"Then let's not go to Qinglongtan, can we go down the mountain now?"

Without waiting for Chu Zheng to speak, Luo Yifan was quite angry.

Sure enough, this Green Dragon Taoist Temple is a nest of snakes and rats, and it is completely a group of sanctimonious hypocrites.

Since last night, Luo Yifan had already been displeased with the Qinglong Taoist Temple in his heart.

I didn't expect that today, but I was troubled again.

"Going down? No, either leave the storage ring today, or just like the person just now, leave your life here!

Elder Jin shook his head slightly.

At the same time, his brows furrowed slightly, apparently he had lost the patience to explain again.

"So, I have to keep this storage ring?" Your Qinglong Guan, what a big breath..." Chu

Zheng even set off a burst of anger out of thin air.

"Stinky boy, what nonsense! Get it quickly!

As soon as he finished speaking, the Purple Dragon Protector on the side was completely impatient.

Directly towards Chu Zheng attacked.

Chu Zheng's brows furrowed tightly, in the face of these unreasonable difficulties, what could Chu Zheng do?

What about Chu Zhengzheng? What about Chu Zheng's regression now?

This group of people will not reason with you at all, they just act for their own purposes and trample on other people's lives.

Just like the jade exhibition, Ximen Yun and Liuyun, you don't want to do it? Don't want to get in trouble? Is it possible?

Since it is impossible!

Since it is not to retreat, it is not to retreat!


I Chu Zheng might as well add a few more dog lives in my hands!


The Purple Dragon Protector soon arrived in front of Chu Zheng, and his eyes were ferocious, and there was a fierceness everywhere.

These four protectors have very different personalities.

For example, the White Dragon Protector is lustful by nature, even to the point of perversion.

The Red Dragon Protector, on the other hand, is fierce and vicious.

As for this purple dragon protector, he usually speaks little, but the disciples of the Green Dragon Temple, who does not know, in fact, the purple dragon protector who has been silent is the real ruthless existence.

The characteristics of the Purple Dragon Protector are two words: ferocious!

Killing is as ferocious as crushing an ant.


The purple dragon protector arrived in front of Chu Zheng, turned his palm into a claw, and directly extended out of thin air for more than ten centimeters, straight to Chu Zheng's heart.

If this claw goes down, it will definitely shatter Chu Zheng's heart!

A cultivator is so fierce!

Chu Zheng's gaze condensed slightly, and he already had a killing intent.

Just if he doesn't hand over the storage ring in his hand, he will be brutally killed by this purple dragon protector!

It's really ruthless, even more ruthless than my Chu Zheng!

"Get out!"

However, in the face of this powerful blow, Chu Zheng directly condensed Yuan in his hand, clenched into a fist, and hit the sharp claw like a steel fork of the Purple Dragon Protector.

The purple dragon protector was fast, while Chu Zheng's fist was faster.


The fist collided directly with the claw.

There was a bang.

Followed closely by....

"Click... Click! "

It's a series of bones breaking.

The speed is fast, but if you slow down, you can see that Chu Zheng's fist is after colliding with the claws of the purple dragon protector.

With the momentum of smashing the yellow dragon, he directly shook the arm and arm bones of the purple dragon protector out of the flesh.

And without stopping, the momentum was like a broken bamboo, straight into the head of the purple dragon protector.


The head of the purple dragon protector, where to withstand this punch, was like a blasting watermelon, it exploded directly, and for a while, the brain was overflowing!

One punch headshot!

This is a complete headshot!


Originally, everyone had already gone up the mountain, and when they saw the conflict below, they stopped one by one to see the liveliness.

Originally, I thought that the young man in front of him would definitely die if he was attacked by the extremely murderous Purple Dragon Protector, and he would die a tragic death.

However, this young man turned out to be even more ferocious than the Purple Dragon Protector, and his strength was so terrifying, he directly shattered a person's head with one punch...


Everyone took a step back with some trepidation.

Only Li Muhan, standing on the side, his eyes almost froze.

The heart set off a terrifying wave.

Is this person so strong?

Li Xiaoman was even more frightened and did not dare to speak, you know, she had offended this young man.

"I have already made concessions, how can you force each other, since this is the case, then I Chu Zheng, I don't have to keep my hands and wash your green dragon view!"

Chu Zheng lightly closed his fist.

A pair of cold eyes looked at the Golden Dragon Protector on the side.


When the Golden Dragon Protector saw the fourth brother, he was actually punched in the head.

At the moment, my heart is already frenzied.

Sure enough, those who can get magic weapons are not ordinary people, and those who dare to show them when they get magic weapons are not ordinary people....

But the first to react was the Three Protectors Red Dragon Protector.

"It turns out that my second brother was also killed by you!"

The Red Dragon Protector held up the red long snake with one hand and drank coldly at Chu Zheng.

"Yes, I killed you!"

Chu Zheng directly admitted.

"Hmph, take your life!"

The Red Dragon Protector directly pointed to the long snake in his hand, wanting to shilling the long snake to attack.

Because the Red Dragon Protector, the great spell practiced, requires a little condensation to release great power.

And this long snake, for some reason, seems to not listen to the command today, and does not move.

Even a moment later, it was directly like seeing an extremely terrifying scene, and he slipped away directly!


The Red Dragon Protector was slightly annoyed.

"No need to delay time with this little snake, show your magical powers, I'll take a look!"

Chu Zheng said indifferently.

"It's really looking for death!"

However, looking at the already insolent Chu Zheng, the Red Dragon Protector's killing intent was even stronger.

That's what you said!

The Red Dragon Protector's brows frowned slightly.

Immediately, he directly crushed a piece of jade pendant, and at this moment, the surrounding body of this crimson protector suddenly showed an extremely surging crimson light.

This light is extremely powerful, and it seems to carry a furious energy that can melt all things.

"The Red Dragon Protector is cast, but the Green Dragon View Secret Method Chiyan True Fire Divine Power?"

"Chiyan real fire, once touched, the whole person will explode, and even finally explode and die!"

"This is the forbidden technique of the Green Dragon Temple, the Red Dragon Protector, I actually learned it!"

The warriors who had some eyesight around them immediately recognized the magical powers of the Red Dragon Protector.

Chiyan True Fire is a secret technique that borrows the power of fire talismans to combine with internal strength, because it is too cruel and terrifying, and is listed as a forbidden technique by the Green Dragon Temple.

Moreover, if the cultivator is even a little careless, there is a danger of setting himself on fire.

However, this Red Dragon Elder, in the opposite direction, actually practiced.

No wonder the Red Dragon Elder was so arrogant and domineering, so it was!

Many people were secretly shocked in their hearts, and looking at Elder Chilong with a touch of terror.

And looking at Chu Zheng is a kind of pity.

Although this young man's strength is strong, he seems to be arrogant, how can he let the Red Dragon Protector display his magical powers.

Li Muhan frowned slightly, originally she thought that only her family would have such a master, but she didn't expect to come to Yanjing in the Central Plains, first there was this terrifying Chu Zheng, and then this Red Dragon Protector who used secret methods.

It seems that the Central Plains Martial Arts is not as simple as he thinks.

Li Muhan's heart trembled slightly.

"The Great Law has been completed, Chiyan is really fire, can burn all things, die!"

A moment later, the Red Dragon Protector had been condensed, and the Red Dragon Protector drank heavily in his mouth.

The whole body seemed to be burning with soaring flames, and it went directly towards Chu Zheng.

"That's it! What a disappointment!

And seeing the Red Dragon Protector rushing towards him, Chu Zheng shook his head slightly.

With just a wave of his hand, a strong wind blew from Chu Zheng's direction.

And the Red Dragon Dao Commander, who was originally igniting a raging real fire and rushing towards Chu Zheng, found that under the blowing attack of this powerful peak, when he arrived in front of Chu Zheng.

The real fire on his body is actually gone!

Yes, this real fire, which is enough to burn everything, is gone!

And himself, but rushed in front of Chu Zheng.


Chu Zheng slapped out with a backhand, only listening to the neck of the Red Dragon Dao Chief, and there was a crisp sound.

Immediately after, the head actually twisted three times on the neck and flew out directly upside down.

Obviously, the dead cannot die again.


Originally, I thought that this Red Dragon Protector would have some strange powers, but it turned out to borrow Dao talismans and ignite flames to attack others.

Chu Zheng was greatly disappointed.

And this scene, everyone was even more dumbfounded!

In the eyes of everyone, this seemed to be as embarrassing as the Red Dragon Protector running to Chu Zheng to die.

"I ask you again now, can I Chu Zheng go up the mountain, and can I go down the mountain!?"

With one punch and one slap, he directly killed the two great protectors of the Green Dragon Temple.

Chu Zheng asked coldly.

The Golden Dragon Protector, on the other hand, did not change color at all, still stared at the ring in Chu Zheng's hand, and shook his head slightly: "Originally, you could die comfortably, but now, this seat will make you unable to survive, and you can't beg for death!"

After that, the Golden Dragon Protector directly threw a golden talisman towards the sky.

The golden talisman burst directly and exploded in the air.

"Dharma Protector Sword Formation, where are all the disciples?"

The Golden Dragon Protector drank coldly.

Suddenly, around this mountain peak, there were suddenly twenty or thirty people, all armed with long swords, and all of them were disciples wearing golden Daoist robes.

Fly in the air.

The long sword even turned out the sword flower in his hand, emitting a dazzling light under the sunlight.


All the disciples drank in unison, and the sound was heaven-shaking, and it seemed that it could tear the sky...

This...... It is the biggest reliance of the Golden Dragon Protector!

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