyang, "what does she see me doing?"

Feiyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "probably... See how handsome adults are?"

Lin Xiao was stunned. "Do you mean to laugh at me?"

In front of Feiyang, Lin Xiao is not handsome at all.

Winged people are probably the most handsome of all races. Flying is extremely upright and very in line with human aesthetics.

"Subordinates dare not!" Feiyang was startled.

Lin Xiaobai looked at him and muttered, "what's the matter with this colorful cloud?"

Caiyun stared at Lin Xiao for 30 seconds before slowly shifting his eyes and returning to normal. "Today's auction is the first 10000 since the opening of the exchange."

"As we all know, all the unwritten rules of this auction will carry out very large profit transfer activities every hundred, thousand and ten thousand."

"Today is no exception!"

"At the same time..." Caiyun took a deep breath, "today we will auction a treasure we robbed from Black Star Valley!"

"Black Star Valley?"

When they heard the name, they were all moved and sucked the air conditioner.

Lin Xiao heard the words of Black Star Valley. He heard that it was a place for exile of serious criminals. It was very terrible. It was comparable to hell and better than hell.

Ghost spirit frowned slightly, "Black Star Valley?"

"What's the matter, ghost?" Lin Xiao looked at her.

"No, nothing." Ghost spirit shook his head quickly.

Feiyang said in a deep voice, "it's a big deal to get the treasure back from the Black Star Valley."

Lin Xiao smiled, "of course, it's not small. An auctioneer alone has the cultivation of the supreme eight paragraphs. Behind this... Unfathomable."

"What?" Feiyang doesn't have Lin Xiao's ability. He can see other people's accomplishments. He was surprised when he heard the speech.

He felt that he had endured for thousands of years and broke through to the supreme eighth segment, which was already the leader of Titan. Unexpectedly, the fox woman in front of him was also the supreme eighth segment.

"Ha ha, don't make a fuss," said Lin Xiao with a smile. "Caiyun's supreme eight paragraphs are different from you. She should take some drugs to pile up her accomplishments, which is far from your step-by-step practice!"

Feiyang was worried, "but... It's not a good thing to have the Supreme baduan warrior here."

"No harm!" Lin Xiao said indifferently.

Waiting for the crowd to finish talking, Caiyun continued, "of course! What is this baby? It will be kept secret for the time being and will be used as the final item!"

An excited cry suddenly came from the VIP room on the second floor, "just wait for it and sell it quickly!"

Everyone turned their eyes and found that it was Mr. Fei. They immediately dodged in fear.

Young master Fei glared at Lin Xiao proudly, "boy, what are you looking at?"

"If you don't look at me, how do you know I look at you?" Lin Xiao smiled rather than smiled.

"Hum! Don't be crazy. You'll look good after I finish the auction!"

Lin Xiao said, "wait for you!"

"Below..." Caiyun raised his hand and pointed falsely.

A piece of silver was sprinkled in the air, and then the virtual multi-dimensional image was slowly formed, and an object appeared vividly in front of everyone.

This exhibition method is very cutting-edge. Everyone can manipulate the virtual object in front of him through touch and observe all aspects of it.

"What is this?" Lin Xiao asked suspiciously.

"This is a part of the spaceship to improve engine efficiency." Feiyang said casually, "ordinary goods, just hundreds of Yuan pills!"

"Oh!" Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "this kind of thing is useless to us. If you encounter treasures such as skill or weapons, you can study one or two."

The first item was quickly bought by a middle-aged uncle. It can be seen that he was very excited and went away with the object in his arms.

Then, the second, third and fourth items appeared one after another.

These things are ordinary things, spacecraft accessories and related modifications.

Lin Xiao was a little sleepy.

It was not until an item began to be auctioned that it attracted his attention.

Space gloves!

As soon as this thing appeared, it caused a burst of exclamation.

Feiyang was also stunned. "The secret treasure of heaven and earth court, space gloves? How could it appear among the people?"

"What?" Lin Xiao asked in surprise.

"This is a very light and thin space science and technology object. You can take the weapons in the space cabin at will. As long as the thickness does not exceed the area of gloves, anything can be taken!"

"In short, light weapons can be replaced at any time during combat, which is unexpected!"

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened. "If you have these gloves, can light weapons be hidden and revealed at any time?"

"That's it." Feiyang said excitedly, "imagine that when you fight against the enemy, it's obviously a fist, and suddenly a long sword appears. What's the concept?"

"It's good. I'll take it!"

Without hesitation, Lin Xiao raised his card and started shooting directly.

Only when he saw the starting price, his facial muscles twitched.

The starting price is 100000 yuan Dan!

"So expensive?" Lin Xiao's flesh hurts.

Although he doesn't need money now, 100000 still makes people reluctant, because this is not the final price. Who knows how much it will rise if it goes on?

"It's already very cheap." Feiyang sighed, "Qiankun hospital has always owned the most cutting-edge technology in the whole universe. This space glove is their patent, and others can't copy it."

"And space gloves are very practical, and there are few people who want them!"

Sure enough, during the chat between Lin Xiao and Feiyang, more than a dozen people participated in the auction, and the auction price soared directly to 400000 yuan.

"I'll go. The money is like running water..."

"I'll pay half a million!" Just then, the flying childe in the VIP room on the second floor held up the sign and shouted proudly, "I see who dares to compete with me! Who dares not accept me?"

Many local people know Mr. Fei and know that he is the son of Lord Zaha. Generally, they don't dare to offend him easily.

So as soon as he opened his mouth, more than half of them stopped and chose to quit.

Only a few people tried to bid, but they were pressed down by Mr. Fei again.

"600000! Is there any increase?" Caiyun looked at Lin Xiao intentionally or unintentionally.

In fact, the price has exceeded Lin Xiao's estimate. He intended to give up, but as soon as he heard that childe Fei wanted to, he immediately increased the price, "I'll pay 700000!"


The crowd let out a sound of cold air.

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