The character of the crazy swordsman is quite in line with Lin Xiao's temperament. The latter's eyes are slightly bright. "OK, let's talk about it, elder. How can we fix the tone with one blow!"

"Hahaha... I once saw a Flying Leopard in the No. 8 trading city. It is said that I bought it at the price of 8.6 million. Since I have a lesson, we'll follow him. I'll give him 9 million!"

"I'll go. It's too rich!"

A cry of surprise came from the crowd.

Nine million yuan Dan is equivalent to 900 million yuan and 90 billion Chinese dollars.

Such a huge sum of money can only be owned by an old strong man like crazy swordsman, and spend a lot of money.

"If my little brother bids more than nine million, I'll quit without saying a word! How about it?"

Lin Xiao laughed. "It's very good. It's just what I like. In that case, I'm sorry. I'll pay 9 million yuan!"

Lin Xiao's offer did not mean any insult or ridicule, but showed respect for the crazy swordsman.

It shows that Lin Xiao did not use money to oppress people, but just fair competition.

Others can't see Lin Xiao's intention, but the crazy swordsman knows it very well.

"Hahaha..." the crazy swordsman didn't have any unhappy expression. After laughing, he sat down slowly and said loudly, "then I quit the auction."

"Thank you, master!" Lin Xiao bowed politely and suddenly asked thoughtfully, "but I have something to ask you."

"What's up?"

"Did you buy this leopard to tame it and become a pet?"

People turn their eyes and spend so much money to buy Flying Leopard. Of course, it is to tame and become a pet, which can become the biggest help in the future.

Did Dan spend nine million yuan to buy back the Flying Leopard and stew it?

The crazy swordsman waved his big hand and said without concealment, "I just look at the poor leopard and buy it and put it back in the Black Star Valley."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao was stunned. He didn't expect that someone thought the same as himself.

The others looked like fools.

"Buy it back and let it go?"

"What does the old man think?"

"Are you sick?"

Hearing people talking about themselves, the crazy swordsman with a smiling face suddenly snorted coldly.


This cold hum seemed to have overwhelming roaring power, making people's eardrums ringing, and everyone was scared.

The court was quiet for a moment, and no one dared to speak again.

Looking at people's pale face, Lin Xiao was as usual, but he sincerely hugged his fist and sighed, "your strength is really high!"

"Ha ha......" the crazy swordsman laughed happily, "boy, you have some skills!"

"The elder praised me!" Lin Xiao took back his eyes, took out the card and threw it on the stage. "Bring the leopard!"

Caiyun's eyes were colorful and reached out to catch the card, "little brother, it's really forthright. The little girl next to me is..."

Ghost spirit held his chest in his hands and his eyes were tall. "What little girl? Where is my girl? I'm Lin Xiao's friend!"

"Oh?" Caiyun chuckled and said in a lengthened voice, "it's a friend. I thought it was a couple."

"Hum! Stop talking nonsense and give us the leopard quickly!" The ghost spirit cried angrily.

Caiyun handed the card to the attendant next to her. She took the leopard and twisted onto the stage.

All men's eyes were attracted, panting one by one, staring at Caiyun like copper bells.

Caiyun moved Lianbu, held the Flying Leopard, came to Lin Xiao and handed over the cage and the leopard together. "Be careful, little brother. The leopard is not a good thing. It's nothing to kill an ordinary master, although it's Petite now."

"Really?" Lin Xiao took the cage and teased the Flying Leopard curiously.

The Flying Leopard, who had just looked fierce, bared his teeth at Lin Xiao, but he could obviously feel its ferocity and affectation.


Even the roar was very vague and deep, even making people laugh.

"This little leopard is so cute!" The ghost spirit smiled and reached out to touch its little claw, but unexpectedly, the Flying Leopard slowly shrank to the corner of the cage, and his eyes were very frightened.

"Me, am I that terrible?" The ghost turned his eyes and said angrily, "how can you see me like a ghost?"

"Hehe," Lin Xiao brought the Flying Leopard to his eyes, "it's still a child. You're more ferocious than scaring it."

"What, what? I'm evil?" The ghost spirit frowned coldly, pointed to his nose and shouted, "is there a mistake!"

"Little brother, be careful, young master Fei!" Just then, Caiyun approached Lin Xiao and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. He immediately felt that his back was stared at by two 'hot' eyes. He couldn't help laughing and said, "thank you for reminding!"

"Yes!" Caiyun winked at him, then turned around and twisted his sexy body back to the booth.

Lin Xiao obviously felt countless sharp arrows shooting at him, which was the envy, jealousy and hatred of countless men.

The Flying Leopard suddenly became very clever and hid in the corner motionless.

At first, Lin Xiao thought the Flying Leopard was afraid of himself. Later, he found that the little guy was afraid of the ghosts around him.

No wonder the Flying Leopard grinned at himself when he was on the booth. Maybe it was warning himself that the ghosts around him were terrible.

"This little guy..." Lin Xiao stretched out his hand to tease his hair, and his black brush suddenly stood up.

"This dark thing..." the ghost spirit is curling his mouth and disdaining, "looking at me, cook you and eat you!"

"Woo..." a generation of fierce Flying Leopard, sobbed, covered his eyes with two small claws, and dared not move.

Lin Xiao stared at the ghost spirit, "he's still a child. Why do you scare him?"

"Hum!" The ghost turned his eyes and muttered, "I'm still a child!"

The auction continued.

The auction items in the back are very boring. There is basically nothing that makes Lin Xiao excited.

After more than half of the, Yuanjing finally appeared. It was a box of high-quality Yuanjing, which Lin Xiao bought 23000 at a preferential price of 2 million.

"With more than 20000 yuan crystals, I can probably break through to dominate?" Lin Xiao thought excitedly.

He can't wait to make a breakthrough. He signs to Feiyang and is ready to leave.

At this time, a group of foggy items appeared on the big screen of the auction house, and the music around became excited.

"My friends, today's last auction item is also the most valuable treasure in this auction store in recent years. We will start bidding immediately. I believe you have been waiting for a long time?"

Lin Xiao was curious and unconsciously stopped, "finale baby? I don't know what it would be..."

Feiyang shook his head. "I don't know. It seems that many people come for it today. Why don't we stay and have a look?"

"Good!" Lin Xiao nodded silently and returned to his seat, "let's see what this finale baby is!"

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