The flying childe stood up at once.

"Boy, you deliberately oppose me, don't you?" The flying childe screamed.

Lin Xiao didn't lift his head and said with a smile, "everyone competes according to their abilities. Why am I against you? This baby is useful to me. Of course I want it."

"Fuck you..." Mr. Fei turned around angrily. He was very angry when he bought a house outside. Now he's doing this again. He can't swallow it.

The assistant nearby hurriedly advised, "don't worry, childe, let's keep the money..."

"Keep your mother!" Young master Fei pushed him away and shouted at Caiyun, "I'll give you a million!"


One million yuan pill, so many pills can create an army of supreme warriors, and it is far beyond the value of space gloves.

It's all anger, not buying and selling things.

According to the market price, a million in other places, even if it is more expensive, it is more than enough to buy two such gloves.

Lin Xiao remained calm and raised his finger, "one hundred and ten thousand!"

A burst of laughter burst out at the scene.

Everyone can see that Lin Xiao is deliberately against young master Fei.

I have never seen a guy who dares to fight against the flying childe, which immediately aroused people's interest.

"1.1 million!" Young master Fei jumped on his toes and shouted. He's out of it. He has to compete with Lin Xiao today.

"One hundred and eleven thousand!" Lin Xiao lazily held up the sign.

Caiyun smiled and asked, "this gentleman is really interesting."

"Hehe... Is Miss Caiyun reminding me that I can't increase the price like this?"

"No, no, no..." Caiyun smiled more brightly. "I mean, if Mr. doesn't have so much money, don't fight."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao smiled, "how can miss Caiyun see that I have no money?"

"This flying childe..." Caiyun seems to be deliberately partial to Lin Xiao and takes the initiative to introduce the identity of flying childe, afraid that Lin Xiao doesn't know, "he is the childe of Zaha family."

"I know." Lin Xiao didn't care, "I don't care who he is. Isn't it the highest bidder who comes here to bid? Is it even higher than his status?"

"That's not..." Caiyun smiled, "in that case, please continue!"

"One hundred and eleven thousand, flying childe, do you want to add it?"

The flying childe's lungs were almost blown up and shouted, "1.2 million!"

"One hundred and twenty thousand!"

Lin Xiao smiled.

Flying childe's mother sells a lot.

"1.5 million!" Young master Fei waved his big hand and his eyes turned red.

The assistant next to him was already flustered, "almost. If you have more things behind you, you won't be sure..."

"Get out of here!"

At the moment, young master Fei, like a gambler, lost red eyes. He didn't consider the consequences and just wanted to press Lin Xiao down.

Lin Xiao looked up at young master Fei and smiled, "1.51 million!"

The ghost spirit couldn't laugh, "even I'm dying of your anger!"

Feiyang couldn't hold it anymore. "Hey! What kind of master did I follow..."

The flying childe roared, "asshole! I see how much money you have. I'll pay two million!"

The crowd fried the pot.

"Sure enough, you are rich and powerful!"

"Zaha's family is rich. It's really rich enough to buy a space glove for two million!"

"This is a black sheep, isn't it? Two million yuan Dan is enough to form an army of supreme warriors?"

"Crazy, crazy!"

Two million yuan Dan, that's 200 million yuan.

According to the earth's exchange rate and value reference, 200 million yuan is equivalent to 20 billion Chinese dollars. This figure is very terrible.

Lin Xiao was stunned and asked, "are you stupid? Two million? You really have money..."

"What? Do you have no money? Hahaha..." young master Fei shouted excitedly, even his wings were stunned, "dare to fight with me, I can't kill you, I..."

"Two million ten thousand!" Lin Xiao smacked his mouth.

Young master Fei didn't come up at one breath and was almost suffocated, "you, your mother..."

"Do you want to add it or not? I'll accept the goods without adding it," Lin Xiao yawned. "There are many babies waiting for me behind. Please hurry up!"

The assistant rushed up and grabbed the flying childe, "but the master said, if you can't shoot the last baby, take you to ask, childe, you consider the consequences!"

"I'm thinking about a fart! I've been riding on my head. Don't you see?" Young master Fei roared angrily. He grabbed his hair hard. He felt that he couldn't spend so much with Lin Xiao. He shouted, "I'll pay three million!"

Add up a million directly, flying childe is completely crazy.

The whole audience is quiet. The price has far exceeded the value of space gloves.

Don't say three million. Now take one million to other exchanges. It won't take long to get one.

In order to be angry, young master Fei completely lost his mind.

"What a fool!"

"People are stupid and have a lot of money!"

"Lord Zaha is famous all his life. Unexpectedly, he gave birth to a fool!"

The crowd snickered as if watching a fool.

"That boy is also an idiot. How much money is worth talking to?"

"At first glance, it's a local old hat. Running here to find a sense of existence is actually a silly ratio!"

"Hey! What a fool!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiao.

At this time, Lin Xiao stretched out for a long time, "five hundred..."

Everyone thought he would continue to add weight in the old way of $5 million.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao smiled, "five million... It's too expensive. I don't want it. Give it to him!"

The scene was quiet for ten seconds.

Young master Fei was stunned, like a stone carving.

"You, why don't you add it?" Young master Fei asked blankly.

Lin Xiaobai glanced at him, "I'm not stupid. Five million is added? Do you think I'm you?"



The crowd laughed, laughing back and forth.

Unexpectedly, young master Fei was overcast.

Caiyun was overjoyed. "Young master Fei, the space gloves are yours. After the payment is completed, you can deliver the goods!"

Young master Fei's assistant was dejected and sat down on the ground.

The auction has its own rules. After the auction is successful, you can't go back, otherwise it will be regarded as challenging the whole auction industry.

Even Lord Zaha dare not easily touch the giant of the auction industry.

Let alone Mr. Fei, since he has photographed five million space gloves, he must pay, otherwise he will face the sanctions of the strong in the auction house.

"Flying childe!?" Caiyun reminds me again.

Young master Fei gasped and stared at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao shouted impatiently, "pay quickly. Everyone is waiting to see the next one."

"Good!" When people are extremely angry, they often become very calm. This is the state of the flying childe at the moment. He took out the black gold card and threw it out directly, "I remember you!"

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