Sure enough, many people came for this finale baby.

As soon as Caiyun released the video, many sleepy guys in the venue were excited. They straightened up and looked forward to the big screen.

The gray vortex on the big screen gradually became clear, revealing a small black box hidden inside.

"What is that?" Ghost spirit looked excited and expected, "what kind of baby is it? This colorful cloud can really sell off."

Everyone is waiting.

Mr. Fei stood directly on the table, stared at the screen and said grimly, "today's baby, I'm bound to win!"

Many people in the crowd laughed at Mr. Fei and didn't seem to care about him.

It can be inferred from the appearance of crazy swordsman that there must be many experts hiding in this auction store today.

Lin Xiao felt that his breath was becoming shortness. He was wondering how many yuan Dan the octopus head gave him, and whether it was enough for today's expenses.

Since everyone is looking forward to the finale baby, I believe it is by no means ordinary.

"Come out..."

The ghost spirit screamed and attracted Lin Xiao's eyes.

The small black box opened slowly, revealing a light yellow leather roll at the bottom of the box.

"What is this?"

Because we couldn't see the real object and the picture on the screen was a little blurred, we stretched our necks and didn't understand what it was for a long time.

Caiyun said with a smile, "because things are too valuable, the real object is in the space treasure house. Now what you see is only a virtual image!"

"Caiyun, don't sell off. Bid quickly. I'll take it at a one-off price!" A shrill voice, like a eunuch, came out of the seat.

It's a race like bean sprouts, tree people.

"Don't worry, let me introduce this baby first." Caiyun said with a faint smile, "this is a manuscript from the space emperor, the magic power of the elf family, phantom escape!"

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened. "Phantom escape? Space magic? It sounds very powerful."

The ghost spirit was surprised, "the magic power of the space emperor?"

Feiyang also looked dull, "this, how can this baby appear on such a low planet as Titan?"

Although Titan is a second-order planet, which is much higher than the earth, it is only a lower planet in the vast universe.

In front of this baby, its rank is obviously higher than everyone's imagination.

The great emperor is already the top combat power in the universe, and the space emperor has the ability of almost immortality. How good is the divine power of a space emperor.

There was already a sound of air-conditioning in the crowd.

Even if many insiders hear the truth from Caiyun at the moment, they are still surging with emotion.

Caiyun continued, "you must know the rarity and strength of space magic. If you can have a space magic, you will greatly improve your ability to kill the enemy and the probability of saving your life."

Everyone nodded frequently. Whether they could afford it or not, it was hot blood at the moment.

"Next, I will simulate and demonstrate the effect of phantom escape in the video. Please wait and see!"


The lights of the auction house darken and the light of the screen enlarges.

A black figure appeared in the vast desert.

Opposite the black figure, there is a red figure.

The two figures are opposite each other in the air, suspended in the sky.

Although it is a video animation synthesized by light and brain, the fidelity makes Lin Xiao sigh.

Lin Xiao can be sure that this kind of picture on the earth can definitely confuse the true with the false. No one will believe it is false.


The dark shadow flashed gently, with extremely fast speed, and rushed directly in front of the red shadow.

The red shadow seemed stunned and motionless. However, when the long sword in the black shadow's hand stabbed into his chest, it suddenly disappeared in place.


The crowd exclaimed.


"What's the matter? Disappear out of thin air? Is this a computer special effect?"

"It doesn't seem to be a special effect!"

A few seconds later, the red shadow suddenly appeared from a distance, as if out of thin air.


The red shadow is intended to show the power of phantom escape. It disappears again after a gentle meal.

The next time it appears, it has come behind the shadow.


The red shadow produces the sword.

Kill the enemy with one sword.

The process is simple and easy, without any bloody picture, but it makes people tremble.

"Is this the phantom escape? How strong..." Lin Xiao was moved.

Caiyun was very satisfied with everyone's response.

And she sold it.

When the voice of discussion slowly dropped, Caiyun timely said, "the power has been shown. The most critical point..."

Everyone held their breath and waited for Caiyun to reveal the next information.

Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing. "This colorful cloud can really arouse people's appetite!"

"My Lord, this colorful cloud is not simple." Flying eyes become very bright.

"Hum!" The ghost spirit hugged his chest with both hands and said disdainfully, "what's great? It looks like a fox spirit and can seduce men?"

Lin Xiao lost his smile.

Caiyun continued, "this manuscript is the willpower written by the space emperor with his divine powers and thoughts. It can be directly injected into the brain without racial restrictions. In short, any race can practice."

The crowd was boiling.

There is no magic power with racial restrictions. This kind of thing is extremely rare, not to mention this kind of space magic power, which is simply unimaginable.

As soon as Caiyun's voice fell, someone immediately shouted, "don't grind Ji, I want 20 million!"


As soon as the price came out, 99% of the people lost their temper.

Many people are eager to buy babies.

But when I heard about the starting price, I stopped immediately.

"Two, twenty million..." Lin Xiao said suddenly.

He calculated that in addition to the more than 40 million yuan of pills given to him by Zhang Yutou, he still had some stocks, but no more than 5 million.

Just now I spent nearly 10 million to buy Feitian leopard. Now the number of Yuan pills in my hand is only 30 million at most.

It seems that it's not so easy to get phantom escape.

"Feiyang, how many yuan Dan do you have?" Lin Xiao suddenly asked.

Feiyang was stunned, but he didn't hesitate. After careful calculation in his mind, he said definitely, "Lord Hui, there should be about 15 million!"

"I'll go. You're rich." The ghost was stunned.

Feiyang immediately took out a card and handed it to Lin Xiao. "Sir, do you want to take a phantom escape?"

"Of course! With this magic power, it's like adding wings to a tiger!"

"Yes!" Feiyang was worried, "I'm afraid this will be a soul stirring auction."

"Twenty five million!"

Young master Fei's voice was louder. I saw the boy standing up triumphantly, looking like a proud group of heroes, "I don't see who can compete with me!"

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